Chapter 7: Cave Calamity

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Chapter 7: Cave Calamity
Last time on TOTAL DRAMA, our newbies proved to be useful after they worked AGAINST their teammates, playing keep-away with a gold coin. Since they won, they got to choose who was kicked off, and in the end, Max and his EVIL mind were sent packing! That guy is a WEIRDO! But then again, pretty much all of our contestants are!
Who's going be packing their bags tonight? Find out on this 'caving in' show, of TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!
(Opening Scene)
The Gophers had gathered for a small bit of breakfast.
"You're in a good mood, Scarlett. What gives?" Amy noticed.
"What can I say? It's like all my problems were flung off an island."
Scarlett: Now that I have Blais's loyalty in voting, I can start by eliminating a few threats, but my guard is still up. I don't trust him. Not fully.
Blais: I'm not dumb, I know she's playing me. But maybe I'M the one playing HER.
End Confessional
The contestants had gathered by Chris, who explained the challenge.
"Today, folks, you'll be racing around the island in these Turbo Orbs!" The host motioned to two simply giant hamster balls, one red and one green.
"So, in you go!"
Sceptically, the teams got into their orbs.
"Watch the hair!" Topher griped to Scarlett and Blais.
Jasmine, still extremely claustrophobic, was helped in by Samey.
"Um, we can't see out of these." Dave's voice was muffled through the Orb.
"Yeah, ya might a feel a slight DROP!"
The Orbs were pushed into a cave, hitting each and every twist and jagged edge. Screaming, the contestants hit the rocky end of the drop.
Bruised and battered, the teams turned to a monitor, and Chris's laughing face was shown on screen.
"Teams, today, your REAL challenge is to get out of this ginormous cave!"
"Why lie to us with the fake challenge?"
"If I told you I would be risking both your lives and imprisonment for child endangerment by dropping you into a cave, you would have called the cops! This was a LOT easier! Anyways, you see those bags?" The teams noticed said bags, and looted them.
"Night vision goggles? Climbing gear? This is perfect!" Blais laughed, handing out the pairs to his team.
"Soy sauce packets and cat food? What the-?" Sky complained, then groaned.
"One of the bags might be more helpful! Ha! And there's this!"
Chris pushed a button, and suddenly the cave started collapsing.
"CAVE IN!" Jasmine screamed, as the teams darted every which-way to 4 small entrances.
Jasmine and Samey gasped for breath.
"I CAN'T SEE! I CAN'T SEE!" Jasmine cried out.
"Hey, night vision goggles! They work." Samey encouraged.
"Whew, thanks mate. Now I can see how cramped this cave is." Jasmine shuddered, as the two started walking.
Meanwhile, the other four members of the Gophers had barely made it through an entrance.
"Ugh, this cave is DISGUSTING!" Amy complained to her three companions.
"Oh, I just hope Samey's ok." Topher worried.
"Hey, she's with Jasmine. They're gonna be ok." Blais reassured him.
"Let's just keep going."
Shawn, Beardo and Sky had also nearly been crushed, but they escaped unscathed. They walked in silence, except for Beardo's occasional noises.
The three of them reached an underground lake. Eerily lit lights were strewn all over the place.
"Ugh, glow slugs. Horrible things." Sky commented.
They trudged past them into the water, revealing leeches. They struggled to get them off, screaming and howling in pain.
Meanwhile, Dave and Moth had ended up in the same cave, to Moth's annoyance. Dave just wouldn't shut up about the sunglasses.
"For the last time, Dave, shut up about my sunglasses!"
"Ok,ok, sorry!"
"Thank you." Moth breathed a sigh of relief.
"You got a boyfriend?"
Dave: What? I feel like I have a shot with her!
Moth: I. Hate. Him.
End Confessional
The two of them suddenly noticed light up ahead.
"Hey, there's a lake!" Dave laughed, noticing his team.
"Hey, it's our teammates!" He then noticed the leeches.
"And a bunch of angry, bloodthirsty leeches! Oh, crap."
Moth rolled her eyes, as they crept along the edge of the lake, but Dave slipped and fell into the lake. Screaming, he bolted out of the water, covered in leeches. He started crying, and his team just waited patiently.
And Moth knocked him out in one hit, Shawn and Beardo carried him, when suddenly, a monitor turned on.
"Hey, Bass, you're almost out! You just gotta go up that tunnel right there!"
The team ran for the tunnel, when the monitor crackled and smashed onto the rough, rocky ground.
"HEY! You know how much I paid for that thing? 5 bucks!" Chris grumbled.
Suddenly, a boat horn blared, and Owen ran over to Chris, seemingly from nowhere.
"Chris, Chef, what's happening?!?" The big guy chuckled.
"Oh, look, it's former contestant Owen, who's NOT competing this season!"
"Yeah, baby. I'm not-WAIT, WHAT? NOT COMPETING?"
"I'm afraid that you, Noah, and all the Gen 1 AND Gen 2 cast aren't enough. But who knows, we MIGHT, just might, keep the door open in a future season! Chef?"
Chef placed a bomb on the big guys forehead. Owen screamed as Chris pushed a button, and Owen flew off the island into his boat and straight into Noah.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sorry big guy." He shook his head sadly.
Meanwhile, Jasmine and Samey had reached a large hole covered in fog. Another monitor buzzed on.
"Ladies, welcome to the Leap of Faith! You two will have to jump off this ledge, BUT, even I don't know how far this drop is. So, good luck!"
The two friends stared at the hole.
"Well, we've just gotta jump, I guess."
Samey went for the jump, but Jasmine stopped her, holding her in a bear grip.
"Samey, no! There has to be another way!"
"Ok, ok! You can...let go.... now." Jasmines grip was suffocating Samey a bit.
"Samey? No!"
The two fell over the edge, falling right on top of their teams.
"Woah, glad you're ok." Blais told them, helping them off Amy.
"God, Samey, you're so clumsy. No wonder you separated from us, you would've just slowed us down!" Amy scolded her sister.
Ahead of the team, a moniter displayed Chris.
"Speaking of slowing down, Gophers, welcome to the Spike Zone! Yeah, those stalagmites and stalactites are gonna be raining down hard at loud noises! So be careful!" He whispered.
"Thank you for the warning." Amy chuckled. "Let's just tiptoe across."
"Amy, I feel a 'but' coming." Blais cautioned.
"You're right! BUT, tiptoeing is pretty boring, so heres a crocodile!"
A crocodile suddenly appeared from seemingly nowhere, and the team screamed as the crocodile advanced on the team, snapping and biting. It's eyes turned red.
"Oh, killer robot crocodiles! Thanks, Chris!" Blais remarked sarcastically.
But luckily for the team, the crocodile just seemed to shut down.
Scarlett approached the innards. "If I could piece together a transmitter, who knows what we could find?"
"Uh, Scarlett, why don't you what you have to?" Blais suggested.
Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Fine." She got cracking, and within minutes, she held a little remote-like device.
Scarlett: My little brother pulled my hair once. So, I made his remote controlled toys come to life and attack him every night. For 6 years. He is STILL in therapy.
End Confessional
"Now, let me try the universal sign for garage door openers, and...I'm brilliant!"
A small elevator appeared from the rubble. "Yeah, this place is weird." Topher commented.
"Well, you clearly don't need THIS anymore!" Amy grabbed the remote from Scarlett and tossed it out of the elevator.
"NO!" Scarlett screamed as the doors closed in front of them, and the elevator started moving up.
Meanwhile, the Bass were slipping and sliding through the tunnel.
"It's just so muddy! Ugh." Dave, now conscious, sanitized his hands.
"Keep going! I see daylight!" Shawn urged.
The team screamed, upon realizing their exit was up the outhouse confessional.
"The toilet? We came up the... the toilet?" Sky cried.
"That means the water... and the mud... it was was..." Shawn trembled.
"Dave, you ok?" Beardo asked him.
Dave just made strange gurgling noises, and fainted.
The team, messed up and dirty, made it to the finish line, only to find the Gophers had already beat them. Chris was laughing his butt off.
"Well Bass, ya lost both the challenge and your dignity! Chef's hose you off and clean you up, then it's STRAIGHT to elimination! Can't believe these guys trusted me..."
The Bass team groaned, and slunk off to elimination.
Much later, Dave was about to enter the confessional to vote, when he heard shouting coming from the forest. Dave peered from behind a tree to find Moth repeatedly punching a punching bag with his face on it. Moth suddenly stopped, went back about 10 feet, and took out a few sharp, metal, daggers, and hit her target spot on Daves face.
Trembling, Dave ran back to the confessional, running into Beardo and Shawn, and told them what he saw...
"Welcome back to elimination, Killer Bass! You've all cast the votes, and marshmallows go to...
Shawn, Sky, and...Beardo, AND... DAVE! You are all safe!"
"WHAT?" Moth's gaze burned like fire on her former teammates, before accepting her defeat.
"BUT...Moth is NOT going HOME tonight!"
"I'm not taking the Slingshot of Shame?" Moth asked.
Nope! Because THIS was really A REWARD challenge, AND, to make things even better, I'm sending you over to the Gopher's team!"
The teams gasped, as Chris turned to the Gophers.
"However, since the teams are lopsided, I'm sending one of you to the Bass! So, let me see...
Chris's gaze lingered on the Gophers.
"Topher, go join the Bass!"
Topher sighed. "Well, good luck, guys."
And he and Moth switched seats, and Chris announced the reward: a 3 course meal under the stars.
The Gophers all cheered, while the Bass watched enviously.
The Bass all sat around the fire, burning their marshmallows, excluding Topher. He just stared nervously around.
"I seem to recall last season, Topher, that you weren't exactly a team player." Sky told him.
"Yeah, well, what's past is past, and besides, I don't even have Chris's phone anymore."
"You've gotta prove you're worth something, cuz if not, you'll be the next person to go home, dude." Shawn chuckled.
The team went off to bed, as Chris ended the episode.
"How will this team switch affect the game? With Blais and Moth on the same team, I'd be nervous to step a toe out of line! But, find out who'll cross that line next time, on... TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!

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