Chapter 10: Maximum Scarlett Fever

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Chapter 10: Maximum Scarlett Fever
Last time on Total Drama, the merge brought upon us a game of hide and seek. Blais was 'it', and he did a great job! And Dave did a great job getting rejected by Moth AND getting eliminated! And Topher did a great job kissing his girlfriends sister!
And, yeah. Thats about it, really! Nothing else-happened much...hey that can't just...darn it!
Who's going slingshotting today? Find out-OW!-on TOTAL DRAMA!
(Opening Scene)
The 8 contestants stood in front of Chris, as the island continued to go haywire.
"Please tell me this isn't what I think is happening." Sky asked Chris.
"Um...yeah, the islands malfunctioning. Again. BUT! I did disable the self destruct sequence! Your lives are safe! Unless..."
"Unless?" Samey asked.
"Well, there is a 6% chance that the bomb could theoretically reactivate. But that'd only happen if someone tampered with the electrical grid, and thats impossible."
A panel suddenly popped out of the ground, and a computerized countdown began.
"Self destruct engaged. Island will explode in 1 hour."
"That 6%?"
"Um...yeah, that 6%."
"Well, fantastic! Just how I wanted to die!" Blais muttered.
"Oh, don't worry, Blais. THIS is how you're gonna die..."
The contestants and Chris turned around to see Scarlett, aiming a pistol straight at their faces.
"Scarlett? What are you-"
Scarlett took off her glasses and let her hair down.
"I knew you were crazy, I just didn't think you'd be this crazy!" Chris laughed, receiving a kick in the 'kiwis'. He keeled over, and Scarlett aimed the pistol right between his eyes.
"Give me the million dollars, or die. Your choice." She growled. "The rest of you," She tore her gaze away from Chris. "Down on the ground."
They did so, nervous and scared.
"Now, McLean-"
Scarlett turned around to see that Chris had escaped in a helicopter.
"Guess I should've expected that. But perhaps he wants to watch the show..."
Keeping the gun trained on the other contestants, she popped a loose stone open, about to locate the control room.
"No, if I want them to take me seriously..."
She stopped herself just in time, pointing the gun directly in Samey's direction.
"You. Get up. You ever watch an island explode from underneath?"
Samey trembled, but was dragged by Scarlett, walking behind her with the pistol.
She restrained the others, tying them up together with rope.
"Please...take me instead...please." Topher begged.
Scarlett slapped him in the face, smiling darkly.
"I don't think I will, pretty boy."
With that, she sent Samey in first, then jumped down the hole after her hostage.
"Well, another BBEG!" Moth exclaimed, struggling against the restraints with the others.
The others stared at her blankly.
"Does no one know who that is? Who ARE you people?"
"Another what?"
Blais raised his hand, but Moth glared at him, so he put it down.
"You don't count, Blais."
"Listen, can we just focus?" Topher asked.
"If I could reach my daggers, I could get us out. However, they're in my pockets." Moth suggested.
She turned to Blais, tied up beside her.
"Alright, fine!" He told her.
Meanwhile, Scarlett and Samey had reached the control room. Without a blink, Scarlett shot the electrical passcode with her gun, automatically opening the door.
A computerized voice welcomed 'Chris McLean', as Scarlett smiled. She tied Samey to a chair, gagging her.
"Oh, don't worry, Samey. Nobody's coming for you. And your boyfriend? Well..."
Scarlett pulled up the footage of Topher and Amy kissing in the tree as they were about to be nabbed by the other contestants.
Sammy's eyes widened. She would've screamed, but she was gagged. Tears filed her eyes.
Scarlett took her place in front of all the monitors. She buzzed Chris, who had taken refuge in a plane.
"Alright, Scarlett. Calm down, we can talk about this like real people."
"Actually, Chris, it's simple. Give me the money, or you, this island, and the others are GONE! And I have a hostage!" She pulled the camera back to reveal Samey tied up.
"Woah, you've thought of everything! Ok, take it easy. Just give me a second..."
"I won't wait long, Chris..."
The host burst into the cockpit of the plane.
"The milkshake dispenser doesn't work! It only gives me vanilla. The most BORING flavour to exist! Also, Scarlett has a hostage, and is gonna kill us all. Just letting you know."
Back on the island, Blais had finished cutting the rope.
"Alright, let's get down there and free Samey!" Topher said.
They ran for the stone, popped it loose just as Scarlett had, and jumped into the hole one at a time.
Landing on a hard metal floor, the contestants had reached a long hallway with a lot of doors.
"One of these doors has gotta lead somewhere." Blais pushed open a door to reveal killer robot crocodiles.
"Oh, f***! RUN!"
They ran down the long hallway, meeting a large metal door closing in front of them. They ran through it, but Jasmine lost her hat.
"My hat!"
She grabbed it just in time and they noticed another few doors.
Suddenly, Chris buzzed on a monitor.
"Guys, great news! The self destruct system is just down there!"
He pointed down the hallway to a door.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Jasmine asked.
"Um, Scarlett tried to kill me too, you know! Just my way of getting back at her for being a psycho!"
They rushed down there, and gasped in horror, for instead of the control room was a lot, like, a LOT, of robot Chris's. The contestants gasped.
"Well, this is just disrespectful to the word 'creepy.'" Blais laughed
"Hope you like it." Chris laughed. Suddenly, the connection buzzed to reveal Scarlett. "It'll be the last thing you'll ever see!" She laughed maniacally as the Chris-bots turned on abruptly. Their eyes glowed red as they surged towards their victims. They bundled together as the Chris-bots crept towards them.
"It's like an army of weirdos!" Amy screamed. "Oh, wait, that's you guys. Never mind. Freaks!"
"Amy, I swear to God, not right now!" Sky griped.
"Hey, Moth?"
"Remember the Sahara Desert?"
"Oh, yeah, THAT whole mess!"
The two friends laughed.
"First night, we got lost, then you made the dumbass mistake of drinking your canteen. You dolt." Moth laughed.
"I had to drink my own piss just to stay alive." The others stared at Blais, who smiled. "Yeah, you can do that. For a day or two, at least. But, uh, Moth, pack of Orcs, coming straight for us."
Moth stopped abruptly. "ORCS?"
She ran at the Chris-bots, slamming into them, punching, kicking them, she even threw her daggers at a few.
"Headshot! Headshot! Headshot! Headshot! F*** you!" She ran at the lone survivor of the batch and sliced it in half. A mess of Chris robot heads, arms, and legs lay in front of Moth.
"Does ANYONE here know what Orcs are?" She asked.
The others shook their heads, except Blais.
Chris buzzed in on a monitor.
"Ok, guys, about earlier-hey, what the-my robots! You can't just break my stuff!"
"You can't scold us when you left US,  teenagers, to stop YOUR robotic island from exploding, Chris! You're just sitting up there drinking milkshakes or whatever."
"Ok, A. I'm drinking coffee!" The host took a sip. "B. I don't like your tone, new guy! And C. As you've probably figured out by now, Scarlett's kidnapped Samey and is gonna kill EVERYONE if I don't give her the million dollars! But I can't do that!"
"What?" Sky asked.
"Yeah, sorry, but you guys are on your own!" The host left the monitor.
The contestants looked at each other for a moment, then ran to the control room door.
"Scarlett, please, open this door!" Sky banged on the door to the control room desperately.
Scarlett then appeared on a monitor.
"Attention, suckers! Either Chris hands me the million dollars, or you ALL get eliminated! PERMANENTLY! You have..."
"Six minutes and counting!" rang the computerized voice.
"And, unless you still wanna see your friend alive, you'll give me the money!" She growled, showing them poor Samey tied up.
"That is all." Scarlett ended the call..
"We've gotta do something!" Jasmine said.
"Well, what CAN we do?" Sky replied. "Chris isn't gonna help us! No Chris means...wait a minute...that's it! I'll be right back!"
In the control room, Scarlett smirked. "Times almost up, you know. Guess your boyfriend doesn't care about you after all, Samey."
Scarlett pointed her gun at Samey's head, Samey closed her eyes, fighting against the restraints.
The monitor suddenly buzzed on to reveal Chris.
"Right here—now!"
"So, you FINALLY came to your senses!"
"I total-total...did!"
"It's about time." Scarlett put the gun down and left for the door. She didn't notice that it was actually a Chris-bots dismembered head, which Blais  smashed to bits.
Scarlett opened the door and Topher jumped out at her.
"HAHA! Got you!"
Scarlett growled, advancing on Topher.
"Help me..."
Moth immediately tackled Scarlett effortlessly, tying her with some more rope, as Topher and Jasmine freed Samey.
Blais ran for the computers. "WHAT DO I PUSH?"
"Control, alt, delete!" Sky answered.
Blais did so.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Chris suddenly appeared on a monitor.
"Ok, guys, just before you die, I just wanna say- oh, Woah! You took down Scarlett! Nice!"
"Yes, no thanks to you!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What the-"
The host stared down at the island, a half of it was on fire and the other half was frozen solid.
Blais: How fantastic. This is perfect.
End Confessional
"I know I normally hand these out to the people who are NOT being eliminated, but today, I think a special ceremony is in order! YOU are so ELIMINATED!"
Chris gestured to Scarlett in the slingshot, still tied up with rope. As he pelted her with marshmallows he spoke.
"You're more eliminated than ANYONE'S ever been eliminated, AND, you're going to jail for attempted murder! So, say hi to Duncan for me, and say goodbye to the island!"
And Scarlett was fired away.
"Good riddance!" Chris laughed. "Now, before you all go off to bed, I have an announcement to make. Scarlett is NOT the only one going home tonight! I've decided to give Blais a sole vote for, technically, shutting down the self destruct and winning the challenge!"
The others gasped, as Blais looked around with a smile on his face.
"Ok, wow, this is a convenient plot twist!" he chuckled, before narrowing his gaze to his fellow contestants.
"The person I'd like to eliminate is...

"What? Why me?"
"Cause you're the only contestant here, other than Amy, who I don't like!"
"Sky, you've got 5 seconds to strap yourself into the Slingshot!"
"Wait, guys. He can't just-"
But Chris fired Sky away before she could say anything.
"As for the rest of you, off to bed! You'll need it for tomorrow!"
Samey trembled and finished telling Topher about what had happened down in the control room.
"And she-she showed and Amy, you and Amy were-"
She buried her face in his arms, as he hugged her affectionately.
"Listen, I wasn't in my right mind, ok? It meant nothing. I love you...and I always will, ok?"
The two lovers followed the others to bed, as (you guessed it, folks!) Blais and Moth went for the fire.
"This game is really getting easier!" Blais laughed. "But we can't get cocky."
"True that. Samey, Topher, and Jasmine are too powerful and, friend-ish or not, we have to target them."
"Well then, we're about to make a b****'s day, aren't we?"
And they went to bed.
"Scarletts insanity is no more on this island! But you'll need to wait until next time to see who goes flying and who ends up crying! On the next episode of... TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!"

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