chapter two: rise from the dead

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"Billy?" Daphne's eyebrows clenched in confusion, was she hallucinating? Why the Hell would she hallucinate Billy Hargrove? She was convinced she had lost it.

"Do you wanna be that thing's dinner?" He snapped, clenching his hand harder around her mouth as she just stared up to the tall boy in awe.

Daphne could hear the footsteps crunching over the forest floor, the dim atmosphere playing tricks on her as her eyes glanced around, unable to focus on anything else but the blue eyes that were refusing to look at her. Both bodies completely tense waiting for the thing to run in the opposite direction after not being able to sense them there anymore. And they all stayed deathly silent waiting for any sign that it might not have gone. Only relaxing their bodies after they were absolutely sure nothing was lurking.

"Daph, Daph, are you okay—" Eddie almost runs over, his eyes snapping to the boy and his jaw dropping, "what the fu—"

"How the Hell are you here?" Daphne snaps as the boy steps backward, his eyes rolling as he holds a tooth pick between his teeth.

"Saving your dumb ass from being that thing's meat," He hissed, "Where the Hell are we?!"

"You're supposed to be dead— like— you died, wait— does that mean people are like, rising from the dead?" Daphne swung herself around to ask the question to Eddie, his shoulders shrugging.

"Do you even know who we are?" Eddie asked, an eyebrow raised as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

The blonde boy just glanced at the pair backwards and forwards, the ignorance of his high school days playing a big part in this.

"No, should I?" He clicks his tongue, his eyes lingering on Eddie. "Wait— the freak, right?"

Daphne and Eddie's eyes roll as they groan in frustration. The downward smirk on the brown eyed boy's face, accepting his known name of "Eddie the Freak".

"Yeah," Munson agreed, nodding while clicking his tongue and shuffling awkwardly on his feet.

"Henderson's sister." Daphne introduced herself, but his face drew blank. Daphne felt her jaw tighten, knowing full well he should know who she is considering she actually pinned him against a locker one time. "Seriously?" She glanced between the two, Billy's mouth turning downward as he shook his head obliviously. "You almost ran over Dustin with your shitty car and I threw you into your locker?"

Billy's smirk appeared as he picked the toothpick from his teeth, looking down as he let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, yeah—" He let out a breathy laugh, "Man, that was hot, Henderson,"

"You're gross, you know that?" She grimaced, hands on hips as she huffed a bit of hair out of her face. "So, I guess, now we have two people risen from the dead, why don't we get out of here, hm?"

"Speaking of here, where the Hell are we?" The blonde boy looked around, the last of his memories of that huge thing that the guys knew as the Mind Flayer to be plunging it's long limb into his chest. His hand subconsciously rubbing the area it hit him.

"That thing that killed you?" Daphne side eyed him as they a began walking back to the gate that they almost got to, "It lives here, I think, or it's from here. There's a bunch of other things. The kids call it the Upside Down. Like a— uh," The girl struggled to think about how to describe it.

"Like an alternate dimension — it mirrors Hawkins but it's like, underneath the ground—"

"That's ridiculous— this is— shit, how long has it been?" Billy interrupts, glancing between the two.

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