38. Reverse Apology

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Romana's POV

I had held the sheets close to me all night as I cried, was it too much to ask? I gave him what he wanted and he left, he didn't even tell me if he had forgiven me or not.

I felt disgusted with myself yet again, by the hands of Eros Des'aire.

I had made no effort to get up out of bed but I tried to force myself to at least take a shower and get out of those icky clothes, then right back into bed I went to cry again.

I only work at the pub on weekends and as a result my weekdays are pretty much dull and boring and I do the same thing over and over again.

A knock at my door startled the sleep out of me and I quickly jumped up, "who is it?" I asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Eros.." came the all too familiar gruff voice, my stomach fluttered and I scolded myself for reacting this way after he fucked and ducked me.

I spitefully dragged my feet across the floor to move slow, when I finally reached the door I slowly opened it revealing a emotionless Eros staring down on me.

I wanted to roll my eyes and curse at him but the sting on my ass made reminded me of why I shouldn't. He stood with something in his hand and I couldn't help the blush that crept up my face when I saw what is was.

He was holding a small bouquet of roses and bag of food, I could smell it. I stepped aside and he once again filled up my space with his massive frame. He placed the bag of food on the small table and turned to me with the roses.

He cleared his throat and the tips of his ears became red, "these are for you" was Eros nervous? His cute reaction made my annoyance for him dissipate into thin air.

"Thank you" I whispered, "what are you doing here?"

He gestured to the bag on the table with a pointed finger "I brought Mexican" there it is again him ignoring my question.

"Eros" I drawled in a warning tone, his fierce eyes met mine and I cowered away slightly but he reluctantly answered my question.

"I kinda left yesterday like an asshole" I rolled my eyes and turned to go sit on the bed.

"So this is your way of apologizing?" I asked peeking into the bag of delicious looking Carnitas Huevos Rancheros, I know because I used to love Mexican food in college no matter how expensive. My stomach growled and I blushed from embarrassment.

"Ah no, I just knew you didn't have much.." I sighed and looked back up at him.

"Thanks.." he nodded, there was this awkward silence between us, I was nervous to eat the food Infront of him and I didn't know what else be wanted so..

"Would you like a job?" He blurted catching off guard.

"I'm sorry what?" I don't think I heard him right, "your giving me a job?" He rolled his eyes before taking a seat in the chair that he murdered me in yesterday.

"I didn't say that, I asked if you'd like a job?" My face scrunched up in confusion.

"But I have a job"

"A better job Ms. Feretti, one that is in your field.." I stared at him dumbfounded unbelieving of what I was hearing.

"Ho-when, how?" I stuttered, he leaned back and draped his hands over the chair in that same sexy manner like yesterday.

"eat" he commanded, the gesture alone made me wet down below but I just simply pouted and took the bag up. I pulled the plate of delicious food out and opened it revealing a stacks of pork, egg and tortillas wraps among other condiments.

It was not until I took the first bite that he continued, " I would give you a spot in my company as a publisher" I almost choked on my food, he eyed me for a sec before continuing.

"if you take it, you'd make double what your degrees claims your Worth" my eyes widened, what!? My degree says I'm worth over twenty five thousand dollars a month, I wasn't even going to get half of that at Scottsdale.

I quickly swallowed my food "your fucking with me right?" He had to be joking.

"I only do one type of fucking Ms. Feretti, you should know this.." I blushed hard at his statement and looked down at the plate of food in my hands.

"however, no I am truthfully offering you this position." I looked up again with a different kind of emotion shining through my eyes.

"you'd do that for me?" I placed the food down on the table loosing my appetite from sheer excitement.

He nodded "consider it collateral for my forgiveness" a broad smile took over my face and I jumped on him, he was startled at first but eventually hugged me back.

I hadn't realized that I was straddling until I felt his bulge pressed on up on my core, I dressed back, releasing his neck to look down on him, my breath hitched in my throat from our closeness.

We were staring into each other's eyes and something shift, he looked at me with what looked like admiration, his hands came up and lightly brushed my hair behind my ear.

He brought my face closer to his until our lips were touching, "I just can't get enough of you" he whispered.

"Then take all of me Eros, I'm yours" confliction crossed his face in that moment and he averted his gaze and dropped his hands. I sighed frustratedly as I got up from his lap.

"Why are you fighting this?" I questioned, he looked down towards the floor in complete silence.

"Why can't you just answer me and tell me what you feel!?" My voice raised a semitone and the build up of frustration from the night before and now came crashing down on me and the tears began to spill.

He got abruptly and walked towards the door to go out, "that's all you do, run... Use me as your fucking sex toy and run away!" I yelled, He paused with his hands on the handle and clenched his jaw. He wanted to say something but he wouldn't let his control go, my emotions got the best of me and the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Can't you see that I love you!" My body shook as the emotions I had been keeping so long spewed out, His body stiffened and he froze in the spot for a good two minutes, all that could be heard was my ragged breaths and sniffles as cried behind him.

“you can't love me little rabbit you just can't" was all he said, shattering my heart before leaving through the door.




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