Chapter 80: A Search in the Dark

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Thank You to @MinaMara for following A Song of Silence! Your support means the world to me!!

Somehow Azazel managed to get a message to me hours after I had left the confines of the palace. The message appeared out of this air as I had stopped Millie for a break and the heavy envelope practically fell into my lap. The slight shifting of his shadows at my privates was my only hint that the message had been sent from him. I carefully opened the envelope and an invitation was inside.

The High King
cordially invites you
to be his guest of honor
at the banquet hosted in a
few days time

Of course. Azazel would pull something like this. Coincidentally, the ball would be hosted on the night of my deadline. A grim reminder to be sure, but it would be a night of fun before I would be forced to part from Azazel forever. Sterling my nerves, i return the invitation to its envelope and stash it in the lowest depths of my bag. I couldn't think on it now, only my mission to find the Grand Assassin and save Azazel's life or die trying. The dying part was more likely, but I was too determined to let it stop me from continuing on. I kick Millie into a trot once more and set us off towards our destination.

The village comes into sight just as the morning sun begins to rise. It lights the small town in an ethereal glow that is hard ignore, but soon the sun crests into the sky and the town resumes to look as mundane and boring as it had before I had arrived. I left Millie in the care of a young stable hand with enough coin to entice the young boy to give Millie the best of everything. I knew Millie would have much rathered being set free to roam and eat as she pleased, but I would need to leave the town as soon as my search was complete and I couldn't waste time trying to find her. I doubt that she would care that she was penned up after the stable boy gave her loads of treats and hay to eat.

My dark clothing and cloak drew stares, but they quickly looked away as my skirts peeled out from under my dress. Right now, I looked like a widow. Sure, a strangely clothed widow, but a widow all the same. I had changed into my dark simple dress before arriving into the town and few people liked looking upon a widow for fear that she would bring bad spirits to their door, so my disguise was somewhat foolproof. That said, nobody liked a widow to stay long in their town. If I took too long in the caves, I might find myself barred from the town inns and my belongings heaped in a pile in front of the boardroom that I hoped to stay. Better be quick then.

The boardroom welcomed me somewhat warmly as they led me to my room. They averted their eyes from my darkly clad clothing, but otherwise were quite warm in their greetings. The town was small and probably didn't boast many visitors, so they no doubt did not want to offend the few guests they had. Once within my rooms, I hid my belongings and changed into clothes more appropriate and less mourning-like. I kept my hair covered and when I looked in the tarnished mirror on the vanity, I found that I looked nothing like the widow that had been led into this room. Confident in my disguise, I quickly left the inn with my satchel over my shoulder. It contained my small map and any supplies I might need in my search of the caverns. The townspeople paid me little attention as I secretly took Millie from the stables and set her off towards the supposed entrance of the first cave.

A chill followed me as I left. I couldn't pinpoint its source, but I got the distinct feeling that I was being watched. I pulled Millie to a halt and dismounted. Leaving Millie to do as she pleased, I took out the map and looked for the entrance to the cave. It was half hidden by a boulder and done brush. It was well hidden You wouldn't know where to find the cave unless you specifically knew of its location. Pushing the brush aside, I grabbed a hearty stick and wrapped the top of it in oil soaked straw and cloth. My lightning sparked it quickly and the torch brightened the way into the oppressive darkness in front of me.

The cavern echoed with every step I took. No wonder the Grand Assassin chose caves for the home base of his organization. He would hear any intruders long before he saw them. But to mention any fae could very easily get lost in a place like this for an eternity. It wouldn't take long for someone to get lost and die of starvation. It was the perfect plan, for anyone would be wary of these caves because nobody ever returned from them. The darkness in front of me revealed nothing but stalagmites and dripping water that formed into puddles at my feet. I had to have been exploring this cavern for several hours and nothing appeared amiss. The walls were a cave-like as ever and there were no cavernous openings that revealed a large amount of supplies that could be stored here. By the looks of things, any supplies here would have long rotted as it became quickly waterlogged and overwhelmed with mold and rot.

Reaching the end of this particular cave, I looked to the almost entirely unrolled ball of yarn in my hand. I had been using it to find my way and to make sure I didn't lose my path in this cavernous maze. Tucking the torch into the crook of my arm, I started walking back the way I had come, rolling the ball of yarn up all the while.

Crisp dusk air greeted me as I finally exited the cave. I had found nothing inside and had just spent hours wandering around with the hood that I would find something. No dice, instead, now my feet hurt save my back ached from all the hunching down I had to do. Cracking my back, I doused the torch and whistles for Millie. She came trotting along in just a few moments and I mounted her and headed back to the village. I received a few strange looks as I arrived back at the village mere minutes from night. The drowsy stableboy took Millie from me once more and I made my way back to the boarding house.

Before going back to my rooms, I grabbed a quick meal from the matron of the boardinghouse and headed up to my room, my satchel on my shoulder. Locking the door, i checked in all the cracks and crevices for the sight of a disturbance. If the Grand Assassin got a hint of my activities, he would send some assassins after me. No matter their cleverness or prowess in battle, I had locked the door before I had left and any sign of forced entry would be impossible to hide. Finding nothing but dust and sheets that should have been washed a while ago, I sat down on the bed and started to eat my barely spiced soup and stale dry bread.

While eating, I checked the first location off the long list of caves I had to check. A new idea for a location would pop into my head and I would add it to the bottom of the list. At this point the never ending list of locations seemed impossible to complete. I guess that was the reason the Grand Assassin had chosen to hide his resources and the main part of his organization in the caves, they were nearly impossible to find and took an infinite amount of searching in order to find.

Finished with my meal, I exited my room and walked down the stairs with the intention to bring my tray to the cooks myself. Hushed whispers caught my attention and I paused in wait of what I would hear, "Have you seen a woman of this description anywhere?"

"No, sir."

"Look a little closer. Are you absolutely sure?"

"She has very distinctive hair, sir. I'm sure I wouldn't miss it. Besides, she would have no way to hide her eyes and they would be unmistakable."

A slight sigh, then, "Very Well." Footsteps echoed as he left the room.

I peeked my head around the corner to the matron looking directly at me, "Best you get going, Lady Aerilynn. More will be coming this way soon." Oh getting out of town, I did.

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