Chapter 4: Welcome Home Sis, part 1

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As students began to walk out of the Academy gates, so too did news cars, vans and buses began to reach its gates. Many of the students at the sight of them either just walked away before they got there, or flew away, and some stayed behind in hopes of those 2 minutes of fame. One said student who tried to get away before too many news media got there, was Philip who had his wings spring out of his lower back, which also led to him having his horns appear. Luckily for him he had chosen to fly off from a small forest-like area on the inside of the academy gates, thus letting him show off his very weird wings, at least in demon standance. Instead of huge leathery ones, sometimes even decayed feathers or just dark matter.

His wings were long and thin, a very uncharacteristic trait for a more common race of demon, but then again he wasn't a common race of demon. They had long and shaped obsidian colored feathers, though if one were to touch them they would be surprised to learn that even though they may look like feathers, they were in fact scales that were just shaped differently. This was also the detail that made them a member of the Demon race to begin with, since no dragon had feathers or scale like feathers on them. Plus his wingspan was about six meters, which in his true form would be three times as long, if not just a few meters longer, which was a more normal trait for demons. They had a kind of weirdly dislocated look to them, as they had four or five joints each, which would leave feather space between each joint.

But as the old saying goes. Life finds a way to make me look both cool and very sick.. anyways gotta get out of here before someone sees me. And with one mighty flap, like imagine three meter long wings flapping just once in a fast and strong motion, one would be shot into the sky in no time. Though his horns made it kind of hard, since they weren't very aerodynamic or anything really useful, besides confirming his identity. But even with these changellens Philip still managed to fly up and over what he could only describe as a sea of journalists, as most of the road and street near and around the academy gates were filled to the brim with journalists, reporters and camera men. He could only spot a few black spots amongst them, which he assumed to be other students, who were just trying to escape this swarm.

Damn.. wonder what got all of those people here anyway? It couldn't just be because of me and Rania right?.. Maybe it's because of that girl I saw earlier? Philip thought, before he decided to fly even higher to avoid some other flying students from possibly seeing him. He kept looking out from all the way up there, which would be about three kilometers up in the air, so most other people would hopefully leave him alone up there, since not many could take the sudden change in temperature. His eyesight was good, mostly because he was a dragon and they have some of the best perception out of all of the races. And with said great sight, he could spot the tops of two crimson red haired people approaching the crowd, and being almost as quickly swarmed by them.

They were after them, as the main news story for the week and were probably planning to do the same next monday to Philip and his sister. Maybe they might even come back here tomorrow when they learn about him and his sister's plans to attend soon as well, plus maybe even Philip's undercover attendance. Philip knew how much some of these news companies had tried to get an interview with him from his father, and other family members. They are all so relentless about it, since Philip Babel was an unknown person, at least when it came to how he looked and spoke, but the media being what it is had already made many personalities, powers and traits that he supposedly had. Which led to him being titled as " The New Dragon of Babel's Words", since his family or rather his grandfather was the demon behind the creation of both every languages in the world, beside the Old Tongue and every race of humans, and was made into a serpent by his mother, Lilith after she birthed him from the first stone put down when Babel tower was being built.

Not the coolest origin story ever, but it led to the Babel's having the power known to the public as "Word of Babel", which led them, by just saying a single word and putting in minimal power, to affect the world around them. A single word from any of them could mean the creation of something wonderful or the end of someone's life, this made them feared by the masses since it gave everyone the idea that if one were to speak badly of them, then they would be found dead the next second. But thanks to certain laws put in place for not just the Babel's, but also other powerful Demon, Devil and Angel bloodlines, they can't use this power to kill anyone, without the senate knowing. Only if they have been given a vote in favor from at least seven of every leader, and three of the dragons then can anyone of this restricted bloodline use their power to kill.

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