chapter thirteen: decisions

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Daphne had spent the night willing herself to speak to Steve, she had stared up at her ceiling, listening to her brother babble on about how he needed to go back to school by her bedside, all the whilst picturing Steve's face as he told her that he thought he was falling in love with her.

"And make sure you heat the oven to 350 otherwise Max and Billy will end up with food poisoning and I don't want the blame for that, okay, Daphy?" Daphne's mother lectured her as she placed the casserole dish on the table, Daphne staring into space.

"Yes, mom, I know how to cook a casserole," Daphne rolled her eyes.

"You could give it to me to take, at least then you wouldn't be fraternising with the enemy," Dustin piped up, his eyebrows raised in judgement.

"Hargrove is not the enemy, asshat," Daphne retorted, the sound of their mother shouting 'language' in the background, "You really need a new hobby, this no D&D is killing my patience,"

"It's killing you? Hello, I have all this pent up energy and nowhere to put it, talk about being selfish," Dustin sighed, resting his head on his fists.

"I don't know," Daphne grabbed the casserole dish, "Make up a new game,"

"I'm going to pretend you're not stupid enough to say that," He younger Henderson rolled his eyes and Daphne held her car keys up as in to say she was going.

"So, heat this at 350 in the oven and it shouldn't poison you," Daphne repeated her mom's instructions to Max who put the dish into the refrigerator.

"That's good to know," Max smirked, making her way to the sofa where she tucked her feet up to her chin.

"How're you guys doing anyway?" The older Henderson asked as she plonked herself into the chair opposite her.

"I mean, fine, I guess," Max shrugged, with Daphne offering a glare to tell her to elaborate. "It's a squeeze, but we manage, Billy can be an asshole, but he's better, and mom's working and not drinking when she comes home, so that's good too,"

"You and Lucas?" Daphne asked, and Max threw the cushion at her.

"End of conversation," Max mumbled, the door to the trailer opening to show Billy chewing on a toothpick.

"End of what conversation?" Billy asked, stopping as he caught Daphne out of the corner of his eye, "I seen your car, can't get enough of me, huh, Henderson?" He smirked, picking the toothpick from his teeth and twirling it between his fingers.

"Gross," mumbled Max, standing up and walking to her room.

"Actually, shithead, I was here dropping off a casserole," Daphne retorted, standing up from her chair.

"Shithead?" Billy laughed to himself, "That's a good one,"

"Yeah, well, the insults just come to me when I look at you," The brunette smirked, and he nodded placing the toothpick back in his mouth. "Anyway, I better go—"

"No, let's go for a walk, Henderson," He nodded towards the door, opening it so that Daphne walked underneath him.

"Going to kill me, Hargrove?" Daphne asked as they started to walk towards the wooded area, although Billy just shrugged and gave her a toothy grin.

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