Chapter 3: Twisted Sisters

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Chapter 3: Twisted Sisters
Last time on Total Drama Pahkitew Island 2, our teams went through a buttered up obstacle course, which was both tasty and AWESOME! For me! The Gophers were victorious after Blais enacted a plan, by which I mean, smashing a wall with a wooden log. Boom! And after her stubbornness, Sugar the piggy was sent home.
Which little piggy will go all the way home today? Find out, on this episode of, TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!
(Opening Scene)
Blais awoke to find Jasmine and Samey leaving the treehouse. He stood up, a bit groggy.
"You mind if join you?"
"Um...sure. Come on mate! We need all the help we can get."
He eagerly left the treehouse with them, as they set off into the forest.
Meanwhile, the Bass had received a few berries from Shawn.
"You're a pretty good outdoorsman, dude." Dave told him.
"Would anyone to like to hear a song?" Ella asked. Beardo did a musical noise.
"Um...Ella, why don't you go sing to the other team, as a sign of ...friendly competition?" Shawn asked.
"Wonderful idea, Shawn!"
"NO, TIME ELLA! GOPHERS, BASS, MEET ME IN THE CLEARING FOR YOUR CHALLENGE!" Chris's voice echoed through some loudspeakers.
The Gophers made their way to the challenge, joined by the Bass.
"Teams, this next challenge is a favourite of mine, called... DOOM BALLOONS!"
"I'm IN!" Max chuckled.
"You have 10 seconds to grab these balloons filled with whatever: bird poop, jelly, powder, eggs, whatever, and chuck 'em at your opponents! First team out loses, so the challenge starts...NOW!"
There was a dash for the balloons, as the teams ran for the balloons.
"Game time!"
The teams scattered in different directions. Max held Scarlett and Moth back. "Come here, minions! You two are coming with me!"
"Um...I'm on a different-"
"Enough babbling. Watch and learn from your EVIL master!"
Scarlett and Moth exchanged a look. Holding up a balloon each, they cleared their throats.
"Truce? Until we get rid of him?"
Max kept rambling.
"So, ladies, my EVILNESS will triumph for our team! In fact, we can start by eliminating-"
Meanwhile, Beardo was running. He paused to catch his breath, and bumped into Sky.
"You ok?"
Beardo made a bell whistle noise.
"Did you not get any balloons?"
Beardo pointed to his afro, and pulled out two balloons.
"Crafty!" Sky complimented. Beardo beamed, then suddenly, Rodney ambushed them. Sky ended up getting hit with mustard, but Beardo had hit Rodney with a live snake from the ground.
Rodney: You can't throw snakes at people! Unless they're in a balloon, then it's okay.
Beardo: But just to be sure he's out..."
End Confessional
Rodney was doused in soy sauce.
"Rodney and Sky are OUT!"  Chris announced.
Max had taken Moth and Scarlett to a secluded area of the woods to begin a plan. "I'm going to explain to you worthless minions how this will work. Firstly, you two are going to act as sacrifices. Then, I shall attack our adversaries, and my SUPREME EVIL will defeat them!" He cackled at his 'genius'. Moth and Scarlett rolled their eyes.
"First, minions, we shall defeat that sunglasses freak, then-"
But Moth had had enough. "I am not a FREAK!" She screamed at him. Leaning back, she slapped him in the face so hard, he was knocked out. Scarlett tried to balloon her, but Moth held her wrist. "Don't even try." Moth got the upper hand, hitting both Scarlett and Max with relish and jelly. She disappeared behind a tree, hearing footsteps. Ella, a teammate. Moth reappeared beside her, and the two started talking, then Jasmine swung by on a vine, hitting Ella with watermelon seeds. Moth ran off, luckily avoiding getting hit.
"Max, Scarlett and Ella are OUT! Bass are in the lead by 1!"
Elsewhere, Samey had gone with Amy, much to Samey's objections. She was so preoccupied, she didn't notice Topher a few minutes ahead of her. The three suddenly noticed Dave, looking scared. Topher went for a shot, missing by an inch. Dave stepped up, and tried to eliminate someone, but he missed. Samey and Amy fired their three balloons. Amy's missed, but Samey's balloon barely hit Dave, spraying him with itching powder. He screamed and wailed, and ran off.
"Dave is OUT!" Chris chuckled.
"Nice one, Samey! You took out Dave single-handed!" Topher told her. Beaming with pride, Samey was then pushed over by Amy.
"Um, hello? I was the one who took him out, not Samey!"
"I think he can tell you two apart, mate, and he saw what I saw." Jasmine and Blais came from behind a tree. "Should we travel together? Safety in numbers."
Suddenly, Beardo came from out of NOWHERE, eliminating Jasmine and Topher. Blais was long gone, and poor Beardo, consumed with a frenzy, accidentally popped his own balloon, covering himself with ice water. Shivering, he made a 'whomp whomp whomp' noise, and left.
"Beardo, Topher, and Jasmine are eliminated! That only leaves the twins, Blais, Moth, and Shawn!"
The twins and the eliminated Topher and Jasmine noticed Shawn's hiding spot under a cliff.  Blais had spotted Moth, and the two were battling elsewhere. "We only have one shot. Make it count, Samey." Jasmine told her friend. Samey turned to Topher and Jasmine. "One of you should take the shot, I don't wanna screw it up."
"Which she would." Her sister whispered.
"We can't do it, mate, we're out!"
"Go on and take the shot, Samey. I believe in you." Topher told her.
Amy suddenly tried to tug the balloon away from Samey.
"Amy, what're you DOING?" Topher asked.
"Let go, Samey! It's mine!"
"Mates, we gotta be careful, otherwise-"
She was cut off as the balloon popped, spilling paint on the sisters. Shawn looked up from his hiding spot to see them. "You guys almost had me! Maybe next time. Huh?"
Paint spilt from the cliff, splattering the zombie nut.
And Amy, Samey, and Shawn are OUT!"
The zombie nut groaned as he joined the eliminated contestants back by Chris. They waited tense, and out came Moth and Blais with a balloon each. They stood back to back, and it became clear: they were going to do a Western-style duel.
"Beardo, music."
Beardo began doing a duel beat, Blais and Moth took 10 steps, and prepared to fire.
"Just like old times, eh, Moth?"
"Just like old times."
A tumbleweed rolled by, and Beardo made a countdown noise, then a starter pistol noise. Blais and Moth turned to fire...

Blais sighed, defeated. Covered in unknown liquid, he went to his team.
"Sorry, guys. I messed up." His team shot him a dirty look.
After the challenge, Samey was walking with Jasmine. Samey was recounting all the times Amy had tortured her.
"Whenever I had something she wanted, she just...took it."
"Mate, I'm really sorry for what you had to go through." Suddenly, an apple fell off a tree, hitting Jasmine on the head. She widened her eyes. "Isn't that a..."
"Manchineel Fruit?" Samey finished for her. An idea struck the two, from the top of the tree the fruit fell on, sat Blais. He reached into a hole, pulling something out. He leapt off the tree and went to elimination.
Blais: This is gonna be fun...
End Confessional
Samey was about to take a bite from an apple, when it was snatched from her hands by Amy.
"Give me that!" as she took a bite.
"You don't need this, and I've talked to the team. You're done. Enjoy bring slingshot food, Samey!" She walked off, laughing.
Samey's hand itched for a moment. "And you enjoy that apple..."
"Screaming Gophers, welcome to your very first elimination! Marshmallow means you're safe, no marshmallow means the Slingshot of Shame! You all cast the votes, now let's see the outcome!" Chris chuckled. The Gophers were defeated, Amy was itching at her throat a lot for some reason.
"Following players are safe...
Jasmine, Scarlett, Max, Rodney, and Topher! Which leaves the twins and Blais!
Blais, you totally blew you're chance duelling Moth.
Amy, you seem more interested in being mean instead of playing the game." Amy scratched her throat, begging for help indistinctly, but Chris shushed her.
"Samey, you blew the challenge for your team, and you're really hated on your team."
Amy was screaming now.
"I can't really understand you're saying, Samey. Sounds important, but it doesn't matter, 'cause...YOU'VE BEEN VOTED OFF!"
Blais and Samey claimed their marshmallows, as Amy screamed.
Chef took her to the Slingshot, as she screamed, but no one understood her.
"Buh bye, Samey!" Have a nice flight!"
Amy screamed as Chris fired her off the island.
Samey: She has had it coming for YEARS! I guess Twinning isn't EVERYTHING! You could call us..."She folded her arms and grinned. "Twisted Sisters!"
Jasmine: Ah, good for Samey! She's free!
Blais: You're welcome...
End Confessional
The Gophers sat around the fire, talking about Amy.
"Samey was a bit...odd." Rodney chuckled.
"All bark, no bite." Blais added.
"Jealousy is the LOWEST form of EVIL!" Max laughed.
The 7 went to their tree house, but Topher held Amy back.
"Oh, uh, hey Topher. What's up?"
"I know it's you, Samey. And I just wanna-"
He closed his lips around hers, locking her into a kiss.
"I've loved you since we met, on that plane. When you were eliminated last time, a part of me was eliminated, too. And when I coached you through hitting Shawn today, I couldn't ignore my feelings."
Samey gasped softly, the two smiled, and went to bed.
Chris was watching them with a bunch of cameras and monitors.
"Wow, now that's crazy! I didn't think Topher cared for anyone except himself or his looks! How will this discovery blow up with the Gophers? And will the Bass keep winning challenges? So far, we've lost Harry Potter, Miss Piggy, and a Cheerleading Queen. Three players in a game I'd NEVER want to play! But tune in next time to see who'll survive the ring, and who'll go fling, on TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!"

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