Chapter 6: Welcome Home, Sis part 3 (End)

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" You want her to do what?" Maria asked, both shock and anger present in her voice, as she still tried to understand what her husband had just said. Though when she and Fredrick both locked eyes, she could tell she wasn't dreaming. He had meant it. Her anger spiked just as the two made that contact, with the two others, Sermion and Lilly, sitting silently to the side, neither wanting to anger either of the two.

" YOU FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH! Our daughter has just gone through the worst two years of her life, and you wanna marry her off to some dead beats like the Volcans?!" Screamed Maria straight at Fredericks face, as he sat calmly and took it all silently, waiting for her to tire herself out before he would speak." YOU ARE just as bad as your father, always sitting by and watching, before acting in your own interest, not even caring about the feelings of me or our children!" Maria screamed as she slapped away her plate, spilling both the food and wine on the floor.

Frederick wanted to fight back on that one, but instead bit his lower lip and clenched his hand so tightly, it began bleeding. One thing he didn't like was when Maria would yell at him and insult him with his, sometimes, less than loving parent-like affection he would show sometimes." So now Rania is going to be just like Philip?! Another one of our kids, just locked away in this dark, depressing and cold tower?! Such a good fucking idea, Babel!" Maria roared as her human face changed into a more snake-like one for a split second, before returning to its normal appearance.

She had stopped, for now at least, and Frederick chose to talk now, since at least now he wouldn't have to fight with her over who was going to talk first." Maria, I am sorry, but I am just doing what I believe is best for our family. The Volcans may be weird, and sometimes deadbeats, but they are a powerful family, both politically and in other useful ways. So no, I am not marrying off my daughter, I am saving her from being publicly shamed." Frederick said, his voice still, yet stern, as he was hoping he could make Maria see his view on the matter.

Though that didn't happen, since it rarely does when it comes to him and her arguing over their children. Instead he got the answer he always got, a hard slap to his face, before Maria turned around and left through the side door, but not before excusing herself from dinner. A few seconds went by as the entire table processed what had just happened, before the silence was broken by Lilly." She has a point though-"," Lilly, not now, just let-". Frederick put his hand on Sermion's left hand, as a wordless way to tell him to let Lilly keep talking.

Sermion retracted his hand from the table and away from Frederick's grasp, as he let Lilly speak again, though he still felt it wasn't the right time." I just think that.. that maybe you shouldn't have announced it like this, and not right off the bat. The poor woman just came home, holding Rania so tightly that it looked like if she let go the poor girl would return into the hellscape. Not that I can blame her, since I also felt that way." Lilly said, remembering how horrified both Rania and Maria had looked on their way home, with Maria practically having to carry Rania on Sermion's back, most of their flight home.

Frederick could understand that, since it probably wouldn't have been too different, if he had been there instead. He sighed deeply, before turning his gaze towards the spilled food and wine, watching it as a physical mark of his shameful actions, but nonetheless needed actions." She's right.. I could have gone about this subject in a much better way, but I just felt it needed to be over and done with as soon as possible, so I can focus on the truly important part of this whole problem." Frederick said in a calm and tired tone, before it turned mildly angry just at the thought of who had done this.

The other two could understand it perfectly well, since they had also tried to just go and kill him as soon as they heard, but because of Rania they had all let it be for now so that they could get her home." Let's end tonight's dinner and sleep. We still have a week's time before those humans begin to spread the news of this, so we must act quickly. Bring my son and daughter their portion of tonight's dinner." Frederick went back into his head of the clan role rather quickly, not even fully registering if his brother and sister in-law even agreed to his plan, not that he needed to since they had.

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