06, Uninvited Guests

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(A/n. This chapter is dedicated to TropicalYoink. She is my best friend, and without her, I probably wouldn't even be making this sequel. Enjoy)

"In Dutch, that is "we zijn in gevaar"

"Are they serious??" Žiga raised his voice.

"Apparently...." Zala trailed off.

"Sherman's probably there, waiting at the airport for us!" Filip sighed.

"We need a backup plan. How are we supposed to get to Austria faster?" Gašper thought out loud.

"We could talk to the pilot... But we're not allowed to leave our seats." Mark remembered.

"Just great! What are we going to do now?" Žiga asked.

"Well, I guess we have no choice but to face him. That is, if we cross paths." Filip sighed

"We will cross paths. No doubt about that." Gašper scoffed, clearly not happy about the situation.

"You may be right, Fičo. But we can't face them alone! We're gonna need help. Maybe from a security guard?" Zala suggested.

"How will we get in contact with a security guard?" Gašper asked.

"I'm not sure." Zala sighed.

Everyone sighed. Filip looked out the window. He looked out at the world below him. He looked down at his left arm. It still had the scar. The scar from three months ago. He had saved his entire country from a nuke, almost dying in the process. Occasionally, he thinks back to that day. What would his friends and family have thought if he hadn't been brought back? What if the rest of the band and Zara left without him? How would've the public think? What woul Slovenia think? What would LPS have done as a band?....

"Fičo? Fičo? You okay?" Mark waved his hand in Filip's face, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine." Filip smiled, unknowingly scratching his scar with his fingers.

"Are you sure?" Zala asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I'm alright." Filip replied. "Hey! We're about to land."

Filip was right about that. The plane was about to land. The five began to unload their stuff. They figured they'd get a locker at the airport to keep their stuff in for the day. Flights to Austria would leave at 8:00 p.m.

"You know, we should probably go talk to the receptionist to see if we can get access to security guards for us. I'm not risking Sherman coming over here." Žiga sighed, slamming the door of the locker. They were leaving their stuff here to hold it while they waited for the flight to Austria.

"There's nothing the receptionist can do. There's nothing anyone can do. No one's going to be able to get us security guards. We're just going to have to be careful." Filip sighed.

"I guess that's the only thing we can do." Zala sighed. Suddenly, everyone's stomachs began to grumble.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm really hungry." Gašper chuckled.

"Me too. Let's find somewhere to eat." Mark advised everyone. They all nodded.

"Well, I saw a Eurovision related restaurant just across the street from the airport." Filip said. Žiga's attention sparked up the moment Filip said the word "Eurovision"

"Hmmm I dunno. How about we ask Žiga" Zala laughed. Everyone knew that Žiga would obviously be interested in going to something that's Eurovision related. So naturally, he didn't hesitate to say yes.

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