Chapter 3

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::.Soundwave I need a groundbridge.::

Megatron spoke through his comm link as he tried to hide Nieke inside of his subspace, she let out some angry squeaks as she fought against her carrier's servos. He ended up resigning, letting her poke her head from the top of his chest.

He picked up the pod and stood some meters away from the cave as the familiar humm of the groundbridge could be heard. The blue and green lights, almost blinding, shone against the dark tree line. Megatron walked towards it, covering the sparkling's optics from the lights as he stepped inside.

The mountains and trees were soon replaced by the dark metallic interior of the warship. Megatron pushed Nieke's helm down, not wanting her to be seen. He'd rather not have to explain how and why he was hiding a sparkling.

'Well, then how he got her could be explain...'

The bridge closed behind him, the usual silence and quiet chatter could be heard along with the humming of the monitors. Soundwave had his back turned to him, typing as he did all other days.

How he could do this everyday truly fascinated and disturbed him.

Megatron walked towards him, pod in hand and a tinge of worry in his spark. Adopting a sparkling in the middle of a war was dangerous.

And yet, It felt as if the coding was encouraging him to see him. Like he could provide him with care for the sparkling and himself.

It felt strange.

Soundwave turned around to face him, a question mark displayed on his visor.

"There's something I need to show you..." He started and his voice trailed off. How was he supposed to even explain it to him?

Soundwave was still looking at him, expecting him to continue.

He bite his lower lip and reached inside of his subspace, gently grabbing Nieke and taking her out. She fussed a bit at being moved from her spot inside her carrier's subspace but soon stopped as she looked at the faceless mech.

Soundwave stood there, motionless. Megatron could feel his gaze interchanging between him and her. Trying to process exactly what was going on.

"I've...adopted a sparkling. This is my daughter, Nieke." He showed him the sparkling. Her frame had slowly began to change to take some traits from her carrier, notably his helm and optics.

Nieke watched the silent mech, intrigued by the reflective surface of his visor. She raised her small servos to her reflection while letting out some beeps. The sparkling whined as she began tapping it.

After some minutes, Soundwave gently pat the sparkling's helm, noticing how Megatron seemed less anxious at the sight of his... friend taking the news of the sparkling in a good way.

'Well, he wasn't exactly sure were they both stood honestly. Their relationship had changed through time and now... Megatron had difficulty identifying where or what they were.'

"I take it as you don't mind me raising her." He spoke as he brought Nieke close to him.

Soundwave nodded as he signed and spoke through some recordings ::  Soundwave ; Willing to lend a hand ::

Megatron returned Nieke to his subspace as he left Soundwave to return to ...whatever he was doing. He frankly had sometimes no clue what he was doing other than keeping the ship from crashing down.

The lights of the corridor reflected onto silver plating as the warlord made his way to his quarters. Vehicons greeted him as he walked past them. He payed them no mind.

He reached the door to his room, typing a familiar code on the keypad as the door slide open onto his office. Datapads layed piled up in a neat pile on his desk, making him sigh at the thought of having to go through yet another damage report on troops or equipment. Megatron placed the pod on the desk, making sure not to bump into the pile before pushing a door in the back of the room near a large shelf.

The light from the office shone slightly through the doorway. Silver claws fumbled onto the side of the wall to find a light switch.

'He'd rarely turned on the lights in there, he should change that since he had a sparkling now.'

The lights turned on and shone as best as it could over the messy room. Weapons, datapads, empty energon cubes, trash and other things he didn't even remember what they were for or how he'd acquire them rested over the floor in piles.

Megatron walked over to his berth by using the path he'd managed to make that went from the door and washracks.

He rubbed his optics and opened up his subspace, taking Nieke out.
She opened her optics, yawned and curled up over her carrier's chest.

He wished he could have stayed there with her but he knew all too well that no sparkling should have to live inside a filthy room.

Plus he wouldn't want to see her chew on weapons or pieces of broken glass.

And so, Megatron stood up and began the painful task of cleaning his absolute mess of a depression room, as the humans called it.

In which Megatron becomes a momWhere stories live. Discover now