1. Interrogation

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Yuki's POV

The police officers (cops) barge into my small flat and arrested me. They took us out of the house and placed me in a separate police car from my babies who were now crying their eyes out. When we pulled up to our destination, they took me to the interrogation room. I must say, putting me in that room to question me was a little extreme. I not a criminal.

A few seconds after a man came in and sat on the seat on the other side of the table (opposite from me). He placed a cup of water in front of me and coughed.

He relaxed into his chair and in a casual way as "Why would a kid like yourself kidnap a little baby boy." I remained quiet. He then repeated what he said, but in a harsh tone said "Why would a kid like yourself kidnap a little baby boy." I sighed and then said "I will tell you everything, if, you let me see my babies."

I then extended my pinky finger and said "Pinky swear." The man by the name of Tomoya almost fell from his seat. "Are you kidding me? Are you some kind of kid or something?" He shouted, now standing. " I looked at him and frowned "Yes I am. You even said so yourself." Tomoya fell back in his seat and laughed. He then said "Fine. Let them in"

My babies came in the interrogation room crying while a man dressed in black leaned against the wall behind them. They attached themselves to me. I smiled trying to hold back my tears from falling. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "Because mommy, I thought we would never see you again." My oldest said with tears in his eyes. I replied "Nonsense, I'll always be there with you. No matter what. Even if I'm not by your side, I'll always be in here" And I pointed to the location their hearts.

I picked up my youngest and hugged him. He was still sobbing very loud. "Why are you crying baby" I whispered to him. "You weren't there with us mommy." My youngest baby said between sobs. "Well I'm here now" I replied in a soft tone.

I placed my baby back on the floor. They both were standing facing me with tears still in there eyes. I wiped their tears away and said softly "Don't cry my babies. Crying is for sad people. Are you sad?" They wiped the remainder of tears on their cheek and grinned at me. They both then said at the same time "Nope" * popping the 'p' *.

"Now" I said in a mischievous way. "You guys didn't get a chance to eat since the police officers came in just as we were about to eat lunch, didn't they?" My babies nodded, so I continued "And you're very hungry, right?" They nodded again. "Why don't you ask the man in black over there, to take you out to get something very expensive to eat?" I said loud enough for the two men in the room to hear. They jump up and down and said "Yes mommy."

The both of them ran to the man in black and tug on his pants. They looked at him with pleading eyes and my oldest said " Can you take us out to buy something to eat. Please." And my youngest agreed. The man looked at my babies and then look at Tomoya to get permission. Tomoya nodded and the man in black look back at my babies and said "Sure" In a very soft husky voice. "Don't give any trouble to that man." I said and waved goodbye to my babies and they waved back at me.

I turned back to Tomoya. He said sarcastically "Oh, now you've ready to talk princess. Great" I pelted the cup towards his head. I looked around the room with a shock expression. I innocently looked at the now soaked Tomoya and said "Who would pelt someone with a cup of water?" He glared at me with angry expression, and before he could answer my question. I said with a serious face "Now back to the reason why I'm here, Tomoya." He looked at me shock and said "How do you know my name?" I pointed to the left side of his chest and said "Name tag." "Oh yeah!" Is what he said.

He then got serious and said " Back to the point. Why would a kid like yourself kidnap a little baby boy." "Well, for you to know that, you have to hear about the story of how I lived my life." I said. "Why would I want to know about your life. I just want to know why you kidnapped that baby" Tomoya said getting annoyed. "The story of my life will explain everything, so shut up and listen!" I replied angrily.

He sank onto his seat and said to "Go right ahead." I looked at him and smile "Now where should I begin." I said to myself. "Oh I got it. I'll start with the day I was born"

"I was born on..................................


So here is chapter two. The other chapter would be talking about Yuki's past and in-between the story there will be pieces of the present time mix with the past. For example. While the story is being told, there will be a time where Tomoya asks Yuki a question etc etc.. If you don't understand hat I just said, you will have to just wait for the chapter after this one (chapter 3).

I hope you enjoy.

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