chapter five: the plan

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Hawkins, The Right Side Up

"She's alive! Guys, guys! She's alive! And she's not alone!" Dustin almost screamed as he sprinted for the basement stairs, the heads of the rest of them snapping towards the giddy boy practically skating down the staircase.


"It worked?" Robin felt her grin stretch over her face as she watched Steve behind him with a shaky hand in his hair. "Steve, it worked?"

"Yeah, it worked, I—" He shook his head in disbelief as a small smile twitched onto his face. "She's with Eddie and Billy?"

Steve still couldn't process the information right as El and Mike trudged behind him. How the Hell was she with two dead guys? But she was safe. She was alive. And there was chance she would come home to him. That's all he cared about.

"What? How does that even work—" Robin mumbles to herself, the confused faces of those around her.

"Is that even possible?" Nancy asks out loud, unsure of what it all meant.

"It's possible because The Upside Down is going," El mumbled as she stood up straight. "One was hurt. He is hurt. Now is the time to fight back."

"So death isn't permanent?" Lucas's face contorts in confusion, "I'm sorry, is it just me who thinks this is crazy?"

"Barb could be alive," Nancy mumbles to herself, the whole group's mouth hanging in anticipation.

"Everyone could be alive." Dustin perks up, his eyebrows wiggling.

"Wait, wait, wait, go back to what you said—" Will's voice was small but stern, a shiver tingling it's way across the back of his neck. "The Upside Down is going? Going where?"

Although, El's face said it all.

"It's dying, isn't it, El?" Mike answered for her, a small nod confirming their thoughts.

"What? When? Now? Are they able to get out? What does that—" Robin's mouth tripped over her words as the questions hurtled around her brain.

"I don't know," El shook her head, fear struck for her friend. "We need to fight. Now."

The group glanced at one another, knowing she was right. Knowing they needed a plan. Although wishing that their previous fight had been their final.

Hawkins, The Upside Down

"So we're just trusting that this girl has actually spoken to you and you haven't just lost your damn mind?" The Hargrove boy almost spat at the two wandering ahead, him strolling behind very aware of where his gun was positioned as the sounds of creatures echoed in the distance.

"No offence here, Hargrove, but you have like zero experience with this—"

"Are you forgetting that this asshole literally used my body as a vessel to terrorise your voodoo friend and then killed me?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes as Eddie shrugged.

"He does have a point," Eddie mumbled, Daphne shooting daggers at him.

"Are you forgetting what side you're on?!" She scolded him, his eyes wide.

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