Been a Son

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she should've

been a son

she should've

been a son

she should've

been a son

she should've

been. a. son.

i'm a firm believer that this is true. i would have been better off.

let me provide my evidence.

sister: wanted a little brother

me now: literally trans

my parents: hate how i like masculine things

me: hates how feminine i'm forced to dress

just few of the many examples.

i'm so tired of hearing 'where is that precious little girl we had?'

i couldn't bring her back even if i wanted to. /i dont, but thats just how far gone 'she' is/

im pretty sure she never existed. but who knows, im so forgetful.

ive never liked being a girl.

im completely different than my sister, who was into princesses and pink stuff.

ive always liked tmnt, dinosaurs, and greens and blues. /obviously not now, ive grown up./

i wish i was normal.

i cry out, yet no one answers.

i hate who i truly am.

i wish i was dead.

im so exhausted, mentally and physically.


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