Still with all the Russian stuff

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-"But there's gotta be a way in"
-"well you know I can just take him out"
- "take who out?"
-"The Russian guard. What? I sneak behind him knock him out and take his key card. It's easy"
-"yeah like a piece of cake" I say sarcastically -"did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" 
-"Yes Dustin I did and that's why I would be sneaking"
-"well please tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually...won a fight"
- "okay there was this one time-"
-"twice. Jonathan a year prior?"
-"Okay that one doesn't count"
-"why wouldn't it? because it looks like he beat the shit out of you"
-"it was"
-"you got a fat lip, crooked nose, swollen eye a lot of blood" I just rolled my eyes
-"Robin! Hey Robin what- what are you doing?! "
-"I need cash"
-"half of that is mine what ere you doing?"
-"To find us a way into that room a safe way and in the meantime sling ice cream, behave, don't get beat up. I'll be back in a jiff" and Dustin was licking Steve's scooper
-"oh dude not my scooper"
-"It is fascinating what 20 bucks can do on the city council, star court mall the complete blue prints"
-"not bad"
(You guys already know how the scene goes don't make me do it, if you want me to do it I'll do another episode with the whole story plus the parts I skipped in this one)
Now Steve has to get more ice cream for Érica and Robin explains the route to her
-"child endangerment"
-"we'll be in radio contact with you the whole time-"
-"ah, ah, ah! Child endangerment!"
I'm tired of this child I'm not even paying attention to their conversation
(A time skip brought to you by I'm so tired of writing this but want to keep going with this story because I love the storyline that I WAS supposed to make/ am making)
-"Commence operation child endangerment" -"can maybe not call it that?"
-"See you on the other side"
I like the name tho wait I'm the child endangerer? It's not my fault, I remember Sarah how tiny she was when it happened why now? Why am I remembering her now? Why? Why? Why did she have to die? WHY?! Why did I have to lose her? Agh! No... no... the tears are coming... no... agh I'm crying now...
-"Y/n? y/n/n? Hopper?"
-"Yes Steve?"
-"Are you okay?"
- "Why do you care?" I wipe the tears away and get on the look out for Erica, I was all the way away from him so he couldn't do anything right now but Dustin
-"hey y/n it's fine, what's on your mind?" -"Nothing Dustin I'm okay"
-"you sure?"
-"Yes" and then "alright nerds I'm there"
-"do you- do you see anything?"
-"Yeah I see those boring boxes you are all excited about"
-"any guards?"
-"booby traps"
-"if I could see them would be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they?"
-"Thank you for that"
-"Im in" she the a walks out and says "free Ice cream for life"
-"you heard her"
we stand up and Steve walks with me, shit,
-"what happened?"
-"Nothing Steve lets focus on this right now" -"tell me"
-"you will not escape from this"
-"okay mama Steve"
-"stop calling me that"
-"why?~" I laugh "you're so dumb Harrington"
(Another time skip brought to you by so what did I miss?)
-"step back"
-"no if you die I die"
Steve pulls out the handle and it's this weird green stuff
-"what the hell?"
- "What is that?"
And the elevator starts moving "the fuck?" -"Was that just me or did the room just move?" -"Booby traps"
and before you know it we're all screaming -"ahhhhhh" and it stops making us all fall and I fall on my leg great just great, it's difficult to stand up but I think I can walk a little
-"is everyone okay?"
-"Yeah I'm great now knowing the Russians can't design elevators!"
-"I think we've clearly established those buttons don't work"
-"they're buttons they have to do something" -"yeah like a self destruct button Harrington?" -"Nope not what I meant wait what if that's the button we pressed"
I laugh at his stupidity
-"It would do something if we had a keycard" -"what?!"
-"Same as the loading dock door, if we don't have a keycard it won't operate meaning" -"we're stuck here"
-"just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's and Tina always covers for me but if I'm not home tomorrow for Uncle Jack's party and she finds out you 4 are responsible she's gonna hunt you down one by one and slit your throats"
-"I don't care about Tina or Uncle Jack's party your mom is not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!!"
-"Damm Steve"
-"hey what if we climbed out?"
While Steve and Dustin go to see if we can climb up I sit on the floor and check my leg -"shit..."

Another time skip

-"Well... hope you guys are in good shape. Looking at you roast beef"
-"you have got to be kidding me after all of that my leg will die" and like that we start walking not paying attention to their conversation because I never care but from time to time I will pay attention and FUCK! My leg if I keep going I might die, okay maybe just a little more come on leg not now you can do it!
-"Why Harrington afraid of losing some points to a ten year old?"
And we keep walking Steve the greatest dumbass of all and we stop well Steve, Dustin and I
-"do you think they know?"
-"They could"
-"so its all connected"
-"that's just a theory but that would explain why they're here in Hawkins" I say and they nod
-"I'm sorry is there something you would like to share with the class?"
And then a man speaking sounds from the walkie "walkie" we run toward them and get the walkie out to see what it's saying
(Another time skip)
-"Okay clear. Clear come on let's go"
-"okay that was a close one"
-"too close"
-"relax" and then Shit!
-"I'll take those odds"
-"okay we're move fast, stay low okay?" And we move and we enter the room to then Steve finally winning a fight
-"you did it you won a fight!"  Agh I think I might faint my leg hurts so much! And then we're running everywhere away from guards -"y/n go with them!"
-"What?! No I can't leave you guys here!"
-"Go they might need you!"
-"Shit bye!"
I leave pulling Dustin with you and this bad feeling on my chest
(Another time skip)
-"My brother? Lucas Charles Sinclair?"
-"Yes!" Dustin and I say in unison
-"I don't believe you"
-"wait so you believe everything about El and the gate and the demodogs and the mind flayer but you question your brother's involvement?" -"That's correct"
-"makes total sense" he says sarcastically

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