Chapter 1:First Day Part 1

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" Dad.. do I have to attend school? What if I just got home schooled again this year? It's easier, and it's not like I will have the time to make friends there anyways." A young man said, as he stared slightly nervous, yet mostly determined at his father. His father, a man in his late 40's with long grayed blond hair and a pair of black glasses, with a pair of blue eyes underneath them, sighed at his son's repeat of last night's conversation." I know you don't want to go there, Phillip but it's just how things work in our country, you need to have at least one year of public school that you attended. And don't use that ''no friends'' thing with me, because you won't know until you get there."

Phillip just huffed a bit, before crossing his arms and swaying his own shorter and much lighter blond hair over to cover the left side of his face, before looking angrily out of the limo window. Again, his father just sighed at his oldest child, rather childish or maybe just immature actis, he still hadn't decided which it was and probably never would. So instead of questioning such things, he just watched Phillip as he unknowingly made himself comfortable on the back seat of the limo, Phillip did the same. Like father, like son. His father just sighed again, as he noticed the tower of the school Phillip was supposed to drop off at coming into view.

Guess I gotta use that, or else his first day will ruin all his future chances.. god why are my children such polar opposites? Phillips' father thought, before coughing into his nice and tight black clove, as a way to try and gain Phillips attention. It didn't work, neither did the second or third time, luckily the fourth did." What?!" Phillip yelled back, clearly not happy being interrupted in his quiet protest." Son... Phillip Babel, if you go to school today, get just a single friend or acquaintance, or anything of the sort, then you may" God this is childish" Then you may get that figure from that weird show you like, deal?" His father, a man in his late 40's, was making a child-like deal with a young man in his 19's.

Phillip seemingly began to beam of happiness, not even giving the condition a second thought, believing it unnecessary as to compare it to this almost mythical deal his father was giving him, was unthinkingly. Really, this was all it took? Jess, Maria you were right, our children are easy to "deal" with Phillips father thought, as he inadvertently looked stunned at how easy his son was to agree, even though he hadn't technically agreed yet, but it was more or less already set in stone." So, do we have a deal or do you want your twin sister to have it instead? Well do-"," Don't you dare give it to that witch! It's mine! I'll do it!" Phillip interrupted his father, who let his son's insult to his daughter slide, if it meant getting him to go to school, then her name was a cheap price, currently.

He just sighed a bit, a somewhat satisfied smile adorning his face, as he relaxed a bit more into his seat." Great, now then onto a more important matter." Phillip's smile seemed to fade a bit, as he had a pretty good idea about what his father was about to discuss, since he had heard his father give his twin sister one, before she went off to study abroad in New Eden, the new home territory of humans." You'll have to hide your heritage from your classmates and teachers. No showing off your true power, true form or even mentioning your real last name, got it?" His father asked, his tone being less friendly than earlier and more stern, commanding even, almost like a king making a demand of his subjects.

Phillip rolled his eyes, earning a slight glare from his father, before turning towards him fully." I know dad. I wasn't planning on showing them anyways, not like they'll care enough since to most people I am just a standard Greater Demon, there is nothing special about that." Phillip argued, which made his father sigh again, finding his son's arguments, facts and statements to be rather annoying." I know that, but even so it wouldn't hurt to try and hide your real race, family and powers... listen Philly." His father seamlessly vanished into thin air, before appearing next to Phillip, who seemed a bit annoyed at the sudden closeness between.

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