Chapter 5

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Mimi loved chaos, especially when he was the one who created it. TaeTae and Yoongles had a hard time containing him when he played back with his bullies. Because Mimi was just so petty like that. Time flew past so quickly and for once, Mimi wasn't bored or lonely.

Soon his best friends TaeTae and Yoongles came for a visit. Their work was going well and soon they will be moving closer. The fall was finally here. They sat in one of the tree branches not far from the cottage, chatting about everything.

"I wish I could come for a visit, but I'm allergic to other pixies." Mimi scrunched his nose with a disgusted look on his face.

"Now you talk like those Fae folks," Yoongles grunted. His green eyes revealed nothing, but they were sharp and scanned their surroundings meticulously even when they were in the safest environment. "You love us and we are pixies."

"You're both an exception. You're my people. But they aren't. Besides, they started first," Mimi argued. "They hated me first."

TaeTae sighed. "They're prejudiced. Fae are cunning and manipulative."

"My father was an asshole. I shouldn't be punished for what he did to my mother. I didn't ask to be born." Mimi pouted. "They made me into this and I won't let it slide anytime soon."

Okay so what if Mimi was a bit different. He liked to wear light, comfortable clothing and was slightly bigger than other pixies even in his pixie form. Mimi could transform into his Fae form. Perks of being a hybrid. He was stronger than most pixies and every creature feared what they didn't understand.

Only Yoongles and TaeTae befriended him when he was shunned by every other pixie in the Pixie Hollow. Their friendship started when Yoongles saved Mimi from drowning after being drunk on one of the fruit wines by mistake as a child. Later, they learned it was other pixie children who replaced Mimi's drink.

They began to hang out often with each other but their bond strenghtened when Mimi protected Yoongles and TaeTae from a hawk attack by shifting into his Fae form and using his strong magic. He had killed the four hawks that circled them that day.

But what had he gotten back? He was banned from using his magic by the queen who also threatened to banish him from Pixie Hollow if he dared to shift into his Fae form again.

"You'd have been a great warrior," Yoongles mused. "There's no one as strong as you in Pixie Hollow. It's their loss."

True. He alone could have guarded the Pixie Hollow. But the truth was that the pixies didn't trust him. He wasn't welcome among his father's people either. Because he inherited his eyes, hair and wings from his mother. His facial features were soft. He looked so different from actual Fae who are all had green eyes.

"Hush, my Mimi." TaeTae hugged him. "You will always be my best friend and protector. So tell me about this human occupant. How are things now? He isn't troubling you, is he?"

Mimi chuckled. "Troubling me? He's no match to me," he launched into everything that happened since their last visit. TaeTae and Yoongles listened with wide eyes.

"I don't like this," TaeTae mumbled. "Humans are dangerous. They are also selfish creatures."

"We don't meddle with human affairs, Mimi," Yoongles added. "You should have left as soon you saw the human here.

"But this is my home," Mimi whined. "I found it first and it's mine."

Yoongles sighed. "I'm sure that's not how it works. Your home is in Pixie Hollow."

"Pixie Hollow stopped being my home long ago," Mimi scowled.

"You always have a home with us," Yoongles stated sadly.

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