Chapter 2

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Mimi's fluttering wings came to a screeching halt as he hovered mid-air in front of the cottage. If he was one of those metal boxes humans drove around, others could have heard a screeching sound. But all that could be heard were a tiny flutter of his glittery wings that would be a mere buzz to human ears.

Bright lights were coming from the inside of the cottage. His big eyes rounded, and vibrant pink pupils dilated. Long lashes cast shadows over his cheeks as he blinked several times to comprehend what he witnessed.

A human stood in the cottage with a drink in his hand, and there was a fire in the hearth. A tall, freaking human actually was inside the cottage he called home. Someone was in his cottage: someone very shirtless and all hard muscled.

Mimi growled in his throat, violently shaking his head to remove that image from his eyes. He won't let this distract him from the fact that this man, whoever he was, was in his home. The very house he occupied for the past five springs.

He backtracked a bit, wondering if he had come to the wrong house. But there was no mistaking the quaint cottage. The flowers he tended to were in full bloom. Thankfully, the stranger hadn't touched them. He scowled as he flew to the window. He put both his palm on it and silently gasped at the warmth it radiated.

Who is he? Didn't the previous owner die without an heir?

He fluttered his wings and soared upward to the small opening that let him inside. Everything was new. The walls had unique colors, and the windows sported new curtains. He sniffed at the pleasant fragrance emerging from the red cloth. It was thick yet so soft to touch. He nuzzled his face with a satisfying sigh only to pull back with another growl.

These drapes belonged to the stranger. How dare he?

He glided through the living area, hiding behind a curtain with only his small head peeking out when the human turned. He seemed to be talking on the phone. His rosy pupils widened further when he noticed the moving, talking human faces on the screen.

The little pixie cocked the head to the side, mouth falling agape as he stared. A wide screen was mounted on the wall, from which soft music played. However, this strange thing was new and different. He had witnessed humans using the similar thing on walls before, but this human seemed to have a real conversation with the humans on the other side.

He listened keenly. Deciphering their words was easy. He had lived with humans long enough to understand and speak their language. Besides, almost every pixie in Pixie Hollow spoke the language of humans.

The more he listened, the more angrier he grew. So the human planned to stay longer. Not only that. He planned to bring his friends too.

Not on my watch.

No one is fishing on my lake, and no one is staying in my home.

He pivoted mid-air and headed to his small corner just out of the living room, hidden from the naked view ready to crawl into his bed, only to halt when he noticed his beautiful nest was gone. The small gap between the wall and the wooden beam that connected to the window was bare. There was no sign of his nest. It smelled foreign, too, and he couldn't say what it was.

With a gasp, he glanced at the ceiling to see all the spider webs were gone as well. Oh, God, his precious Peter and Angelo. His lips wobbled. He flew around the area, eying every inch that was no longer familiar.

His heart constricted when he saw the empty corner again. It was a gorgeous straw nest one of the pigeons built when he moved in. When it left, he made it his. Over the days, he found beautiful, soft feathers to create a bed; it was the coziest bed.

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