Chapter 10- Meeting Whom?

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A/N: Hello again! Enjoy a fluff filled chapter, I thought of the idea when my mom and I made brownies and she got some chocolate up my nose with the spatula. Don't ask, just don't. I imagine Zoey similar 

(This is the next day from last chapter. Zoey and Ryth had a good day and he gave her the present from the chapter we don't talk about, Ryth is staying at Zoey's now. Duncan went back to Kim's, and their back to normal. Trott went over to Smith's for the night, they had a good time. Ross went home alone, sad and lonely. Sips went back to Sjin's and they watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch together. Just to fill in the gaps :3)  

WARNING: I know shit all about Zoey, because I don't watch her and Ryth. They act upon my interpretations and headcanons, and their wiki pages. :3 

~Lewis' Pov~

"Hey Lew?" Hannah calls from the doorway of my office. "Yes dear?" I say looking up from my computer. "You know how the fans liked all our in real life things." I hum in response. "I was thinking we could film a brownie making competition." I nodded. "I'm listening ." "The teams would be, Sips and Sjin, Kim and Duncan, Zoey and Rythian, Smith and Trott, us, and Smith said that he has a partner idea for Ross, so Ross and that person." I nod in approval.

 "Where would they cook?" I ask. "In their own homes, they would send the tapes in and we would edit it together in one video and post it on the main channel." I smiled. "Hannah you're a genius." I got up and went around by her side. "That's just one of the many reasons I love you." I pulled her close to me as she giggled. "Lew!" She squealed as I kissed her cheek. I stepped back and grabbed the announcement microphone.

"Attention please! May the following people report to the conference room in five minutes. Sjin, Sips, Kim, Duncan, Zoey, Rythian, Smith, Trott, Ross, and Hannah. Thank you." Hannah giggles. "Come on mister boss man." She says as she pulls out of my office and down the hallway to the conference room.

One by one people start to come in, Kim, Duncan, Zoey, and Ryth first. We all chat amongst ourselves until Ross and Trott come in. Not soon enough Sips and Sjin come in faces red as tomatoes, we all stare at them in confusion but they just laugh.

"So are we all here?" Sjin asks "No, Smiths not here yet. Something about, I don't know I wasn't listening." Ross responds. Just then there's a knock on the door. Smith stands in the doorway. "Sorry I hope I'm not too late."

~Ross' Pov~

"Sorry I hope I'm not too late." "That's okay Smith just take a seat." Lewis says. "Meep!" A small voice comes from behind Smith, as tiny feet shuffle behind him. Smith looks worried. "Smith who is that?" I ask.

"Umm.. That's Tory... My little sister." Gasps and confused moans come from the crowd of people. Smith steps aside to reveal a shorter girl. She's got dark brown hair that goes down to her waist and beautiful hazel eyes. She's wearing a light blue t-shirt, a light black sweatshirt, and dark blue skinny jeans. Red boots with golden swirls, and on the top of her head a tiny black and purple top hat, clipped into her hair. 

She blushes and puts her head down. Digging into the floor with her foot. Kicking it back and forth. She's adorable, wait what? "Since when do you have a sister, mate." Trott asks. "Since forever mate! I've told you about her a million times! Do you not remember!?" She squeaks again. "Alex, please no yelling." I frown, she must be really delicate. She looks up around the room. She stares at me and blushes again before putting her head back down.

"Sorry, Tory." "So are you going to introduce us or what?" Hannah and Kim say at the same time, they giggle and Kim puts her head on Hannah's shoulder. (Nanomadia! XD) Tory pushes her head up and looks at them. Smith sighs and steps next to her, putting his arm around her. She shakily sighs as well.

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