Chapter 4

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Cleaning up what essentially was years of mess and trash was easier said than done.

So far, he'd managed to find plenty of old datapads (states of functionality may vary), scraps of fabrics and glass shards. Without mentioning a handful of throwing knives and a board with Prime's face for said knives.

There was also prescription pill bottles over a vanity, as the humans called it. Some of them were empty and others half full.

'He should probably start taking them again, might be helpful.'

Megatron moved them into a small basket and placed them out of Nieke's reach. She hadn't showed any interest in anything other than sleeping but he knew she'll start exploring sooner or later.

'He should go eventually see Knockout about those, and Nieke. He'd rather let him have time to grieve though.'

He'd lost track of time after digging through piles of stuff when his servo bumped into a small box at the complete end of his room. The metal look worn and old, a layer of dust coating it.

Small engravings could be felt when he let a clawed digit drag onto them. Letters and numbers. Things he knew and tried to forget.

Megatron but his lower lip as he forced himself to look at it. To open it. To remember.

The lid came off and was met with the smell of burn energon ore and dust. Inside of it layed photos, small trinkets and a broken energon pickax.

Megatron picked up the first picture and felt like throwing up. It felt as if his spark was being crushed like it had been years ago.

He tried pushing away the memories of those few happy memories of the mines. The first bot who seemed to genuinely care for him. His first love.


Granted he was close to other miners, Kiloton was the first one he felt romantic feelings for. He was one of his first follower.

Faint memories of his voice and touch as he held him close and promised that one day, they'll live on the surface, happy. A fantasy that kept them both going through the hard times. A promise of something they'll have. No matter how far they were from each other, they promised to be together.

'How foolish they were.'

Kiloton died.

From what Megatron heard, it was a mining accident. He could still faintly remember Terminus holding him as he cried until he threw up.

Megatron had planned a future with him, even though it wouldn't have been possible, lower castes were rarely able to have families, let alone happy lives.

He chocked sobs and let silent tears fall from his optics as he placed the photos back on the box, closing it and pushing it back into the corner he'd found it.

'Despite after all these years, it still ached.'

A beep caught his attention.

Nieke had woken up and looked at him. She seemed...concerned?

Megatron stood up from the ground and walked towards her. Had she been worried about him?

Parenthood was still new to him. He didn't know much about sparklings, only from what he heard and read from datapads he'd "borrowed" (aka stole) from libraries.

He sat down and brought Nieke close to him. She chirped as she rubbed her face against his chest.

'That life he dreamt of having with Kiloton, in some way, he finally had it.'

A shame he didn't have a partner to share it with...

It didn't matter right now. All that mattered now was making sure Nieke grew up happy and not in the same conditions he did.

He rubbed her back as she nuzzled onto him, he sent out relaxing pulse through the bond.

Megatron watched as his daughter fell asleep.

He hadn't realized he'd fallen into recharge until he heard the knock on his door. He stood up groggily and walked to it, Nieke whined at the loss of contact.

The door slide open and Soundwave greeted him in his usual silence before tilting his head to the side to look at the sparkling on the berth.

He invited him inside, going to sit back with his daughter. Megatron caught a glance of the pill bottles, standing up to grab them and placing them in his subspace.

He rubbed his head before looking back to Soundwave. "What brings you here?"

The TIC replied by signing :: Curiosity ; wanted to check up ; on you two ::

"I see." Megatron responded. He took a moment to look at the silent mech sitting near the sparkling. "Do you think you could take care of her while I go see Knockout?"

A/N : Fun fact, Kiloton is an actual character from the G2 comics, he was an old friend (or bf as some would say) who died because Starscream sent him to earth to basically get murdered. R.I.P canon Megs bf

In which Megatron becomes a momWhere stories live. Discover now