The Snow Ball

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It was finally the snow ball and El can go! She can finally go because dad adopted her!!! I'm so excited I helped El with her dress and stuff I left early the house I was determined to see El walk into the snow ball and see Mike's reaction I was outside the school, I guess dad wanted to change something about El's outfit, it's dad, I was outside with a sweater with jeans when Steve come with Dustin, he gives Dustin the momma talk, Dustin gets out of the car Steve watches him leave and then stare at Nancy
-"are you going to ever let go Harrington?!" I shout
he looks at me and calls me over
-"sup Harrington, taking your kid to the dance?" -"Yeah, wait he is not my kid"
I roll my eyes
-"sure sure"
-"what are you doing here?" He asked me
-"I'm waiting for El but she doesn't seem to come" -"do you have any plans?"
-"do you want to come with me to eat something?" -"Is Harrington asking me on a date?"
-"Only if Hopper wants"
-"I don't think my dad would like that-"
-"you know what I-"
-"but I would like to"
he smiles
-"okay get in then"
he opens the car door a little because he can't reach much I open it completely and get in I close the door and we leave,
-"so.. if it makes you feel better, you looked pretty badass when you fought with Billy"
-"yeah sure... he beat the crap out of me"
-"I'm saying the truth"
-"I don't believe you"
I look at him
-"I'm not lying Steve"
he looks at me and sees I'm saying the truth -"okay..."
-"now that you believe me lets stop at a Burger King!"
-"Why a Burger King?"
-"Steve-" I look at him "-never question why to go to a Burger King"
he drives to a Burger King with his music full on and I'm dancing and singing he is just laughing and from time to time singing with me. We get to the Burger King we order, we get our order, and start eating after we are done I ask him
-"so what are you planing on doing this summer?"
-"I don't know I'll just wait till it's closer"
-"so what are you going to do until summer?"
-"I'll go to school, duh"
-"oh right school"
-"what are you going to do?"
-"I'm going to visit my mom a little before school ends so I'll see you again in June but of course before that I guess I'll do whatever is going I don't really care"
-"well I'll see you in June and for now let's just enjoy this two or three months"
I smile at him and he smiles back, I ordered a milkshake I was drinking it until Steve starts laughing
-"what you laughing at?"
-"you have cream in your face"
He gets a napkin
-"right here"
And he cleans it, while he does I just look at him and admire his face

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