15. Ingenuity

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Romana's POV

Time passed like a hummingbird's wing speed, people bustled about their business not caring about it, taking it for granted, wasting it.

I was one of those people, lying down staring blankly at the ceiling, Wasting precious time. I knew I had to get up but the dried tears and the dull ache inside the pit of my stomach made it feel impossible.

My tears weren't from rejection, they were from shame. I was ashamed of myself, what was I thinking! Trying to get with the man that I was supposed to document, I had a job to secure, a paper to write and in a timely manner at that.

A sigh escaped my lips and I rotated onto my side tired of staring at the bland ceiling. What would my parents think of me if they were here? That their daughter was a failure.

A knock resonated from the door and I hoped and prayed that it wasn't Eros.

"Ms. Feretti?"

Isabella! I dashed off the bed, quickly wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes. I opened the door and the look on her face told me that my attempt at wiping away my tears failed.

"Oh honey, what happened?" Her motherly voice nicked a nerve and tears just started coming. She came in and took me in her arms. I felt a slight relief wash over me from releasing my troubles onto Isabella, soaking her shirt with tears but she didn't seem to mind. 

"Eros" I manage to get out, she sighed and brushed my hair in a soothing manner.

"I am going to scold that little boy" she grumbled, my eyes widened, and I shook my head vigorously.

"No, please no... Don't tell him you found me like this" I pleaded looking up at her, I didn't want him to know how weak and pathetic he made me feel, I wouldn't give the psychopath the satisfaction, she contemplated for a moment before her face softened.

"Alright, I won't" she smiled making me relax "thank you" I said, and she rubbed the palm of her hand on my back, soothing me.

"I made dinner, are you hungry?" She asked and I nodded, I forgot to make breakfast this morning all because of Eros, so now I'm starving.

She left me to clean up while she prepared dinner, I showered and dressed up in decent looking clothing, I had a mission today one that no one was going to stop me from doing.

I met Isabella downstairs saving her the trouble of coming while I was about to leave.

"Your leaving?" She paused with the tray full of food, seeing as though I wasn't in my typical round the house attire, plus I had a bag slinged over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I need to get something done so I'm just gonna eat down here. if you dont mind" I smiled taking the tray from her and stalking over to the island.

"oh no honey, you can eat anywhere" she sighed wiping her hands on her apron, not questioning anything "Well then I'll leave you to it" I nodded and waited until she disappeared up the stairs to put my food in the microwave and run out closing the door behind me.

I looked around hoping no one is seeing me, it was the afternoon but it wasn't anywhere near the night time. I went through the black gate as it was easier to open from the inside and slipped through closing it behind me.

Shit! My mind echoed, I didn't get Isabella's number. How am I going to get back in without alerting Eros.

I gritted my teeth and mouthed a curse word before strutting off.

No one knew of my plan, this morning I had contacted Adrianna asking her if she knew anything about a Veronica stone.

"Romana! It's great to hear from you... I hope all is well" her voice chimed through the phones' speaker; she sounded a little more enthusiastic than usual.

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