Chapter 16

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I hear someone shout my name as Legolas and I reach a garden full of life. Many different colours of flowers are there along with other plants and some vegetables. Birds chirp through the day.

Merry nudges Pippin who was eating a carrot, and they both rush toward me. Letting go of Legolas, I kneel and spread out my arms to embrace the hobbits.

"Aiya Merry and Pippin!" I greet, "I'm so happy to see you both."

"We're happy that you survived!", Pippin says.

"There's someone that really wants to see you.", Merry tells.

Before I can ask who, the two hobbits step aside revealing...

"Sam!" I exclaim, "Nae saian lumme. Frodo and you are alive, you saved us all!"
(It has been to long)

"It's nice to see you as well, Miss Amber!" Sam beams, "I've missed you."

I hug Sam tight. He gasps and I release him immediately.

"Amin heritha." I apologize, "Sorry, it just feels like a lifetime ago since I last saw you."
(I'm sorry)

"It's alright." Sam replies, "I know what you mean."

Sam has changed since I last saw him. He is more relaxed, yet there is hidden pain and horror in his eyes that no man could withstand.

"You must have heard about my story but I would like to hear about you and Frodo's adventure." I begin, "Could you share, if you are up to it?"

And so Sam does. He starts all the way from the day the Fellowship broke. How he nearly drowned to stay with Frodo. He told all about Gollum and how he led the hobbits across the Dead Marshes and to the Black Gate. Faramir and his rangers captured the three of them.

When Faramir learned about the Ring, he took them to Osgaliath (just outside of Gondor) so he could hand the Ring to his homeland. There was an attack by orcs and nazgûls. Faramir finally let them go, and realized that handing the Ring to Gondor was a horrible idea.

Sam told all about Minas Morgul, the lair of the Witch King, and the gruelling climb on the stairs. Sam explained how Gollum framed him by crumbling the last of the Lembas bread on Sam when he slept. Frodo told Sam to go home, but Sam never did.

He knew Gollum was up to something and followed close behind. Sam had to save Frodo from a giant spider named Shelob. When Sam told how he thought Frodo was dead, a tear ran down his cheek. Some orcs determined that Frodo was still alive and took him away. Sam followed the orcs and killed some to save Frodo.

Together, they made it to Mordor. There were many, many orcs in the way, but fortunately our little diversion at the Black Gate worked. Sauron's army cleared out and the two hobbits made it to Mount Doom. Sam eventually had to carry Frodo up the mountain since he was so exhausted.

Gollum sneaked up on them and fought Frodo for the Ring. When Frodo's finger was bitten off by Gollum to get the Ring and all seemed lost, something happened. In Gollum's celebration of getting his precious back, he stepped to far over the edge.

He fell straight into the lava below, destroying the Ring. Frodo and Sam ran out, thinking that they wouldn't survive until Mithrandir and the Eagles carried them to safety. Frodo has been out ever since.

"Sam, cormlle naa tanya tel'raa. (Your heart is that of a lion)" I say when he finishes his tale, "You are one of the most bravest hobbit in all of Middle Earth. I am so amazed by all that you have done to help Frodo."

"Thanks I guess.", Sam blushes and looks down, not sure how to respond about being recognized.

Gimli suddenly runs to us and attempts to catch his breath.

"Great... t-to see you... a-alive...", the dwarf says in between breaths.

"It's great to see you as well Gimli.", I say, failing to hide my smirk.

"A-anyway..." Gimli continues, "Gandalf told me to find you lot. Frodo is awake."

Merry and Pippin sprint to the House of Healing without looking back. The rest of us follow Gimli. When we arrive outside Frodo's room, hobbit laughter is heard along with Gandalf's. Gimli goes in, waving his arms up.

Aragorn smiles at me as he sees Legolas and I together. I just roll my eyes at him in a joking way and he chuckles softly. Legolas and I then go in together. Frodo looks at us with his big blue eyes and looks at our entwined hands.

"Legolas, Amber!", Frodo's smile grows bigger.

"Frodo!", I say smiling back.

Aragorn comes in next, happier then I have seen him in a long time.

"Aragorn.", Frodo says his name.

Sam comes in last. He casts a knowing look to Frodo. In that moment, Frodo and Sam share their whole journey together in one look.

All that is missing for the Fellowship's reunion is Boromir. Yes, he caused lots of trouble when he attacked Frodo for the Ring but he couldn't help it. The Ring's influence was to strong.

But Boromir did feel very sorry. I remember the look of guilt, sadness and regret he wore that day. Boromir redeemed himself when he gave his life to protect Merry and Pippin. In a way, he is here with all of us today.

Everyone laughs, smiles and share stories well into the night. Middle Earth is rid of Sauron thanks to Frodo and Sam. There is nothing to fear anymore. Between finally being with Legolas and the whole Fellowship together again, today has been one of the best days in my three hundred and fifty-four years.

"Amber." Legolas whispers to me, "You seem lost in your thoughts."

"I was just thinking about Boromir and how he is here with us." I tell him, "Middle Earth and Lothlorien is safe because of everyone here. We all did it."

"Amber, you were the light in the Fellowship." Legolas says softly, kissing my cheek, "You are your own light that finds the best in others. Don't ever forget it."

I don't feel like the light. Even though I lost my ada (father) and Haldir, I know Vairë is right. Losing them took a part of me away. But living in moments like the one right now, I know there is still more for me here. It is not my time to leave yet.


Aiya: Hello

Nae saian lumme: It has been to long

Amin heritha: I'm sorry

Cormlle naa tanya tel'raa: Your heart is that of a lion

Ada: Father

The Fellowship is reunited again and Frodo and Sam are back!!Hope you enjoyed chapter 16 and thanks to everyone who has commented or voted on previous chapters!

~Talia Spirit

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