What now Harrington?

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I was walking down the streets to see if I could find any sign of dad or El, where the hell are they? I was walking close to the Wheeler's house when I hear Harrington shout my name
- "What Harrington?"
-"Can you help me help this kid?"
I looked inside the car and see this kid with the cap... he looks familiar.
I think of it for a second but I had nothing to do so why not? I sit on the back of the car. I really don't even know what to do. I listen to Steve and the kid who now I know is Dustin, who eleven and dad have talked about before, okay wait they're talking about the demogargon- demogergon- that shit.
-"wait, I know what you're talking about"
I interrupted Steve and Dustin's conversation.
-"you do?"
Dustin asks
-"yeah you're talking about the thing that almost killed Will"
-"kind of but yeah"
-"wait you know about this"
Steve asks
-"I mean it's not like I just said I know this dumbass"
We get to Dustin's house and Steve has to go through this kind of basement and find the monster while Dustin and I stay upstairs
-"so... you caught this thing and didn't kill it?" I asked Dustin.
-"...god I'm with a bunch of dumbasses"
I look at him and laugh. After a little Steve calls Dustin and I down not before scaring the shit out of us but you know. When we come down he shows us this slimy shit and I can't help but go ew out loud- and maybe make a couple more noises- and maybe almost puke because apparently I was the only one who could smell how disgusting it was but okay. I looked at them who were staring at me with weird faces,
- "what?"
- "are you done?"
Steve asked, looking at me with a face that was so done with me but it's his fault I'm here anyways.
- "don't look at me like that, I'm here because of you" I said
- "you chose to be here"
- "ya but you shouldn't have given the offer when I was bored out of my mind-"
- "can you two please shut the fuck up. We could get eaten right now"
- "right, sorry Dustin"
I apologized and let Steve continue, he showed us this tunnel which was clearly done by the demo shit. God my dad is gonna be so mad if he finds out what I got myself into-
Well it's his fault for leaving me as if he doesn't give a shit about me- okay don't get mad at him y/n.. Eleven's missing that matters more.

Great it's the next day now and I got no fucking sleep, no calls from dad, no signs of him or eleven, I'm still doing this shit with Harrington and I forgot I had an assignment due which isn't that important considering that I could die but yk.. I still have to look like I care I'm supposed to be better than the dumbass.
Dustin finally gets contacted by one of his friends, uh what was it- Lucas? Well they agree to meet up at a junkyard and I go with them because Harrington asked me to and I agreed because- uh well- boredom-? I guess- yeah boredom.
Now we are spreading raw meat- well more like making a trail for the demo thingy to follow and stuff and they're talking about girls and stuff, which go them ig even though what they're talking about is ass but not my business.
- "Nancy's different. She's different from the other girls."
God this is so stupid, and pretending to not hear is stupid as fuck too I would rather not hear at all.
- "and Y/n-?"
- "well she's... I don't know."
Where are their manners dude? And "I don't know"? ...well honestly I don't know is better than to be called some type of girl that only lives to find a man or some shit like that.
- "don't talk about me in front of me dude. Go back to your pretty Nancy that's definitely not sleeping with Jonathan right now"
Uh yeah that was too far- and mean- and I regretted because he has a hurt look in his face and I feel really bad now-
- "sorry"
- "it's whatever."
God this is awkward I'm just gonna walk ahead because at least I don't have to listen to them.

Well when we arrive at the place we meet with Lucas and Max-? I think that's her name. We prepare this kind of fort to 'protect' us from the demogorgon shit. After a little reality kinda hits me.. my family is just missing... No one has tried to contact me or anything- I could die right now and then what... just for my stupid mom to be the one burying me and shit. Pretending that she cared any more than my dad does at the moment? Aaaaa it's these moments when I get emotional and childish when I should be focused on everyone being safe and well but honestly I just wanna go home and sleep, and pretend shit is okay.

My dickhead (Steve Harrington X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz