So Kali's Kion?

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Kiara had put the pieces together by now and asked Nala for a word in private. 

Once they were out of earshot, she asked Nala what she needed to know.

"Mum, do you think..." She started slowly, "That he might be my little brother?"

Nala smiled at her and replied, "I do, yes."

They then re-joined Kali and Rafiki.

"Kali, do you like it here?" Kiara asked a bit hastily.

"What... um... Its food abundant, I guess. And it is prettier?" Kali tried to answer, "B- but the Outlands is my home!"

"Kiara, slow down!" Rafiki scolded. 

However, everyone had noticed how much easier it was to receive an answer from Kali than earlier. He was perhaps, getting to trust them.

Just then Fuli escorting the King Simba arrived and he whispered something to Nala who nodded.

"Kali, its nice to see you again, we believe that you might need to know something which we have concurred over your time here. I personally think Nala should be the one to break the news to you." Simba said to the cub.

Everyone looked at Nala.

"Well... Kali, you wondered why we talked about the name Kion, well this is why. "Nala explained, ___"We believe Kion is your birth name!"___

Kali just stared blankly at them, unable to process the information he was given.

"Why... How would you know?" He stated untrustingly, "You're just a pridelander!"

Kali was only in the pridelands a day but he thought he was there for a year. He was beginning to trust some of them, which he was ashamed of.

"Kion is the name of my baby brother who I lost a long time ago!" Kiara explained quickly.

"Kiara, let him take it in slowly." Nala soothed.

Kali was back to the staring at their faces. He wanted to see if they were telling the truth or not, but he couldn't tell.

"s- so you..." Kali looked at Nala in the eyes as he spoke. "NO, then where were you? I- I was told by Janja that you... What happened then... Why would I end up with Janja then..." 

"So many questions young cub! You are home now, after ages of belief that the prince of the pridelands was gone, now he returns!" Rafiki exclaimed. "So sit and let us recall the story to you young cub.

Kali (or Kion) still felt like a fierce warrior, however to everyone else, he was just a young and lost cub who needed saving.

He timidly sat and listened to the whole story. 

His life before the fall all the way to tragic fall which after intense searching, they had to pronounce him dead. Then all of a sudden, he shows himself to the lion guard and gets taken into the Pridelands.

Kali felt like a baby again, however something inside him liked it. 

He was getting attention, proper portions of food and a group of people around him who didn't just order him around all the time.

But Kali just couldn't forget Janja.

"But what about Janja?" He finally spoke.

Simba thought hard about it for a minute before deducting, "He kept you alive, I think it's fair we give them enough food to live... But they shall not be allowed in are lands, we don't want a repeat of history." 

Kali tilted his head.

"I'll tell you some other time, its a long story." Nala said.

Kion: from the Outlands to the PridelandsWhere stories live. Discover now