Chapter 2- Insert Name

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~Sjin's Pov~

 I had a hold on Kim's wrist and practically dragging her I brought her in her office and lockedy door behind us. Kim and I both took a seat in the two office chairs that were in her room. "So what your problem Sjin?" I didn't know exactly what to say to her, I guess I'll start from the beginning. "Well you see Kim.." I cut off I didn't want to tell her, what if she made fun of me. "Tell Kim what's wrong, and remember no matter what we will always be friends." She gave me a friendly smile. Say it fast, get it over with. Tears start to form in my eyes but I stay strong.

 "Kim, I'm gay and I love Sips. But he doesn't love me back, he practically said that in the closet. I love him with all my heart, I care about him so much but he doesn't feel the same way. I mean I kissed him for dirt sake. What do I do Kim? What do I do?" I was crying now tears streaming down my face. "Oh Sjin, I..I am so sorry I made you do that.. I wish you would have told me sooner I would have never locked you two in a closet together. It's just that you two are my otp. And.. Sjin I am so so sorry."

 She started to cry too. We sat in silence for a while trying to think of what to say next. Until I spoke up, "Sjips is your otp?" I asked between sniffles. She blushed a bright red. "Uhh... Yes. You two are just so cute together." "Hey you want to know who my otp is?" She nodded her head intently. "My otp is Dunkim." She goes a deep red now. "Umm ahh..." "Oh my god!! You love Duncan!?" She slightly nods without out saying a word. "Awwwwwwwwwww!" I copy Simon exactly except a lot louder. "Wait who knows? Did you tell Duncan yet? "When did you first start to like him? Why haven't you told me sooner?" I started to ask all these questions knowing she couldn't probably answer half of them anyways.

  "Woah, calm down Sjin, Jesus Christ on a bike. I will answer all questions in do time." I squealed and did a happy dance in my swivel chair. "Duncan and Kim sitting in a tree, F-L-U-X-I-N-G!" I sang while Kim giggled at me. "Ok simmer down and I will answer one question now." I immediately quieted down and waited for her answer. "Thank you. Now, No I have not told Duncan yet but I was thinking of telling him soon." "Oh my gosh Kim, that's such good news." "Well it sounds like good news, but what if he doesn't like me?" I sat there for a moment thinking if I should tell her what Duncan told me. What the heck it's obviously its true love. "Kim, I know Duncan likes you." "Well how do you know that?" Here goes nothing.

 "Well the other day when me and Duncan were planning for Time Cops. He mentioned you, he said he need help admitting his love for you and I told him to just do it when the time felt right. He nodded and told me never to tell anyone anything about our conversation that day. And here we are, me breaking my promise to him. But its for the great or good." Kim's eyes widened and once again she was blushing intensely. "Thank you for telling me this Sjin." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "No problem Kim." We pulled back from the hug.

 "Hey I'll make you a legit deal, I'll tell Duncan that I love him if you sort things out with Sips. Deal?" I thought about this for a second than answered. "Deal." "Great, I'll ask Duncan if he wants to go to dinner with me tonight. I'll tell him then, in the meantime go get some of that Sjips action going on." I blushed a bit and than giggled. "Okay Kim see you around." I said standing up and leaving the room. "Bye Sjin!" Now to go find Sips.

~Kim's Pov~

 I sat in my swivel chair thinking about how I was going to do this. Texting, duh. I pull out my phone and text Dunc.

<D-Duncan K-Kim>

K- Hey Dunc!

Forever-In EditingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora