Chapter 2

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A/N : Heya just putting this over there as some sort of warning, Megatron has tiddies.

**Carrier codding engage**

The stray line of coding appeared on his HUD and soon after strange feelings and urges filled a part of his mind.

The urge to protect and nurture the young frame nestled in his arms.

It felt strange.

Megatron wasn't use to someone, anyone at that, not treating him as someone undeserving of a sliver of kindness.

'Maybe they were right.'

But things were different now. They will be different.

Megatron's refuge was an abandoned energon mine, it was mostly a small group of caverns. It was abandoned due to the energon deposit being too small.

With time, he'd managed to turn it into a hideout where he'd go when needing to get away for a minute.

He let himself fall down on the pile of fabric he'd "borrowed" some time ago. The sparkling squeaked in surprise as he sat down. Megatron sighed as he took the sparkling and held it out in front of him, inspecting the small frame.

'He should give them a name, and stop referring to them as 'it'.'

After a moment of inspection, Megatron settled on what to refer them as.

"Your designation shall be Nieke and you'll be my daughter, unless you decide to identify as something else when you get older."

Nieke squealed happily as she raised her servos to her carrier. Megatron brought her close to him, it felt strange to show emotions other than anger to another being.

He layed on his back with his daughter on his chest as he rubbed her back. He looked at the ceiling as he sent her waves of...motherly love through their bond.

'For a moment, it felt as if the war wasn't happening. As if he could come back to a place to call home. As if he could raide her without the fear that he wouldn't get to see her grow up.'


Things will be different this time.

He'll raise her and make sure she grows up being able to choose her career path without decisions being made for her.

Even if it's the last thing he'll do.

Megatron didn't know how long he slept, or even when he fell into recharge but it must have been long enough for Soundwave to sent him a ping requesting to know what was taking him so long.

He couldn't have slept for that long?

According to his inner clock, two hours had passed.

Maybe he did recharge for some time.

Before he could respond back to his third, Nieke woke up and let out some whined as she tapped his chest with her small servos. 'Did she want something from him?'

The carrier coding answered by giving him instructions. Since there wasn't any low grade energon around, he had to feed her using his own; which honestly disturbed him a bit considering the fact he shoved dark energon inside his spark chamber.

Megatron opened his chest plates and watched as Nieke crawled up to one of his...breast, it wasn't really a secret that Unicron had modified some inner parts of his frame and he was shocked at the signt of it for the first time. He'd spent a good half hour cursing the chaos God for what he'd done to him.

As embarrassing as it was, he'd eventually got used to it.

The sparkling placed the nipple in her mouth and began kneading the boob. Megatron didn't understand why exactly she was doing this until he felt the sharp pain of tiny teeth sink into his breast.

He'd felt pain in his gladiator days but this, was new.

And then at some point, he could feel the sparkling sucking and then an alert on his HUD about some energon being produced from his breast. He didn't want to know how and why, only that he had Unicron to blame for it.

Megatron held his daughter close to his chest as she kneaded on him, getting used to the sensation of Nieke feeding off of him. He rubbed her back and she answered with a small smile as some droplets of energon dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Nieke was resting on him, she'd left a pretty nasty bite mark on his breast. He closed up his chest plate and responded to Soundwave.

::.Soundwave I need a groundbridge.::

In which Megatron becomes a momWhere stories live. Discover now