chapter six: to mordor

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Hawkins, The Upside Down

"Seriously, how much longer?" Eddie had lost his speed around an hour ago, his thighs felt like they were none existent as he dramatically throws his head back. "I'm going to fricken pass out."

"Man, shut up," Billy tutted as he trudged in front, his hands in his pockets and shoulders swaying side to side with his strut.

"Both of you shut up, you're giving me a headache," She rubbed her temples. "It's not far now, we just gotta get there before the full place collapses on itself."

The three felt like they had been walking an eternity. Nearly two days without sleep was killing all of them, not that it should have with Eddie or Billy as Daphne reminded them they had been dead so should really have been fully rested before this.

However, Daphne was becoming increasingly suspicious of the lack of growling, sneering and squawking in the distance. She couldn't really work out where they went, why they hadn't been eaten by now or at least fight something off.

"Wait, wait," Daphne stops as she tries to work out the street she's on. The darkness forcing her brain to work harder as everything seems so familiar, yet so different. The brunette ran forward to a vine and moss covered direction sign on the side of the road, grimacing as the damp yet tough substance that stained her skin, pushing it to the floor.

Hawkins Memorial Hospital, 2km

"Yes! Yes!" Daphne flung her hands in the air, Eddie crunching over as he dramatically kisses the ground and Daphne runs toward the blonde haired boy given he was the only one standing, giving him a running jump as he catches her. "We're almost there!" She shouts again, Billy not being able to fight the smile as she grins down at him, her hands ruffling his hair in excitement.

"Yeah, only two kilometres to go," Billy shakes his head as his eyes flicker to the girl's mouth and back to her eyes. Her wide, excited eyes egging him on to be excited too.

The Henderson girl slid down from the Hargrove boy, completely unaware of his lingering stare, shrugging at his comment.

"What, that's like, twenty minutes?" She muttered as she ruffled Eddie's hair, his hand slapping hers away as they engaged in a short slap fest, pushing each other's hands away from the other as they continued walking in the direction of the hospital.

"To Mordor!" The brunette half-shouts, skipping ahead in front.

Eddie couldn't help but laugh at her, and he was hoping that this would actually work. Especially considering he didn't want to face the potential alternative of collapsing with this God awful world. So, he followed her.

Alongside Billy, who was becoming increasingly irritated at the fact that when they get to the other side she'll be running into the arms of Steve goddamn Harrington. Although he refused to let himself think of what that meant. It was one of the freaks' sisters. And if this situation hadn't arose, she would always have been that.

The joy on Daphne's face when she seen the entrance to the hospital was almost ethereal.

"Hey, hey," Billy snapped as she tried to walk straight into the doors. "You have no idea what's in there, idiot, we go in, we're quiet, and you stay behind me. Got it?"

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