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What the hell just happened.
It all felt like a flash.
Max was just floating in the sky, like fucking scarlet witch from the X-men. I can't believe she survived, it's amazing. She's incredible.

We went back to the Wheeler's after everything that happened, I mean where else to go it's like a meeting place by now. Like some headquarters or shit. Is that the name? No it's not.

I wanna go home.

What's home? I don't know man, I'm just tired and haven't gotten proper sleep in days. But god now we're going to a creepy ass house because according to Nancy it's important to Vecna according to Max.

"We don't think he's in there right?" Asked Lucas.
"Guess we'll find out." Max replied to which Nancy agreed to. They dropped the piece of wood covering the door and tried to open it. Obviously Robin opened the door with the key. A brick. I honestly liked that window it had a nice rose on it, it felt sad to watch it shatter.
"Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill" said Lucas and Dustin pulled out a flashlight and turned it on, to which Steve asked, "where'd you get those?"
"Do you need to be told everything?"
"Damn cold, dusty boo."
"It's dusty-bun. And he's not a child."
"Thank you." Said Steve before Dustin gave him his backpack and simply said, "back pocket."
We looked around the place and found the clock Max had seen when she was with Vecna.
"Why's this wizard obsessed with clock? Maybe he's, like, a clockmaker or something?"
"I think you cracked the case, Steve."
"Quit being mean, dusty-beans"
"It's dustybun."
"All I know is, the answers are here. Somewhere" said Nancy. "Okay everyone stay in groups of two and one of three, Robin upstairs" She stated
"Come on let's go" said Max pulling Lucas alone.
Steve sighed and started going up the stairs.
"Was that a sigh?"
"No I did not sigh."
"Why'd you sigh?"
"I did not sigh just come on dude."
"I heard you."
"We're just always together, okay?"
"You have a problem with that?"
"It'd just be nice to, I don't know, mix it up a bit."
"So what Im boring you? Is that it?"
"No, the opposite."
They kept arguing
"Jeez shut up for once. If you're so sick of us go on your own, Harrington. Maybe Nancy will take you in."
They stayed quiet and we kept looking around.
"Are you mad?" Asked Steve
"You're mad"
"Why do you care?"
"Okay we're not gonna fight again right here. We've got more important shit to do."
"I'm not fighting, Harrington."
"You're pissed at me for no reason"
"For no reason?"
"Yes for no reason."
"Oh poor Harrington."
"Guys please let's just focus on the clues. You guys can deal with your divorce when Max isn't dying."
"Sorry Dustin." We said in unison.

We kept looking around and obviously some other situation in which Nancy runs to rescue Steve happens. Doesn't she have a boyfriend to worry about?
"She's got problems." Said Steve about Robin.
"It's cool you two are friends now. I mean, maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, maybe we can all go out or something."
I just watched from afar. I don't think he sees me the way he used to...
I have to go back to California. It's better to leave things with him as they are. He'll be happier with her. She can give him what he wants. I looked at the ceiling,
I shouldn't have returned to Hawkins,

My dickhead (Steve Harrington X reader)Where stories live. Discover now