Chapter 8- I Love You (pt.1)

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A/N:Sorry about the last chapter but still but enjoy, this? I had to add Sjips. I've had so many ideas for Sjips so, yeah. Also please don't kill me Kitsandcats. I'm doing my best. (She says she'll have Martyn grow trees inside of me if I don't do well.) Kisses- Willow~~ Also I imagine Trott to be an inch or two shorter than Kim. :3 


~Kim's Pov~

"No matter what happens-" He lifts my chin, to have my face, face his. "I'll always be here for you." He pulls down his masks and kisses me. I was shocked, I gasped against his soft lips. But then, I kissed back. I didn't know what I was doing. My emotions were just so mixed up at the moment. I went for it. I pushed him down on the couch placing Benedict on the table next to us.

He grunted against my lips, causing soft vibrations and tingles to go up and down my spine. He pulled away. "Kim this is wrong." I lay my head on his chest. Listening to his heart beat going a little faster than normal. "I'm sorry my emotions are all mixed right now." He takes his hand and strokes my hair. He breaths out. "Yeah me too." 

"You know I do love you." I say to Rythian looking up at him. "I love you too Kimothy." "But platonically." I respond. "Exactly, platonically." "Like brother and sister." We both laugh. "Hey Kimothy, I haven't been 100% honest with you." I roll my eyes, and nuzzle my head back into his chest.

"What haven't you told me?" He sighs. "Duncan was telling the truth earlier, he was pinned against the aisle against his will. I couldn't help him, and I didn't want you to see. Her name was Lily and was an extreme fangirl, begging for his attention. She was even cosplaying as him." I was surprised to hear this. 

"So I got all mad at him for nothing?" I start to cry again. "Shh shh shh, Kimothy It's okay I'm sure you two can fix this." He hugs me, and kisses the top of my forehead. I sniff. "You really think so?" I say putting my my forehead to his. "Yes, everything is going to be okay." He says kissing my nose, I giggle and get off of him. I grab 5 plushies from the living room and head off to bed. Even though it was 18:00   I was tired. "Good Night Ryth!" "Good Night Kimothy."

~Duncan's Pov~

Thank god I finally reached Yogtowers, between the tears rolling down my cheeks and the pouring rain, I was soaking wet. I pressed the buzzer, to let me in. "Who goes there?" I sigh. "Turps you jackass, It's me, Duncan Jones." The buzzing sound of the door is heard. "Sorry random fangirl, come on in." He laughs. I open the door and run to Sjin's office, just to realize that the door is open there are more people inside talking.

 I burst in, I see, Sips, Sjin, and Hat films all starring at me. "Sjin? Sips? Thank god you two were here to Hat Films free. And Hat Films I am so sorry for locking you in Sjin's room. I am just..." I sigh. "Are you okay friend?" Trott asks putting his hand on my shoulder. "I just feel so guilty. " "Look we forgive you for locking us in here." Ross says.

"Yeah, If anything it brought us closer together." Smith says as he kisses Trott's forehead. Trott blushes. "Are you two together?" I question. "Yep they are. Kim owes me 5 pounds" Ross answers.  "Shut up you prick." Smith teases Ross."Aww, so cute. I need to tell Kim about-" I sigh again. "Kim..." I whisper. 

"What happened with Kim?" Ross asks. "Is she okay?" Sips inquires. "What did you to her?" Sjin worries. "Guys.." I inhale sharply. "I screwed up." "You bastard, what did you do to her!?" Sjin charges at me, but Sips holds him back.  "Shh shh shh, Sjin. I think we need to get out of here." He breaths out. "One second, You son of a bitch!!! No I'm good we can stay here."Sips rolls his eyes, and releases Sjin.

"What happened?" Ross asks."Another woman, pushed herself against me, I couldn't stop her, Kim found out, thought I was cheating, stormed off with Rythian... Tears lots of tears...." I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "I just love her so, much..."  "That Bitch.." Whispered Hat Films all at once, hanging there heads low. Sips was silent but looked pissed as all hell. 

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