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this was shit

a little background to help you all understand because i care about you

my sis is in college in a different state /due to me and my parents moving/

my sis visits some times

i usually like it when she comes because it distracts my parents from yelling at me

but this time was different

i hated it. so fucking much.

not only did she get onto me about wearing not-so-feminine clothes, but it only encouraged my parents to yell and hurt me even more

it was really bad

they shamed me for my face and my body... even though theyre the ones who put the bruises there

i cant help that im ugly

it made me feel terrible

just so fucking ugly

ugly ugly ugly

thats all i am apparently

its all my parents see

im nothing else

people might as well start gasping, hiding their children's eyes, and looking away

im so ashamed of who i am

i literally feel guilty because of who i am and what i look like

i just want to end it all

no more yelling

no more parents complaining about yelling

no more pain

no more suffering

no more.

just darkness and quiet.


maybe id get to meet my namesake too

thatd be pretty cool

... what if he'd be mad at me-

im so sorry!

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