Chapter 7: Ability Tests Part 1

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" Oh yeah, I heard that too!-"," Oh yeah, and she was all like-"," My god, why can't our cantine also serve unicorn meat?-"," What are you watching.. no way, is that Lilith?-" Philip sat alone at one of the smaller tables in the cantine, silently eating his bowl of salad, while listening to his peers' many and different conversations on all sorts of subjects he didn't know about. It was interesting to him to hear their conversations, and learn what was supposed to be normal things for people his age to talk about. Since all he ever really did was just fly, eat, read and sleep. A simple way of living, but one he had been softly pushed into by his parents and himself.

' I wonder what life would be like.. If I could just be normal.' Philip wondered for a moment. He found the whole thought of "what if" to be intriguing, but at the same time then maybe even then he would maybe ask the same question again, but this time it would be:' I wonder what it's like to be an irregular?' He found it funny how no matter what, he would probably always ask what if, no matter his race, rank or name. It was just an innate thing inside of him he would always have inside of him.

But life philosophies aside, he wasn't just wondering how his life would have been if he wasn't an irregular, he was wondering how he could hide it in his next class, so as to not reveal himself too soon.' I can do all of these assignments, except the flying one since it would give myself away too easily. I mean who has ever seen a demon with such normal and non chaotic wings before? I mean that is one of the very bases to my race's image... besides the goat legs.' Many thoughts of how he should deal with it ran through his mind, making him stop eating and quietly muttering to himself, making a few of the people near him think he was weird.

" I wonder what's wrong with that guy?-"," Come on, don't stare, he is probably really dangerous-"," Look at that nerd, already worrying about exams or some shit-"," Maybe he's a pervert, I mean judging by how he sits alone and all, you know?" Luckily Philip was too contrented on his thoughts to hear the nearby whispers of his "kin", which would have made him a bit self aware and more likely to stumble in how he acted around school. Plus as long as most people didn't notice him too much, then none of them would hopefully connect the dots when he started at the school officially as himself next week.

Though that was possibly impossible, by virtue of him having been kissed on his cheek by Malaria this morning, the literal grandchild of Lilith herself. Plus the fact that the hottest thing in the school, since Bablion invented language, was currently walking over towards him, with him unaware of her presence. Lily stopped right at his table, watching him curiously with a kind smile, as he kept being unaware of her presence, while his peers were all up and about worshiping the dragon goddess that they all saw her as." Um, excuse me, but-" Philip looked up, a bit surprised at his sudden gusset, before noticing who was talking or at least trying to talk with him.

"-your name was Philip, right? Mind if I join you?" Lisa asked, with a smile that made all the other beings around them fawn and some faint just from it's soft, yet warm glow. Meanwhile that was happening, Philip got in his servant act and began to prepare himself to act as humbly as he could." I am.. I am flattered, my.. my lady, but you.. you really shouldn't be seen with.. someone like me, I am ben-" In a move that would have seemed too bold for the young lady that he thought she was, she managed to silence both him and the whole cafeteria in one single move. She had put a single finger on his mouth, stopping him from trying to deny her the nicest way, or rather the only way a servant was supposed to.

" I don't care much about yours or my position, I just wanna know if I can sit here or not." She asked in a friendly tone, as she retracted her finger from his lips, before watching patiently for an answer. Philip gulped worriedly, as he could feel everyone around staring at him like he had done something irredeemable, making it rather hard for him to eat his "hellish" salad with Lisa eating her Unicorn beef next to him. He hadn't been able to get her away from him, since when he was about to deny her request she began to look at him with puppy dog eyes and unknown to many, besides his sister, but he was defenseless in the face of those. And that led to the current situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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