Chapter 3- The Date

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~Kim's Pov~

 Ugh all the recording! It's hard work but it's my job and I love it. I checked my watch, 18:00 (5:00 p.m.) Me and Dunc should probably go now. I wanted to casual but also a little formal, after all this is our first real date. I redid my lip gloss, <'Birthday Bash Tastes like real birthday cake!'> It was my favorite flavor because who does like birthday cake? I put on some purple eye shadow, not too much though, some mascara, and lastly I put in my new Minecraft earings. They were custom Minecraft studs of me and Duncan's characters, given to me by Dunc himself. Their so adorable, I just adore them! He is so sweet in buying these for me.

  I better get going now before it gets too late in the night. I leave my room and lock the door behind me. I walked to Duncan's room with my Assassin's Creed Bag over my shoulder. I knocked, "Dunc? It's me, Kim." "Come on in Kim." I walked in and Duncan's back was turned to me, he was on his computer. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yep." he said turning around in his chair after a couple of clicks. "Woah, Kim, you look stunning." I blushed a bit. "T-thanks. But I'm not wearing anything fancy." I mumbled. "I know, but lets get going to Insert Name, we don't want to be late, I made reservations ahead of time. Is that okay with you?" "Absolutely!" He got up from his chair and walked over to me. He than held out his hand for me to take it. "Me lady." I took his hand. "Charmed." With couldn't help but laugh now.

  We walked out of his room hand in hand and started off down the hallway. We past by Hannah in the common room, receiving a laugh and a wink from her. "Oh shut it you old witch." I whisper-shouted at her. She only laughed harder. "I'm not a witch Kim, I'm a Thaumcraft wizard." Duncan replied to me with a little laugh. "Sorry Dunc I was talking to-" "Ah ah ah, No apologizing Kimmy, I know you were talking to the second half of Xephmadia." I giggled. "Can't you just call her Hannah, she's one of my best friends ya know." "Yeah I know, but I do it just to annoy you." He boops my nose. "Don't we need to tell Lewis that were leaving early?" I asked. "Nope, I told him earlier that we both got enough recording done for today and that we were leaving early."

  "Thanks, your the best!" I say hugging him as we reach the lift, being careful as not to smudge my makeup on his shirt. "No problem, I'm happy to help out such a good... friend." He hesitated on the word friend, I can tell he wants to be more than just good friends. This night is hopefully going to go easier than I though.

~Duncan's Pov~

I didn't want to say friend but I had to, I didn't know if she actually liked me yet. Tonight I planned on telling her how I really felt. The lift opened and we both stepped in. I was very nervous, getting rejected by the girl of my dreams, in public of all places, was just nerve wracking. Kim for the love of Notch, please say you like me back tonight. "So? You got reservations pretty quickly for a couple hours in advanced. How'd you do it?" "Oh just a bit magic, Nah I called in as soon as I got your text. It turns out the the last reservation was for a private booth in the back, I took the opportunity and said yes." "Awwwww! Dunc that's so sweet of you!" She quick kissed me on the cheek as the lift's doors opened. This is our stop, we got off and I was stunned. She just kissed my cheek! My heart melted and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

  "So who's driving?" Kim asked "Why the gentleman of course." Kim laughed. "Aww, Dunc I didn't want to drive." She fake pouted. "I meant me silly! I'm the gentleman here." "Yeah right." "While at least I'm not childish." I teased Kim. "We both are!" She said laughing so hard she could barely breathe. "Oh yeah? Prove it." "Fine. Last one to the car is a rotten egg!" She screamed before running off to my car. "What?! No fair!" I said chasing after her. Her Saddle Bag flying behind her as she runs. We finish the race she won by 2 seconds. "Ugh why am I always the rotten egg." I pouted playfully. "You know your super childish right? Because other wise you wouldn't of raced me." "I know Kimmy, how could I not know? I work for the Yogscast for Pete sake. But so do you, wacky woman." Kim giggled. "Yeah, Yeah, Shut up and get in the car ya Fucknut."

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