5. The Day It Started

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Sorry for late update. I've been sick.

Yuki's POV
Yuki- "Scott acted so kind. So nice. I thought he was until we had a chance to be alone.

"It started off as minor things like he would just start shouting at me or being a little rough with me. Then it becams full blown kicks and punches. I did nothing right in his eyes. I was like a servant who has no rights and was always punished for no reason.

"I remember a the time the abuse stop being a secret. He did it in the open. And Mei didn't care. I knew she didn't like me but still... I am her flesh and blood."

Yuki- "Then the worst and best thing happened."

Tomoya- "What's that?"

Yuki- "Mai got pregnant.."

Tomoya- "How is that a terrible thing. Giving birth is wonderful."

Yuki- "It is!!! Unfortunately... it wasn't at the time because that's where everything started to go down hill."


While I was cleaning the living room I quickly glanced over to Mai and Scott who was on the couch gushing over a baby pamphlet while Scott rubs Mai's belly... that I only now realise was slight buldged. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realise she was pregnant.

I quickly cleaned to room and did all the rest of the chores I was suppose to do and quickly left to my room to tell Aki.

Tomoya- "Ohhh!!!!! That's why you told me about her earlier."

Yuki- "Shhhhhh!!!!!!"

You see Aki 'asked' -cough-demanded-cough- that her parents buy me a phone so that she could communicate during times that se couldn't. I hid it in a secure place in my room because if Scott or Mei found it would be destroyed and I would be in so much trouble.

"Hello? Aki? It's me,Yuki" I said through the phone. "What??!!! No way!!! I didn't no that. It's not like I saved your caller I.D as Yuki on my phone. Or that I put a specially ringtone for when you call or anything" Was the sarcastic reply from Aki.

"Guess what?" I said ignoring her. Before she could ask I said "Mai's pregnant"

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!" Aki said a little to loudly causing me to have to pull the phone away from my ears.

"Yes I know" I said. "To you think they'll stop now" I said in a meek voice. "I'm not sure love but I hope it does" Came Aki's reply. "I hate seeing what they do to you"

With those words I unconsciously started to play with the sleeve of my jersey. Long sleeves was what hid the bruises from every one. I couldn't hide them from Aki. For some reason she always know stuff. I could never keep things from her so I stopped trying.

"Yea" I said softly. " I have to go before they catch me on the phone." "Okay bye" Aki said before I hanged up.

I sat there a little then quickly got up to hide the phone.

-Time skip 3 months-

Mai was heavily pregnant. That meant that I was had was to do everything. 'Nothing new' I thought.

Then one night the house was in a rockus. Mai and Scott was arguing on the top of there lungs for who know what. There arguing happened very often. And with all the stress Mai delivered very early. Scott wasn't even there. He left her there and stormed out the house.

I called the ambulance to pick her up. It was a long labour but then when I heard that baby cry. I fell in love. I may not have liked the baby's parents but I sure as hell fell in love with that beautiful creature. Born on the 5th of November.

Yuki- "Could you believe she didn't hold the baby. Didn't even look at him."

Tomoya- ".."

The nurse gave me the baby to hold saying it was a boy. Imagine, an eleven year old holding a baby. 'So beautiful' I though.

"Give the nurse back the child boy. I'm not keeping it" Came Mai's spiteful voice.

'It?' I thought. 'Can't believe she was giving him for adoption. Then I started thinking. "But Mai, if you give away this beautiful baby then Scott wouldn't forgive you. He might leave" I said biting my tongue and crossing my fingers.

Then I heard a sign. I already knew I had her where I wanted her. "Fine, but he would be your responsibility" Mai said.

'Why does that sound like she is referring to a dog' I thought not wanting to voice my comment in fear that she changes her mind.

Mai said that I should name him since I wanted him so much. The nurse refused at first but it couldn't be helped.

Yuki- "She and Scott made up. They were all good again. They took care of the baby together. But it didn't take long for her everything to change.

"Arguing and fighting. Then the worst happened. I couldn't believe that they would do something like that. I was so shocked.."

Tomoya- "What will that be?"

-To be continued-

Hi I'm Neko1112

Disclaimer for next part...
So let's be freaking real here. I am a 16 year old virgin. I do not know how to write about a pregnant person.. have no clue. I try to stay away from pregnant people(¬、¬). I have no idea how to write a sex scene [will the real virgin Neko please stand up (ToT) ] and that automatically means that I have no idea how to write a rape scene. Since I have never been.

Btw.. even though I'm writing it I do not condole rape, child abuse, alcohol abuse, abuse in general.

Wattpad has deleted my chapter so many timesლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ. Thank goodness I'm using the app because I could easily retrieve it back. Stop that automatically deleting shizz Wattpad.

So... that's all <(; ̄ ・ ̄)

Vote, Comment, Share. Whatever you wanna do. THANK YOU.

Bye I'm Neko1112

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