6. The Start

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Now Luna was 14 years old and all the men in their tribe went off to fight the war which meant their father was now gone leaving them with their mother and Gran Gran.

The men usually did all the fishing but since they weren't here, Sokka and Luna went fishing together where Luna would use her water bending to catch fish and Sokka would fish just like his father taught him to.

Sometimes they take Harmony out to help them fish. Today was one of those days. Harmony was swimming around looking for more fish when she felt something powerful coming from inside one of the icebergs.

She roared to get Luna and Sokka's attention so they could row over to her and once they got there Luna noticed exactly which iceberg this was. This was the iceberg Aang and Appa are in.

"What is it, Harmony? That's just an iceberg." Sokka asked her

"No, there's something inside. I can feel it." Luna said closing her eyes and concentrating on the ice that surrounded the ball that Aang and Appa were in and she melted it. She had to be careful she didn't want to accidentally hurt one of them.

Sokka watched as the iceberg got smaller only leaving a floating ball of ice that started glowing. They could see the silhouette of two beings inside the iceberg and Luna made a move that put a crack into the iceberg making a large beam of light come out the top of the iceberg.


"Finally," Zuko said looking at the beam of light that shot into the sky.

"Uncle, do you realize what this means?" Zuko asked his Uncle Iroh.

"I won't get to finish my game?" Iroh said looking at the tiles he was playing with on the table.

"It means my search has come to an end," Zuko said narrowing his eyes at the light.

"Ahh" Iroh sighed shaking his head a little.

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source. It has to be him." Zuko said trying to get his uncle to see his side.

"Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I don't want you to get too excited over nothing." Iroh said putting down a tile.

"Please sit, why don't you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea?" he asked his nephew.

"I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the avatar!" Zuko shouted.

"Helmsmen, head a course for the light," Zuko instructed.


Luna knew that light would cause Zuko to come to their tribe. But she would deal with that later.

Aang stood up with his tattoos glowing when he suddenly fainted causing Luna to quickly catch him.

Sokka poked him with his fishing spear.

"Stop it," Luna told him pushing away his spear. She laid Aang down on the ice and he started to wake up.

As Aang opened his eyes he saw the most beautiful girl in front of him. "I need to ask you something," he whispered to Luna.

Luna knew exactly what he was gonna ask her but she still asked him "What?"

"Please, come closer," he whispered again.

She came closer and he whispered so quietly to her that Sokka couldn't hear, "How are you so beautiful?"

"What?" Luna asked in shock as she blushed from his question. That wasn't what he was supposed to ask.

"Um I said, will you go penguin sledding with me," Aang asked out loud changing his question. He couldn't believe he had called her beautiful, he doesn't even know her name yet. Granted he wasn't lying when he said she was beautiful but still he should slow down.

"Sure!" Luna said smiling.

"What's going on here?" Aang asked air bending the air around him to stand up.

"You tell us! How'd you get in the Ice? And why aren't you frozen?" Sokka demanded.

"I'm not sure," Aang said looking confused.

They heard rumbling coming from inside the remains of the iceberg and Aang turned back towards the ice and climbed back up and slid down the other side.

"Appa, are you alright? Wake up, buddy." They heard him ask.

Luna and Sokka walked to the other side while Harmony swam alongside them to see a huge animal lift Aang in the air with his tongue. Sokka's jaw dropped but Luna's didn't, she already knew this was coming.

"Ha ha! You're okay." Aang said happily as he hugged Appa's nose.

"What is that thing?" Sokka asked looking at the big furry monster with wide eyes.

"This is Appa, my flying bison," Aang told him proudly smiling.

"Cool, this is Harmony, my Yin, and Yang dragon," Luna said as Harmony flew out of the water and shrunk herself down to sit on her shoulder.

"Woah, that's awesome," Aang said coming up to her to get a better look at Harmony.

Appa started grumbling and Luna knew what was next so she pulled herself and her brother out of the way as Appa sneezed.

"So, do you guys live around here?" Aang asked ignoring the way Sokka was looking at Appa in shock that he almost got sneezed on.

"Don't answer that. Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the fire navy." Sokka told his sister looking at the boy in front of them skeptically.

"Sokka he's not fire nation. Harmony would've felt if he had ill intentions against us." Luna explained with a roll of her eyes.

"Sorry about him, this is my brother Sokka and I'm Luna. You never told us your name." Luna said introducing them.

"I'm Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! AH-CHOO!" he sneezed flying into the air and slid back down the ice stopping in front of them like it was nothing, "I'm Aang."

"You just sneezed... and flew 10 feet into the air," Sokka said with a look of disbelief. His look of disbelief made Luna laugh a little and Aang immediately fell in love with the sound of her little laugh.

"Really? It felt higher than that." Aang said looking up in the air to see how high it was..

"You're an Airbender," Luna stated with a smile.

"Sure am!" Aang told her puffing his chest out proudly.

"Giant light beams, sky bison, airbenders, I think I got the midnight sun madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." Sokka told them turning around to get into the boat.

"You go ahead. I'll ride on Harmony." Luna told her brother.

"Cool, I'll take Appa. Come on buddy let's go. Yip yip." Appa jumped but instead of flying, he landed in the water making a big wave. Luna water bended the wave so Sokka didn't get wet.

"Woah, you're a water bender." Aang said smiling at Luna.

"Yeah, but unfortunately I'm the only one in my tribe," she said sadly as Appa started swimming towards the way Sokka was rowing and Luna and Harmony flew beside him.

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