8. One Step Forward

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A.N. - "Haven't read this over so please excuse any mistakes."



Tomoya -"What plan?"

Yuki - " It wasn't anything drastic. I just need was to leave this place. So on a Friday night, when Mei and Scott went on their little "date" I decided to execute my plan.


"I swear if anything is out of order when we come back home I will beat you into a bloody pulp" I imwardly rolled my eye as Scott did his weakly friday threat speech while standing by the door.

I listened as their footsteps faded as they walked to the car. I sat their as the sound of the engine started and the car reversing out of the drive way. I sat their as the sound of the car was too far for me to hear and amd looked at my phone and waited a whole 10 minutes to make sure they actually left.

After the ten minutes was up and turned and bolted as fast as my pregnant body can go up the stairs. I grabbed the duffel bag that Aki bought me awhile back that had my already packed clothes. Since I didn't have much warm clothes or warm clothes that would fit me and my growing belly I ran to the room Scott was staying in and grabbed up to coziest jacket I could find and quickle put it on. It was of course bigger than my small frame but it will do.

I then made my way to my Setsu room. I already planned in my head weeks aback what i would pack for him and shoved them in my bag as well. I quickly changed Setsu into something warmer and amd grabbed him and my bag up. I ran to the kitchen and placed Setsu om the floor to sit along with the bag while I made my way to the middle of the kitchen where a loose board. I slightly lifted the board and grabbed the jar filled food that I either bought or stolen secretly. Since I do all the Cooking and nobosy seems to be in the kitchen except for me it is easy to hide stuff away without anyone noticing.

I then quickly grabbed up a spoon and ran to the back of the to dig up another jar I had that contained money that was saved from all those times I find the cheapest of what little clothes and books I have that Mai would give me money to buy. And some that was stolen little by little from Scott from when he was drunk so he wouldn't notice.

I quickily open both jars and dumped the contents of it in my duffel bag (Thanks to Aki for buying such a big enough bag). I picked up little Setsu and zipped the jacket up so that Setsu was engulfed in the jacket. I then grabbed the bag up and placed it on my shoulder and my phone that was discarded during everything and placed it in my pocket and quickly made my way out the house. Not looking back.

I walked to the nearest bus stop which was about a 15 minutes walk from the house. Thankfully the bus pulled up as soon as a arrived and I quickly made my way into the bus and headed to the way back in a corner. I placed the bag inbetween my feet on the floor of the bus and carefully sat, mindful of Setsu.

Once we were settled and the bus started moving I unzipped the jacket to reveal Setsu who have been so quiet throughout this whole thing so far.

"Hey there little one. Are you okay there?" I cooed at Setsu who just smilled up at me.

"Aw!!! You're so cute!!" I laughed said hugging Setsu. Setsu started to giggle along with me "Mama" - I froze. 'Maybe I'm hearing thing' I thought to my self as tears started to fill my eyes.

I slowly looked down at Setsu who repeated "Mama!!!" followed by a bunch of babbling.

Tears spilled from my eyes.

Tears of joy.

I may not be Setsu biological parent and our relations and the situation we are in is a little complicated. But I didn't care.

At that very moment i didnt care. I didnt care about my worries or my fears. Or my tiredness. Or the terribly hidden glances filled with disgust that was directed to us. I was just so happy to care.


"So digusting! Such a young child and is alread a whore."

"Already have a child and another on the way. Kid can't keep his legs closed"

"Poor thing. Could barely take care of himself and already has two children."

Those angry and ignorant whispers made me immediately come down from my high. -(A.N. should this be used here? Who cares)- I looked up to see almost everyone was staring at use. Some with face filled with disgust which made me immediately tense.

I pulled Setsu closer to me and looked out the window, trying to ignore their stares and whispers. Setsu being the smart little baby he is stayed quiet.

I notice we were getting closer to a bus stop and immediately decided to get off. It wasn't our stop but I rather walk than have Setsu be subjected to those ignorant people's cruel words and stares.

I quickly payed the driver while trying to ignore those people and exited the bus. It was a couple of miles on foot before we reach our destination. I deeply inhale and exhale preparing myself for the walk a head.

About forty-five minutes into the walk my feet and my back started to ache. On top of that Setsu was getting hungry and cranky. Thankfully there were a small diner a little a head.

I went in and order something that could be eaten quickly and took out a bottle that I prepared before we left home to feed Setsu. Setsu dropped asleep on my lap soon after and my foot arrived and I started eating. Half way through I pulled out my phone and called Aki.

Phone call

Aki - "Yuki!! I've been waiting for your call for how long now Where are you?!"

Yuki - "Ah.. yeah.. Sorry about that Aki. I fairly close to the city at this moment. I need you to tell me the address."

Aki - "I'm sending it to you right now. Check your inbox."

Yuki - "Thank's a lot Aki. I'll call you once we are settled. Remember to change my caller I.d. on your phone incase someone gets your phone."

Aki - "Yes, I already did that. Don't worry. And if that man don't help you just give me a call and I'll be there in no time to beat the crap out of that bastard you here me!!!"

Yuki - "Don't worry. As long as I'm not in that house again I'm okay"

Aki - "Of course I'll wory about you. No matter what. Stay safe okay"

End Call

After I ended the call with Aki I quickly finish eating and paying I gathered my stuff leaving and a sleeping Setsu to prepare myself for another long walk.

To where that man is...


Hi I'm Neko1112

Sorry for not updating guys. I've been so focused on my art that I forget about here and hardly visit here. And lately I've been so stress out with the family pesters and critisizes.

I don't understand why they find a way to critize everything I do. I graduated school. I don't party at all. I don't drink or smoke or take drugs. I haven't gotten pregnant at a young age. I'm a virgin. I don't bring a guy home with me every single day. I don't stay out late at night or don't come home at night and have them worrying. I'm not even freaking dating anyone. Yet those of my family who actually did majority of those stuff at my age has a problem with me being in my room painting whole day. What the fuck. I don't get it.

I'm just waiting to get a job so I could move out. My family aren't mean/bad people and mean well but living here can be very stressful. I've already started looking into apartments and will be moving out in the next 3 years.

Sorry I jus had was to vent. Anyhow the writing really calmed me down.

Bye I'm Neko1112

Living Life (Underage, Teenfic Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now