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"You're looking rather chipper this morning," Josie noted as Hope nearly skipped into the cafeteria at breakfast to meet her.

"It's been a good day," Hope took Josie's hand into her own and kissed the top of it gently. "And it's going to be even better when I take you out on a date tonight."

Josie wasn't sure what's gotten into her girlfriend, but she's not complaining.

"We're going to leave here at 6:30, we'll be driving in style in the Bentley my uncle left me. I booked us a reservation at this really nice restaurant my aunt recommended. And then after that, we will spend a romantic night at a hotel. How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect," Josie pecked her lips. "But if I may ask, what's the occasion?"

"I need a reason to treat my girlfriend like a princess?" Hope questioned.

Cami basically told Hope during her first therapy session to really focus on appreciating Josie and not taking her for granted.

So naturally, Hope was going to spoil Josie rotten and shower her in affections.

There was a certain shimmer in Josie's eyes when she looked at Hope. They were standing very close, their arms interlocked. They were clinging to each other as if they could never be too close.

It was the kind of sweet, innocent, puppy-love that reminded Josie of when they first started dating.

"Don't mean to rain on your parade, except I kinda do," Lizzie interrupted.  "Josie has a huge test tomorrow that she needs to study for."

"Can't you just blow it off?" Hope whispered quietly in Josie's ear.

"No, she's right, Hope," Josie sighed. "I can't fail this test. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. We'll just reschedule for another night," Hope said calmly and gave Josie's hand a reassuring squeeze. They'll eventually have their date night.

"And plus, you wouldn't want to stand Penelope up," Lizzie suddenly added.

Josie glared over at her sister.

"Penelope?" Hope's eyes flashed gold.

"Yeah," Josie responds quietly. "She asked me if we could study together."

"And you said yes?" Hope's hand instinctively tightened around Josie's.

"We're in the same class, it just makes sense to study together. Please don't be mad."

Lizzie looked at their hands and went on high alert, ready to jump in if Hope tried anything.

Everyone stood frozen for a moment. 

"I'm not mad," Hope closed her eyes and let out a breath. "It's okay."

Her grip loosened on Josie's hand, and when she opened her eyes, they had gone back to their normal blue color.

"Are you okay, baby?"

A pained smile formed on Hope's lips.

"I need to go. I'll see you later in class."

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