2. Life

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Yuki's POV

I was born on 14th. December, to the two most happiest couple ever. I remember most of my childhood, but I can't seem to forget what happened when I was three. It was devastating or anything like that. It was just the look on my father's face when my mother took me away from my father, away from our home.

I woke up one morning to my parent quarrelling again. They started to fight with each other everyday. Physically and verbally they abused each other. They did love each other very much, but every thing that I thought was love for each other, soon turned into hate.

I got up from my bed and went to bathe, brush my teeth and get ready for the day. Hoping when I'm finish, they will calm down. But, I contradict wrong when I exited my room.

I was staring, shocked at the sight I saw when I left my room. The entire house, except for my room, was in a mess.


Tomoya- "So tell me. How could you remember all this at a young age."

Yuki- *I glared at Tomoya* "That would be revealed further on in the story, so please let me tell my story in piece."

Tomoya- "Ok. you shall continue your story"

Yuki- "Good"


The couch were flipped over, there were broken glass and wood were everywhere, and in the midst of the mess, my parents were arguing. My mother hair was not how it usually was. It was not neat at all. Her clothes were torn in so many places that it was falling off her body. My father was the same.

I was so confused because yesterday they were so happy. Only love was seen in there eyes. Now there was only hate. My mother looked at me with an angry face. She grabbed me then turned to my father and shouted "I'm leaving and I'm taking my son with me! You are not allowed to come visit him at all!" Then she left with me.


Tomoya- "So you didn't see your father after that?"

Yuki- "Not for awhile. No."

Tomoya- "Is that why you kidnapped that baby?"

Yuki- "No.I couldn't care less about my father!"

Tomoya- "Oh. You may continue."

Yuki- "Thanks. It was boring for awhile, so, I'll skip up to 3 years later."


---Three Years Later.---

At age six I noticed something changed in my mother's personality. She was very cold and filled with hatred. She started to come home late and some days she wouldn't come home at all. She would smoke, drink and even curse me or beat me. She was rarely sober. I was so scared to go near her.

One day when she was sober, I gathered all my courage asked her something I will never regret. I tapped on her shoulder and asked "Could I go to school, Please?" She glared at me and said very coldly "Why?"

I avoided eye contact with her, because I knew, if I watch into her eyes I will start to cry. I started "Mommy--" "Don't call me that!!!" She said cutting me off. "Call me by my name. Call me Mai" "Ok, Mai. If--If I go to school, you wouldn't have to see me for the whole day" She looked at me and walked out the house.


Tomoya- "So your mother didn't want you to call her 'Mommy?"

Yuki- "Yup."

Tomoya- "That's really made you sad, huh?"

Yuki- "Yeah."

Tomoya- "And how do you know so much at such a young age?"

Yuki- "Didn't I tell you that I will reveal it to you later in the story."

Tomoya- "Yeah."

Yuki- "Well please wait patiently. I'll buy you ice-cream if you do."

Tomoya- "Sure.............. Wait, I'm older than you. So why are you threating me like if I am a child?"

Yuki- "I'm sorry, but because I had to raise two kids at a very young age. I'm kind of gotten use to talking and acting so."

Tomoya- "Really?"

Yuki- "Yeah, duh. Didn't you see the two kids who walked out of here a while back. You know, the ones who called me mommy."

Tomoya- "Oh yeah."

Yuki- "Now back to the story!!!!!!!!!!"


After my mother left, she came back the next day at 5:30a.m. She barged into my room, swinging the door open with plenty of strength. She walked up to my bed and dropped two bag full of books on me. Waking me up instantly in shock.

She turned around and started to walk out of my room. When she was by the door she stopped and said "The bus arrived at 8:00a.m. If you don't make it to school tomorrow I would not care. So make sure to get up early. There's an alarm clock in one of those bags there. Use it to get up early" She left before I could say anything.

The next day I went to school for the first time. The day was quiet until lunchtime came. Where I met my first ever bully.


Hi, I updated. I really tried my best. I want to make dedications, but I don't know if it is a good idea. Please comment and tell me your opinions.

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Living Life (Underage, Teenfic Mpreg)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora