Chapter 2: You Butter Believe It!

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Chapter 2: You Butter Believe It!
Last time on Total Drama Pahkitew Island 2, our 3rd generation contestants became 16 as we said hello to 2 newbies. We also learned during our build-a-cabin challenge, that one of 'em likes burning stuff, and the other likes thinking outside the box. Great pair! The Screaming Gophers claimed victory, and after his tower failed, Leonard the LARPer was kicked off first. I'm not surprised, this show is not for fantasy, it's for DRAMA! TOTAL DRAMA! Ha-ha! That is, TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!
(Opening Scene)
The Gophers  were all asleep in their treehouse, Jasmine in the tree above, a rope around her leg to avoid falling off. She awoke abruptly, then jumped onto the balcony.
"You going foraging without me?" Came Samey's voice. "It was the one thing I looked forward to on the island!"
"Sure. Come on, mate."
The two ladies left for the woods.
Elsewhere, the Killer Bass had awoken from a rough sleep. The sleeping bags had provided no comfort, and the team was distraught, except for Moth.
"Okay, this isn't working out." Dave grumbled. "Should we try our old cave?"
"Best good idea you've had so far. And the only one, too!" Moth chuckled.
The 7 of them settled into their cave, joined by Shawn, also sleeping in a tree.He and Moth went to go foraging.
Meanwhile, Jasmine and Samey had found quite a lot of berries. "I saw the finale last time. I'm happy you and Shawn were able to work out your differences."
"Thanks mate. What about your sister?"
"Still treating me like crap."
"Ah, don't worry about it. I'll help you get rid of her."
"Thanks, Jasmine."
"No problem. Isn't that-"
She trailed off as the two noticed Blais rush past them. Nodding, he scurried off. The two ladies peered from where he had come from to notice a snare trap, and Shawn and Moth tied up. Jasmine got them out of it, and Moth explained that Blais had been putting traps all over the place.
"Why would he do that?" Samey wondered.
"Gives us a winning edge if the other team is preoccupied." Blais's voice echoed from a tree.
Blais: Ok, the real reason is so I can find an immunity idol. Moth is helping me search, so we can split the cash. We're best friends, almost like siblings. We're going all the way to the finale!
End Confessional
"ATTENTION, contestants! Meet me at your next challenge! And bring your sense of humour, cause this is gonna be SO FUNNY! For me, at least." Chris announced.
On the way to the challenge, the Gophers shared some of the berries and nuts Jasmine and Samey found. "Thanks again for the berries, Jasmine. Thanks, Amy." Rodney stared at lovingly at Amy. Jasmine groaned. "Not this again..." She whispered to Scarlett, who cringed.
"Uh.. actually, Rodney, Samey got the berries, not Amy." Blais told him.
They stopped walking for a minute.
"Samey. You know, she's walking right next to you."
Rodney looked to his left. "Oh, well thanks then, Samey."
They kept walking. "Thank you." Samey whispered to Blais. "My pleasure."
Amy noticed this, and pulled Blais aside.
"Listen, newbie-"
"My name is Blais."
"I don't care. I don't know what you're doing, but stop being nice to her. She's useless, ugly, and just overall, a waste of space."
"Aren't you two twins?"
"There is no way I am related to that...thing."
The other Gophers just stared at the two of them.
"That 'thing' is a human being, and you know what? You two are identical twins, and I, for one, see no difference, except for that mark on your cheek, Amy. Doesn't that also make YOU ugly?"
Amy was at a loss for words, and she stormed off in a huff.
At the challenge, Chris chuckled.
"Gophers, Bass, your challenge today is a relay race, through these 7 obstacles...
...The buttery Slip n Slide...
...The buttered up rolling log...
...The buttered zip line over the pit of butter...
...The buttered maze of tubes...
...The buttery swinging hammers...
...The buttered tires...
...And the buttered wall!
"But there are only 7 obstacles, and we're a team of 8." Scarlett said.
"Two of you have gotta buddy up and do an obstacle together, then. And oh yeah, this is a RELAY race, so, you guys have to carry these!" Two pigs came snorting out of a cage on leashes.
"So, talk amongst yourselves, to decide who takes on which obstacle."
The teams huddled up.
"I can go with my sister. It wouldn't really be fair to have her with someone else. She's terrible at EVERYTHING!"
"Actually, you see that wall? Well, what if there WASN'T a wall?" Blais laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Rodney asked.
"Nothing. I have a plan. How about this: Jasmine and I take the wall, so if my plan fails, she can easily climb over and win? If that fails, vote me off. Deal?"
"Ok, sure mate. Samey first, Rodney second, Topher third, Amy fourth, Scarlett on hammers, Max on tires, me and Blais on the wall." Her team agreed to the plan.
The Bass had a few more troubles. "Sky can take the wall. She's an Olympic gymnast, it'll be easy!"Dave encouraged. Sugar got all up in his face. "What about Beardy? He could be strong, he takes the wall."
"Two words: Beard-E!"
"Ok. Sky can take the... first obstacle, I guess."
"I'll start, Beardo can finish. Everyone else, just pick a spot!" Sky agreed.
The teams got into their positions, Sky and Samey faced off on the Slip and Slide, but instead of water, it was butter.
Sky extended her hand. "Hey, good luck."
"You too."
Sky: I may be a strong player, and I may be a bit of a jerk, but wishing people luck is courteous. It shows good sportsmanship.
End Confessional
"Ok, teams and pigs ready? Go!"
The challenge began, as Sky and Samey slid on their stomachs on the buttery terrain, getting a mouthful of butter. Overall it wasn't that bad, however. The two survived without injury, passing the pigs over to Rodney and Ella. The two stepped onto the log, holding Ella's weight, but Rodney wasn't so lucky, the log cracked from under him, taking Ella with him. The pigs horrified, yelped and oinked. Ella tried singing, and it seemed to work-
"Zip it, or you're off the show!"
Ella and Rodney managed to make it to the other side of the thorns, Topher grabbed the pig, clipped himself in, and zip lined down.
"Wow, Chris, great challenge, dude! You must've been up all night planning this!"
Chris stared at Chef. "This is why I hate this kid."
Dave had caught up with Topher, handing the pigs off to Amy and Moth.
"Weirdo's first." Amy gestured to the tubes.
"Then why aren't you already in the tubes?"
Moth ran through the buttery tubes, the pig guiding her.
"Thats impossible!"
Amy's yelling caused the pig to bolt through the tubes, Amy screaming and covered in butter. "I'm sweaty and disgusting. I look like my sister!" She complained, as the pig started following Scarlett's path of pecans. "Ooh, seems Scarletts animal tactics are working!"
Chris chuckled.
"Nice tactics!" Shawn chuckled, dodging through the hammers. "You'd totally survive the apocalypse!"
"Thank you?" Scarlett told him, assuming it was a complement.
"Way to go, Shawn." Jasmine cheered him on.
"Whose team are you on, again?" Blais asked her.
"He's my boyfriend, he's not going home anytime soon." Jasmine told him.
Blais: Or is he?
End Confessional
Max had finished a few adjustments on some sort of helmet he was making. Sugar approached him. "Whats that weird thing ya working on?"
"This, you talking animal, is a helmet of EVIL! It can-" He was cut off, as the pig rammed into his backside, knocking him head first into the tire. He struggled to release himself, as Sugar bounced with the pig through the tires. When she reached the next obstacle, Beardo extended his hands for the pig, but Sugar didn't give him up.
"NO! Her or him is mine! FOREVER!"
The Bass watched in horror, as Beardo tried to grab the pig from her, but she wouldn't give in.
"Just give him the pig, Sugar! Max is coming!" Dave exclaimed, pointing.
Beardo suddenly had an idea. Taking a deep breath, he started making pig noises, hoping the pig would come, and luckily, it did. The pig bounced onto his afro, and he started climbing. He slid and fell, dusted himself off, and tried climbing back up again.
Max was running through the tires so fast, he didn't notice a vine laying in wait. He tripped, the pig flew, Jasmine caught it.
"Alright mate, what's your plan for getting over the wall?"
"What wall?"
The vine Max had tripped over had started a mechanism, triggering a large log to swing down. Jasmine, however, hadn't noticed.
"Mate, hurry up on your plan!"
"...Any minute... Come on...
Just as Beardo reached the top, the log came swooping down, hitting the base of the wall, Beardo narrowly avoiding being hit. He dropped to the ground, as Blais and Jasmine ran over the finish line with the pig.
The Gophers cheered, while the Bass looked defeated.
"But, they cheated!"
"I never said anything about knocking over obstacles, Dave!" Chris laughed.
"So, Bass, time to do the deed, and kick someone off the island! Ha-ha!"
The Gophers were walking back to their tree house. Samey approached Blais.
"Blais, that log thing was so cool! Where'd you learn to do that?"
"The amount of puzzle games I've played over the years. So I thought, you know what? I might apply it all to the real world." Blais replied.
"Well, whatever it is mate, we're lucky to have on our side."
"Not like that freak Moth, from the other team." Amy intervened. "How are you FRIENDS with that-"
Amy was cut off as she hoisted into the air by a rope trap.
"Uh, that wasn't me." Blais said. "Who else could've-"
"Maybe next time, you should keep your mouth shut, Amy." Moth appeared from behind a tree. "Blais, a word."
The others had gone ahead, Amy had been freed.
"Whats up?"
Her smile told him everything. She slipped it out of her pocket, handing it to him., he handed it back to her.
"You're in danger, you keep it. For tonight, at least."
Blais: One down, two to go.
End Confessional
"Killer Bass, you've cast your votes, and made the decision. And you have two losses in a row. That hurts, but what hurts even more is how you lost. Yeah, I wouldn't mess with Blais. You might get knocked into next week! And Moth, you've proven you can handle stuff, so you get the first marshmallow." Moth claimed it, walked by Blais, slipping him something.
"What are you two so happy about?" Rodney asked.
"Anyhoo...Sky, Shawn, Ella, and...Dave! You guys are safe. Which leaves Beardo and Sugar.
Beardo, you could be going home because you failed to reach the top of the wall!" Beardo made a noise of sadness, and Chris turned to Sugar.
"And Sugar, you could be going home for suggesting Beardo take the wall, and your stubbornness for not giving him the pig!"
"His names GREASE PIG!"
"Don't care. And the last marshmallow goes to..."
Beardo looked nervously at Chris, but Sugar looked confident...

"YES! THANK YOU ALL!" He shouted, his teammates shocked he spoke.
"WHAT? WHY ME? Beardy's the one who failed the wall!"
"But you decided for him to do the wall!" Shawn said.
"And, he was able to use his noises to call the pig, making up for time." Dave agreed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but he was-useful."
Beardo wiped a tear from his eye.
Beardo: (Makes Happy sound) Thanks, Dave.
Blais: Guess we didn't need it after all. Buh bye, you fat, gross piggy!"
End Confessional
Sugar now sat in the slingshot, sobbing.
"Any final words?"
"I should NOT be in this slingshot! It should be HER!" She pointed to Ella, who looked shocked. "So, get me out of this slingshot!"
"Ok!" Chris chuckled. "I'd be happy to!"
He let go, and Sugar was flown off the island.
"Whew, glad she's gone! She scares me for a living person!" Shawn laughed.
"Me too, but seriously, team, we need to start winning challenges, or else we're all going home." Sky said.
"I am quite sad that Sugar is gone, but you're right, Sky." Ella said.
"Hey, wait!" Beardo said, as they were about to go to bed.
He held up his marshmallow on a stick. "To the Killer Bass."
They did the same, mimicking his toast.
"To the Killer Bass." Moth agreed. "And to NOT ending up here again next week!"
"Will the Killer Bass be able to break out of their losing streak? I doubt it! But you'll just to wait and see, on... TOTAL DRAMA: PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!"

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