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I came back from my mom's house I was finally in Hawkins again, living with my mom felt like hell. I get to my dad's house I enter the house and my dad is watching TV and Eleven has music full on
-"Hi dad I'm back"
he sees me, stands up and hugs me
-"how are you?"
-"I'm great"
I leave my stuff in my room (me: just imagine Hopper has another room in his house) and walk into El's room and see her making out with Mike -"oops wrong time, I'll see you later"
I leave the room and then the house I heard there was this new mall in the town so I decided to go there, of course I take the bus when I get there I'm a little amazed I didn't think places like this could exist in Hawkins I get excited and walk in and of course I start shopping, I had like four big bags I heard of this Ice cream store so I went there
-"Scoops Ahoy, hmmm"
I walk in the 'restaurant' and see a girl in the counter -"hi"
I tell her my order she gives it to me and I hand her the money
-"thank you"
-"you're welcome"
I start walking out but see two similar faces I walk back in and realize it's Steve and Dustin! Dustin looks at me and smiles then Steve turns around to see what Dustin smiling at and he sees me, he stands up and hugs me I hug him back and when we kind off pull away but our arms are still around each other, I mock a puke "
-Harrington just touched me! All the germs!"
-"Oh come on I didn't even do anything"
-"so you work here huh?"
-"that's why you smell like ice cream, so what are you guys talking about?"
Steve and Dustin look at each other and then back at me
-"just tell me I've been with you guys already or do I need to remember to you what happened last year?" -"I think she should know Steve"
-"no,no,no there's no way I'm getting her involved with this dangerous stuff again"
-"come on Harrington"
-"please Steve" "
-okay, okay"
Steve says clearly annoyed,he pulls away completely and we sit down each next to Dustin, then Dustin tells me the same thing he told Steve at the same time he told him
-"how did you do that?"
-"It was by accident"
-"wait you heard what he said?"
-"Duh Harrington"
(A time skip brought to you by Erika trying every type of ice cream in Scoops Ahoy)
-"Play it again for a second"
Dustin plays it again and stops it
-"okay what do you guys think?"
-"It sounded familiar"
-"The music, the music right there in the end"
-"why are you paying attention to the music Steve listen to the Russian we are translating the Russian!" They keep arguing until Robin comes in and Dustin argues with her
-"yeah and how do you know this Russians are up to no good anyways?"
And Dustin and Steve whisper loud
-"how did she know?" Dustin whispers
-"I don't know I didn't tell her"
-"hello I can hear you actually I can hear everything you 3 are extremely loud you think you have evil Russians plotting against our country and you're trying to translate, but haven't figured out a word because you didn't realize the Russians use an entirely different alphabet. Sound about right?"

(Another time skip brought to you by the Duffer brothers ruining Nancy and Karen Wheeler)

-"Tall, blonde not smiling-"
-"that is definitely not how Russians look but go on find fake Russians who look like a combination of Steve and Billy"
Dustin continues to explain how "Russians" look. -"Anyway I don't get why you're looking at girls you have the perfect one right in front of you"
-"seriously if you say Robin again-"
-"Robin" I say trying to hide my jealousy
-"Robin" Dustin says
-"Robin, Robin, Robin" we say in unison
-"no, don't no stop" Steve says trying to stop Dustin and I
Dustin: Robin
Steve: no
You: Robin
Steve: no
Dustin and you: Robin
-"No man stop, she's not my type, she's out of the ballpark of my type" Steve says still trying to stop us -"what's your type then?" I ask
-"not awesome" Dustin adds
-"thank you"
and then Steve whispers something to Dustin
-"you know who I like Dustin and you know she is awesome"
-"she is awesome but you're out of her legue"
-"uw who is Stevie's new crush?" I ask
-"no one"
And they continue talking on how Steve should date -"give me those since you're not paying attention"
I say taking the binoculars from Dustin, minutes later he takes the binoculars back
-"target acquired"
-"ten o' clock. Sam Goody's"
-"give me that. Shit. Duffel bag"
-"evil Russian" Dustin and Steve say in unison
and Steve drags me with them
-"it's probably just a trainer, a friend from-"
I stop since Steve's going fast up the stairs and then faster
-"slow down"
-"we're losin' him"
-"you're getting too close"
and then Steve bumps into someone
-"watch it dickwad"
I look back at him and smile with my favorite finger up. The 'Russian' was going to turn around so Steve pushes me to a wall and pretends to be talking to me while Dustin gets the phone
-"Hello. Yes. I am fine"
when the guy turns back around Steve continues walking touching Dustin in the shoulder to make him keep walking pulling me by my hand and we hide behind this map thing the guy walks into a dance studio
-"alright everyone listen up, who is ready to... sweat" he says uncovering what he had on his bag, yup I was right he is a trainer
-"told ya" I whisper scream to them
-"you're not gonna believe who Dustin thought was a Russian"
-"you did too"
-"no I did not-"
-"you both did dipshits"
and Robin runs out of the store and we follow her -"Robin what are you doing"
-"I cracked it"
-"you cracked what?"
- "I cracked the code"
(A time skip brought to you by I don't know what happens next)
-"Look for imperial panda and Kaufman Shoes" -"they're with that whistling guy, ten o' clock"
-"what do you think's in there"
-"guns, bombs?"
-"Chemical weapons"
-"whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth"
-"great that's great"
-"this is bullshit" I whisper under my breath
-"hey what's in there?"
-"It's just more boxes"
-"let me check it out"
-"no, I'm still looking"
-"lemme see it"
-"hang on"
great just great we have to hide now, I notice Robin and Steve holding hands I feel... ugh!
(Me: btw the word she was gonna say is J-E-A-L-O-U-S
You: shut up!)
(Another time skip)
-"Well I think we found your Russians"
we continued walking
-"I'm freezing" I say under my breath
-"you okay?" Steve asks
I have my arms wrapped around my self trying to get warm
-"no I guess"
-"sorry for bringing you into this bullshit"
-"I wanted to be in this bullshit Steve and Russians aren't worse than demodogs, well maybe, they're like dozens of Billy's with guns"
-"are you talking about?-"
-"I'm just messing with you"
-"good because you know I hated when-"
-"don't say it, don't want to embarrass you" -"remember when we had our Burger King "date"?" -"Yeah I danced the whole way there and made you pay everything because it was your idea"
he laughs gently

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