Chapter - Voting/Polls

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We have have gathered today, to do some voting and polls. Sorry about fooling you there is no chapter update, but every reader needs to participate in this. I will ask a series of questions, answer in one comment all of your answers. (In order please)

How will Tory act? :3

A. When Tory gets used to everyone she's a real girly person. Hyper, pink, fluffy, bouncy, like Kim's plushie attitude all the time. Talk about Pinkie Pie on Caffeine, for mlp fans that is. :3 Imagine that, well you won't have to if you chose this option.


B. When Tory gets used to everyone she's a tomboyish person. Still very hyper but more laid-back like her brother. Not pink. (Her brother is not laid-back lol..) More of a man then Ross. XD Imagine that, well you don't have to if you chose this option.

{Both versions are hardcore gamers}

How will Tornby work? :3 (Tory x Ross ship name)

A. Little schoolyard romance. What I mean by that is, they act like school children. Like how children act when they like each other. Schoolyard crushes. Saying "I like-like you." and then running away. Holding hands. Kissing cheeks. Fluffy fluff. Nothing at all sexual. Just silly fluff. But as adults. Because Ross is afraid to go to far with Tory because of Smith. And Tory doesn't want to make any moves on Ross because she thinks he's not ready. Imagine that, well you don't have to if you chose this option.


B. Rushing into things. Full on kissing. Cuddling. Open about their relationship. No fears just going for it. "I love you." More intense fluff. No Smut. But that's obvious. Imagine that, well you don't have to if you chose this option.

{Whatever happens there will be fluff :3}

Who do you want to see more of?  You can choose more than one.

1. Xephmadia

2. Dunkim

3. Sjips

4. Troffy

5. Zoethian

6. Tornby

What to do with Sjips?

A. Keep it a secret. Your dropping hints but everyone is clueless. Some people have their suspicions. But nobody says anything. Then they have a big reveal. Imagine that, well you don't have to if you chose this option.


B. Just tell everyone. Stop hiding it. Hat films can see right through your lies. Kim is catching on to it. Even the viewers have even been bringing up Sjips more seeing your recent behavior. Imagine that, well you don't have to if you chose this option.


C. Surprise me/Both/Don't care. Where the fuck is my Dunkim and Zoethian. STOP PLAYYAN WITH OUR FEELS!! WE WANT OUR OTPS!! "Me: YU WILL GET IT SOON XD"

Any other suggestions? Please let me know, I'm desperate for ideas! I want to keep this book up for a long time. Maybe even a sequel?? Hmmm... Only if I don't run out of ideas first. 

That is all for now! Submit your answers below!


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