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Josie stared at Hope during class. She seemed much calmer than before when she learned about her and Penelope studying together, which was a good thing.

Hope caught her staring and sweetly smiled at her, which Josie kindly returned.

But then again, maybe Hope seemed too calm for someone who looked like they just beat up someone else.

Class ended, and Josie was just about to ask Hope if she knew where Penelope was when an announcement came over the loud speaker.

"Hope Mikaelson to Dr. Saltzman's office, Hope Mikaelson."

"What's that about?" Josie questioned.

"Not sure," Hope shrugged. "Could be a lot of things really. You know I'm just getting up to all kinds of trouble."

Hope had meant it as a joke, but Josie wasn't laughing.

"Does it have something to do with Penelope not being in class?" Josie crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I don't think so," Hope said slowly, very confused. "Are you implying something?"

"I'm just saying it's very convenient that Penelope didn't show up to class the minute you found out she asked me to study with her," Josie pointed out.

"What, you think I went after her or something?"

"Wouldn't be the first time you hurt someone to get what you wanted," Josie said in a low voice so only Hope could hear.

They were caught in a standoff. Josie's brown eyes bore into Hope's blue ones. Neither dared to look away.

"I thought you believed in me," Hope's voice broke, and her eyes pooled with tears. "I guess I was wrong."

Hope turned and left the room without another word.

"What am I in trouble for?" Hope sat down, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Alaric was sitting behind his desk looking all serious.

"Hope, what's wrong?" he noticed she was crying and became all concerned.

"Just tell me what I did so that I can leave," she raised her voice, the lights in his office flickered slightly at her words.

"Alright," he cleared his throat. "The punching bag in the gym, it's completely off the chains, and not in a good way."

"Come on," Hope rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Did Raf tell you it was me? I told him I was sorry for what I said."

"It wasn't Rafael," he sighed. "By the books, you get detention for two days for destruction of school property."

"Can I go then?"

"No, that's actually the least of my worries. What's going on with you?"

"I was upset," Hope responded tersely.

"This is more than just being upset. The mini earthquake, the punching bag, you coming in here crying, the lights just now. I thought you said your aunt was finding someone to help you."

"And she has. But as you may know, mental stability doesn't exactly run in my family. It takes more than just one therapy session to rid me of a thousand years of darkness."

"I get that, I do. I just need to know you're taking steps to get better."

"What, because you promised my mother you'd watch over me when I was like 8?" Hope rolled her eyes.

"Yes, and because I made the same promise to your father the night he died."

"Dad..." Hope let out quietly.

Sadness overtook her expression.

"Now, Hope, I know you two make each other happy, but do I need to be worried about my daughter's safety when she's with you?"

"No," Hope shook her head solemnly.

Hope vowed to herself to never again hurt Josie.

"She's my motivation, or at least, she was when I had her support," Hope looked dejected.

"I want you to do this for yourself. Josie will come around eventually."

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