I hate myself and i want to die

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well, an explanation within itself.

just not good looking enough

just not smart enough

just not normal enough

just not strong enough

just not normal enough

just not good enough

just not normal enough

just not enough

just not normal enough

just not enough

just not enough 

just not enough

just not enough

just not enough

just not enough

just not enough

just not enough

just not fucking enough!

so fucking stupid!

so fucking stupid and ugly!

why the hell can't i be normal!

why did i have to be trans!

why can't i just be normal and do normal things and have a normal fucking life!

why am i always the problem!

why am i so fucking useless!

why can't i just pull my head out of my ass and grow up!

why can't i be the precious little girl my parents want me to be!

why can't i make friends!

why do my parents hate me so fucking much!

why do i make everything so fucking miserable!

i just want to fucking die!

no more pain!

no more suffering!

i'm so exhausted, mentally and physically.


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