chapter eleven: ambush

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Daphne more or less twirled out of the kitchen and into the hallway towards the backyard, her eyes focused on the clean get away right in front of her. She could almost smell the fresh air, but as she pulled the door open, a larger hand pushed it closed above her head.

The churning in her stomach made her certain it was Steve, and she felt her lungs expand as they took in a deep breath.

"You can't keep running from me, you get that, right?" She could tell he was close by the chills that writhed through her from the vibrations of his voice.

"I'm not running from you," Daphne sighed as she turned to face him, her back pressed against the door as he kept a hand on the door behind her, hovering over her. "I just— I don't have anything to say, I guess,"

"Daphne, this is insane, you were my girlfriend, and you— you've just not spoken to me, you think I cheated on you?" Steve was becoming more animated as his chest filled with confusion, hurt and frustration, his hands running through his hair, falling to his hips, rubbing his face.

"You and Nancy kissed, Steve!" The girl hissed, her eyes clenching shut immediately after saying as the vision she had been replaying over in her head flashed.

"I didn't kiss her back!" He hissed back, "God, did— did something happen— between you and Hargrove? Is that why—"

"Oh my God," Daphne felt her jaw grit as she turned and pulled the door open, the fresh air hitting her as she stormed out.

"You're not denying it!" He yelled after her, the anger rising in her chest forcing her to stop in her tracks.

"No, of course nothing happened! We were too busy fighting for our lives to engage in lip locking, unlike some!" The Henderson girl spat as he came closer to her, kids from the party scattered in the distance and glancing at the commotion in front of them.

"How many times do I have to say it?" He pulled his hands through his hair, "I was upset over you, she read it wrong and tried to kiss me, as soon as I realised what she was doing I stopped it!"

"I just— I don't know, Steve— I don't want to talk about this right now—"

"No, hey, hey," Steve grabbed her hand, turning her to face him and she felt her stomach flip as her eyes locked with his. His hazel, brown eyes that she couldn't look away from. "You don't get to keep running away from this. I can't— I can't keep waiting, it's killing me,"

Daphne took in a deep breath as her leg bobbed up and down, trying to distract herself from the brimming tears in her eyes as she felt her chest swell. All she wanted to do was to allow herself to reach out to him, to allow herself to feel the love that never really left her for him, but she was terrified.

"You know," Daphne sniffled as she looked up to him, his hand not moving for hers in fear he won't hold her again. "I spent that entire time just wanting to come home to you, and it's all that got me through that week of absolute Hell, and when I come back I hear that you and Nancy kissed." She took a deep breath as she let one of her tears fall, Steve felt his stomach flip at the sight of her, his free hand coming up to wipe away the tear and she leaned into him subconsciously. "That killed me." Her confession hurt Steve, it was like a knife straight through his stomach.

"You have nothing to worry about—"

"I can't put myself through that again," Daphne shook her head as she stepped away and Steve automatically felt empty the moment her hand slipped from his. His hands ached for her. "I need some time."

"Daph, come on," Steve pleaded, his hands resting on his hips as she turned on her heel.

"Tell Robin I went home, I'm not really feeling this party, I guess," She shouted over her shoulder, making her way around to the front of the property and practically running to her car when she was out of sight.

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