4. New Father

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Yuki's POV

So after about three years of doing the same routine Mai started to come home late or not come home at all.

Tomoyo - "Did you ever wander why?"

Yuki - "Of course. I even started to worry for her. I mean even though she treated me like crap she's still my mother. I did care.

"Anyways, after about a year and a half almost two years she came home with back home with a man. He came from the states. He was very kind... at first that is."

Tomoyo - "What do you mean at first?"

Yuki - "He was really kind. A caring guy. I thought he would be the one to change Mai. Which he did. But... he wasn't the same when it was just the two of us alone. His personality would change from loving and caring to menicing and violent. Whenever it was just the two of us.

"The only thing he never did to me was rape me. Which I'm thankful for that he didn't like boys. Then... the best and the worst thing happened."

Tomoyo - "What was that?"

Yuki - "... Well you'll find out after. Let's continue with the story. I'm sure you would figure it out as I continue."
I got up that morning. Their was loud noises coming from downstairs. I quickly got ready and went down the stairs.

Coming down the stairs I notice boxes that filled the hall area leading to the front door. Mai stood there and average looking guy stood near her. I mean he seriously wasn't all that good looking. I soo notice the way Mai acted around him. Her face was so bright and happy. There were actually love in her eyes. Something I don't see often at all. While they interacted with each other I saw something shine on her finger and I quickly put two and two together.

'She got married... and didn't even tell me'

My thoughts were cut short by the clearing of a throat. When I looked at the pair again I notice that all joys and happiness was gone. All was left was a cold stare and blank face. Mai quickly introduced her 'husband'.

"Yea" She said clearing her throat again. "This is my husband, Scott. He will be staying here with us do you better get use to him. Hurry up and move these to our room." She demanded.

'Our room' I thought angrily. 'She didn't even mention that she was married and now she was comes back and start to threat me as her maid'

I was about to reach for the boxes but was immediately stopped. "No don't worry about it. I can carry it." Scott said with a soft smile.

'He was so kind'

-To Be Continued-

~Sneak Peak~
"It started off as minor things like he would just start shouting at me or being a little rough with me. Then it becams full blown kicks and punches. I did nothing right in his eyes. I was like a servant who has no rights and always punished for no reason.

"I remember a the time the abuse stop being a secret. He did it in the open. And Mai didn't care. I knew she didn't like me but still... I am her flesh and blood.

~End of Sneak Peak~

Hi I'm Neko1112

Sorry it's so short. It will be longer in the future.

Life update - So.. I've graduated secondary school. Have nothing to do. Been painting and drawing everyday And it's summer.

I forgot how fun it was to write. I'll probably have a schedule now. I'l update every Friday or Saturday.

Part of the reason I stop writing was because of exams. The other part was because my style have changed jus like I have changed. And I have to type on my phone. Which is so hella frustrating. I hope you like!!!
Bye I'm Neko1112

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