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"You really fell for those texts? 'I don't think I can tell you over the phone'," Josie giggled as she mocked how dramatic the text sounded. "It had Lizzie written all over it."

"Maybe I should've picked up on it," Hope admitted as she laid down beside Josie. "But I thought I had just lost you, all logic had left my brain."

"Losing me made your brain short-circuit?"

"I was devastated," Hope confirmed.

Josie imagined Hope sitting alone in her dorm, with the sad little puppy (well, wolf) face that she does only when she's away from Josie.

"Aw baby," Josie brought her hand to Hope's cheek.

"I'm so glad none of it was real," Hope whispered lowly and brought her lips to brush against Josie's.

Josie's hand caressed Hope's cheek as they made out with such lust and desire.

Hope's fingers danced across Josie's stomach and made their way under the fabric of her shirt.

"I missed this," Hope breathed into the kiss.

"We've only been apart 3 days," Josie responded.

"The thought of never fucking you again has got me a little desperate," Hope admitted.

Things were getting pretty serious. Both girls were breathing heavily, faces a bright pink.

"Hope," Josie spoke in a low voice that only someone with supernatural hearing would have heard.

"Yeah, baby?" Hope leaned in closer to hear what Josie had to say. All the while moving her lips to Josie's neck.

"Show me how desperate you are," Josie said seductively.

Hearing those words, Hope let her teeth nip the skin of Josie's neck, earning a pleasurable yelp from the brunette.

Hope took both of Josie's hands into her own, and in one quick motion was straddling Josie with her hands pinned above her against the bed.

"As you wish."

"I still can't believe Lizzie would do something like this," Josie laid back on her bed with a sigh. "I'm furious with her."

"She was only trying to protect you," Hope reasoned, still coming down from her high.

"Whose side are you on?" Josie scrunched her eyebrows together and gave Hope a weird look.

"Yours, always yours," Hope reassured her, placing her head by Josie's shoulder and cuddling. "But Lizzie is your sister, and she has a point. I've hurt you a lot in the past."

"And speaking of, I want you to know that I know I'm not off the hook for everything I've done to you. Just because you didn't actually break up with me doesn't mean I don't need to go get help."

Josie tilted her head at Hope, urging her to go on.

"I'm going to start speaking to a therapist. My first session is tomorrow."

"That's really good, baby. I'm so proud of you."

Hope's heart fluttered at Josie's words of praise. Josie had faith in her redemption, what more could she ask for?

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