Chapter 8: Total Drama

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Chapter 8: Total Danger
Previously on Total Drama, I dropped our contestants into a deep and dark cave, and they needed to escape. The Gophers were victorious, and the Bass learned not every surface tunnel should be explored! And we were about to say goodbye to the sunglasses-less Moth, but I switched her to the Gophers, and Topher to the Bass!
This episode is gonna be AWESOMELY DANGEROUS AND HILARIOUS! So, just watch some...TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!
Topher awoke on the hard rocky surface in the cave. "How do you guys sleep like this?" .
"After a while, you barely notice." Sky told him.
Dave: Moth was acting weird before the team switch, and I'm no dummy. It's because she's in LOVE with me! Now I just need to trick her into kissing me and then BOOM! Relationship ON!
End Confessional
Suddenly, a loud feedback noise resounded through a loudspeaker. "Sorry about that! It seems every time I push this button, it makes the noise." The sound blared through the loudspeaker. "Yeah, it's DEFINITELY that button! Anyway, meeting area NOW!"
The contestants stood in front of Chris. 
"Teams, today is one of the most DANGEROUS challenges you will ever face! Get ready to look death in the face and live, because you've gotta successfully navigate through 3 danger zones!
Zone 1 is Jumping Jellyfish Waters!"
In front of the contestants was a large body of water and a set of stumps.
"Teams will jump from stump to stump in an attempt to make it across. If you fall in, you might wanna skedaddle out of there, because, as the name suggests, theres sleeping jellyfish!"
"But they're sleeping." Shawn laughed.
"Oh yeah, and theres sharks too!"
"That'll do it."
"On the other side is the Goat Mans Swamp!" The camera panned out to reveal a large swamp and Chef, a goat costume obscuring his vision, on a rock. He had some sort of powerful rocket launcher. "Be careful, though! If he hears you, he'll blast you in the face with swamp mud. That's the sort of stuff that never comes out!
Successfully make it through the first two zones, the last one is the Avalanche Zone! A long treacherous journey on a mountain. One loud sound will send the whole mountain crashing down!"
"Doesn't seem so bad." Dave laughed.
"Oh, really?" Chris laughed.
Topher: (Facepalms) First Chris makes me switch teams, then I have to sleep in a cave, now this? Ok, you know what? Bring it!
Dave: I'm trying to make it seem like I'm tough, strong, and brave. That way, Moth'll have to love me!
End Confessional
"I wasn't gonna do this to you, but since Dave isn't impressed, I've decided that TWO members of the losing team will go home tonight! So, thanks for the idea, DAVE!"
Everyone shot him a dirty look, but he smirked at Moth, who raised an eyebrow, which turned into a growl.
"Teams ready? Doesn't matter! Go!"
The teams ran for the lake, jumping from stump to stump. Some of the stumps weren't stabilized, so the contestants needed to be careful.
Moth stepped on a narrow stump, wobbling. Suddenly, a shark bounced out of the water, coming straight for her. She screamed, as it cut to Chris.
"Wanna see how mad a shark can get? Me too! Find out who's gonna get beaten and who's gonna get eaten! After the break!
The shark opened its mouth, exposing a large amount of teeth, only for it to chomp down on one of Moth's daggers, concealed behind her sleeve. Moth loosened one of its teeth, as the shark slid back into the water, joining Blais on a larger stump. The two friends jumped from stump to stump, they were nearly there-
Dave, a little behind the other competitors, was taking on a shark.
"Oh, you foolish teen-child." Moth sighed, rushing over to help him.
"Teen-child?" Sky asked, passing her.
"Teenagers body, child brain, child attention span, that kinda stuff."
Dave, about to punch a shark, didn't notice Moth behind him, and accidentally elbowed the girl in the face.
"Huh?" Dave looked back just in time to see Moth fall into the water. Jellyfish swarmed the girl, shocking and zapping her. Shawn saved Dave, who didn't notice the shark creeping up on him, and the Bass left for Zone 2, Topher wishing Samey good luck.
Amy: OMG, this is so unfair! Anyone with a brain knows Topher loves her out of pity! But I have a plan...
End Confessional
Suddenly, Moth burst out from the water, with a jellyfish in her hair.
"Um, you ok?" Samey asked.
She offered no response, except for an annoyed growl. With that, the team ran for Zone 2.
Meanwhile, the Bass had reached the swamp.
"Chefs blindfolded, this'll be easy. Chris must be out of ideas." Topher laughed.
Suddenly, the boy stepped onto a horn.
"Did I fail to mention that there are boobytraps all over the place? My bad!"
Chef, hearing the noise, shot swamp mud in the teams direction. They ducked, and the shot never hit the target, slipping onto a tree.
"Close one!" Topher chuckled, getting pulled into a bush by Shawn.
"Alright, listen. We're gonna get past Chef, then throw a few of the traps back at the Gophers to make it harder for them." Sky told her team.
Dave: This is the PERFECT chance to show Moth! Taking on a shark probably wasn't the best idea, but if I wanna win her over, I gotta be a fierce competitor!
Topher: I just hope Samey can forgive me...
End Confessional
The Bass threw a few horns and a cowbell back at the Gophers. The team, not anticipating said tactics, stepped on them.
"The trees! Go for the trees!"
The team clambered up a large tree, Jasmine carrying Scarlett, as shots were fired directly where they just were.
"We'll have to jump from tree to tree to make it to the other side!" Blais said.
"Are you INSANE? I'm not doing that!" Amy complained.
"Why not?" Scarlett asked.
"Um, hello? I'll get dirty!"
Moth suddenly got an idea. Winking at Samey, she whispered to Blais.
"Well, Amy, I guess you've gotta run it. Too bad, though. I've seen Samey do some pretty sweet stuff when we're foraging."
Every eye was on Samey.
Scarlett chuckled. "While this is touching, we're wasting time. I'm not as physical as the rest of you, so I'll run for it and distract Chef."
Jasmine dropped her off, and the girl took off running, stepping everywhere there were traps, as her team maneuvered on the trees, almost immediately catching up with the Bass.
"What the heck? How are you guys this good?"
"The power of a wooden log, zombie boy."
And, of course, came a wooden log smashing straight into Chef. He went flying straight back to Chris, tore his goat costume off, and sat down, ticked.
Scarlett caught up with the teams, and they crept through Zone 3.
Dave walked beside Moth, up at the front of the two teams.
"So, Moth?"
"What do you want this time?"
"I'm ok if you wanna take things slow, but it's time we start to, ya know, make it more obvious?"
Moth stopped walking at that, turning around to face Dave.
"Make what obvious?"
"Ah, playing hard-to-get. I like it."
"Dave, you are making less sense than usual. If you wanna say something, say something."
Moth stamped her foot impatiently. A few small rocks came thundering down like rain.
Suddenly, a phone rang, clear and loud. The teams looked back at Topher, at the very back of the line with Samey. He cautiously took it out, stared at the Caller I.D, and put it on silent. The look on Sky's face could kill.
"I thought you didn't have his phone anymore!" Sky whispered.
"Yeah. I lied. Just be lucky I didn't make an avalanche, and kill us all!" He whispered back.
While they were fighting, Dave kept trying.
"Now, listen, I don't know why you're denying it, but I think I know why-"
"Denying WHAT, exactly?"
The mountain shook with Moth's fiery words.
"Hey uh, guys? Keep it down!" Blais murmured.
"Gimme a second, Blais. Why are you acting like this, huh? What do you want from me?"
And then Dave made the biggest mistake of his life. He kissed Moth square on her lips.
Moth recoiled in disgust.
"WHAT THE F*** are you DOING?!?"
Her shouting caused a very large avalanche to completely bury the teams. Struggling, Blais and Shawn, the only two not buried, raced each other and the oncoming avalanche to the finish line. Pushing and shoving, they slid on their stomachs. Chris watched, as they crossed the finish line...
The teams didn't hear him, as they were still trapped under the avalanche.
The Bass sat, covered in blankets. Topher was nervous, as he should be.
"Contestants, today was AWESOME! Drama, danger, and one unlucky loser! Who's it gonna be? Let me show you!"
"WAIT!" Moth told Chris.
"What is it, Moth?"
Winking at Blais, she pulled the Chef Head out of her sweater.
"I'd like to play this in favour of Topher."
"Ok, then. Without further ado, the votes!"
A monitor displayed the confessional.
Sky: I vote Topher for not being completely honest. Lying is not good.
Beardo: Shawn. No offence or anything, but he's way too physical." (Makes whomp whomp whomp waaaa noise.)
Shawn: Yeah, Topher. Even though deceit is a tactic in the zombie apocalypse, it's not a good tactic with your team.
Topher: I vote for Chris. It's my time to take over this show!
Dave: Beardo. The noises are just aggravating! And why on EARTH is Morh denying it? Denying us!
End Votes
Well, there it is. Topher has 3 votes, but the Chef Head nullifies them, leaving Shawn and Beardo. So, adios!"
The teams gasped, as the two boys strolled down the path together. Sharing a kiss with Jasmine, Shawn was fired off. Beardo made a slingshot fire noise, before screaming "IT WAS REALLY NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOUUUUUU!" as he was fired away.
The three remaining Bass members all awkwardly stared at each other, with nothing to say. Dave was weirdly happy, Sky was staring daggers at Topher, and Topher was checking Chris's cell phone.
The three slunk off to the cave, as Blais and Moth stepped out of the shadows.
"Do you think they suspect anything?"
"How can they? We have the element of surprise." And Blais pulled the tiki idol out of his pocket.
"Dave's in love with you, for some reason."
"Then he's next. He's just lucky we didn't tamper with the votes."
They went to the Gophers treehouse.
"Lip locking, jellyfish shocking, and a whole lot of DRAMA! Tune in next time to see what tactics these two'll think up next time on...TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!

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