Teddy Bear

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Josie returned to her room after a day full of classes.

Hope was gone. She had made the bed, taken out the trash, and straightened up a bit. Josie wasn't surprised, Hope was thoughtful and considerate like that.

"Hey, Jo," Lizzie walked in from the bathroom. "There's something for you on your desk."

Josie looked and sure enough there was a black box with a silver ribbon on it.

Josie walked up to it and carefully opened the box. A smile spread across her face as she saw the diamond necklace.

She immediately put it on. Her hands went to the diamond, admiring its beauty.

"Holy crap! Did Hope give that to you?" Lizzie questioned.

"Yeah," Josie smiled. "It's nice isn't it?"

"Not the necklace, the bruising on your wrist," Lizzie said in an accusatory tone.

Lizzie took Josie's hand and inspected the bruises.

"These are in the shape of fingers, Josie," Lizzie said disappointed.

"It was an accident," Josie defended Hope, pulling her arm away.

"Yeah, like last time, right?" Lizzie threw her arms up in the air in defeat. "How long are you going to let her treat you like this."

"Hope loves me."

"She hurts you and tries to buy you off with expensive gifts just so she can keep fucking you."

"I'm sorry our relationship isn't perfect like yours and MG's," Josie snapped.

"That's not what I meant. I'm just looking out for you."

"Well, you can stop because I don't need it. Hope loves me and I love Hope," Josie stormed over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Lizzie asked exasperated.

"To be with her."

Hope looked up from her book when she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in."

The door slowly opened, revealing Josie.

Hope smiled seeing Josie wear the necklace she gave to her.

"You like it?" she gestured to it.

"I love it. Thank you," Josie pecked Hope on the lips.

"Then why the frown?"

"Lizzie thinks you're trying to buy me off," Josie sighed. "But I basically told her she can take her perfect relationship with MG and screw off."

Hope cracked a small smile and looked down.

"What?" Josie asked.

"Nothing," Hope tried to brush it off.

"No, tell me," Josie insisted.

"You're just really cute when you're feisty," she admitted and patted the spot next to her on the bed.

Josie understood immediately, planting herself next to Hope. Josie curled into her, resting her head into Hope's chest.

Wordlessly, Hope responded by kissing the top of Josie's head and brushing her hands softly through the strands of Josie's hair.

Josie loved this. The softness, the cuddling, the silent neediness.

She enjoyed the alone time, the small moments when Hope would show a side only Josie could see.

Josie was sure that no one else in the entire world would describe Hope as a teddy bear, but that's exactly how Josie saw her in this moment as she wrapped an arm around Hope's torso and gave it a light squeeze.

"I love you, Josie," Hope whispered softly.

"I love you too."

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