Chapter 13: Debts, Bets, and a Million Regrets

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Chapter 13: Debts, Bets, and a Million Regrets.
Last time on Total Drama Pahkitew Island 2, we got to see into the heads of our final 4 to make a challenge. Sammy's hurdles and Moths obstacle course proved strength, Amy's talent show proved Moth was willing to sacrifice herself for her friend, and Blais's challenge proved that bald is beautiful, Amy!
After a long season, we have our finalists. Who's gonna win? Sammy, the underdog twin, or Blais, the underdog one-arm?
This finale might just cross the line, but it's time! Time for the final episode of...TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!
(Authors Note: As a special little treat for sticking with me until the end, I am actually gonna show you the 'Opening Scene' of the season. So here you go!)
(Shows shots of cameras popping up in a tree, one under the ground, and one in a bush.)
(We then see Ella humming a merry tune, walking next to an annoyed Sugar, who pushes her into a bush. Sky helps her out of the bush, while Beardo and Leonard harass Chris. He is watched by Jasmine and Shawn. Rodney attempts to give Scarlett flowers, but she knocks them out of his hands and ducks when a large robot Max has explodes.
Dave pops his head into the Bass cave, he then sees Moth throwing daggers and Blais attempting to light a fire. The fire then fizzles out to reveal the campfire scene, where Topher and Sammy are smiling, about to kiss, until Amy dumps water on Sammy's head, and stares dreamily at Topher while he is shocked.)
And now onto our regularly scheduled program!
Sammy and Blais both lay awake in their treehouse, unable to fall asleep.
Sammy: It's quiet...too quiet. I just can't sleep!
Blais: Having only one arm makes sleeping really uncomfortable. Maybe I should've sued Chris...
End Confessional
As the sun rose over the horizon, Chris blasted his air horn, awakening the two finalists.
"Enough resting! Sammy and One-Arm, it's finale time!"
The two of them groaned and left for the challenge.
"Greetings finalists. Today is the day that one of your lives will change forever with a million dollars! But first, you can each choose 2 ex-contestants to assist you in the challenge!
Sammy: Moth would be a DEFINITE choice, but she's more of a Blais supporter. Hm...
Blais:  My pick on a physical choice? Moth, Jasmine, Shawn, Sky, Scarlett, Sugar, Topher, Rodney, Ella, Amy, Beardo, Max, Dave...ANYONE but Leonard!
End Confessional
"I choose-" Sammy said
"Choose? No, no, no."
"But you asked us who we-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I did it to be mean. Your real helpers will be chosen by this machine. Just push the button when two candidates flash on screen, AND, you are able to pass and spin again."
A TV was brought out as Sammy and Blais received a remote each. The TV flashed the contestants on screen, as a nervous Sammy pushed the button.
"Scarlett and Amy!"
Sammy cringed. "I'll-spin again... not really eager to team up with my sister and my attempted killer..."
"Fair point. Your helpers will be..." as Sammy spun again. "Topher and Amy! Not bad.
One-Arm, you're up."
"Yes! No! Uh, yes! No! Oh, wait YES!" He pushed the button to reveal Moth and Dave.
"I'll stick with them. If I rerolled, it could be worse."
"Very true." Chris laughed.
A plane came flying in, as the four helpers got out, as well as all the other ex-contestants. Another TV showed Scarlett imprisoned.
Topher gave Sammy a hug. "Miss me?"
The two of them kissed, as Amy watched jealously.
"Hey, baldy!" Sammy bit back a laugh.
Amy growled at that, as Moth and Blais chuckled.
"So, Dave, you think you can help me win a million bucks?"
"YEAH! I'll be all the arms you need! Oh...I didn't mean it like that!"
"AHEM! We good to proceed? AWESOME!" Chris asked. "Let me introduce you to...THE PAHKI-GAUNTLET!
Part 1 of the challenge? A race down a snowy mountain with a build-your-own vehicle."
"That's it?" Dave asked.
"Featuring some robotic crocodiles and other surprises!"
"Oh. Yeah. Right." Dave chuckled.
"The second part is a butter pit, too deep and too big. So, one of your helpers has gotta piggyback you. And in case you're wondering, we have snorkels, in case somebody dies."
"Good. I REALLY don't need to lose any more limbs." Blais chuckled.
"Shut up, One-Arm. The last part of the challenge is a footrace all the way to the finish line, where I can guarantee NO harm will come to you!"
Chris and Chef howled with laughter for a while.
"Oh, man! This never gets old. Anywho, time for the challenge. Good luck out there, you kids will need it!"
A helicopter arrived to take the finalists and the helpers up the mountain, almost immediately being swarmed by the robot crocodiles.
"No time to build, let's get going!" Topher jumped onto a pair of skis, and the twins held onto him as they skied down the mountain.
Moth growled her anger. "This is not how Moth goes down!"
"Let's just do what they did! Hop on!" Blais encouraged. Dave was sceptical, but he was dragged on by Moth, and the three of them followed Sammy and company, as more robot crocodiles waited at the base of the mountain.
"Woohoo! Next stop: a million dollars!" Sammy cheered.
The trio hadn't noticed a mogul lying sneakily near the bottom of the mountain. They rammed straight through it to an explosion.
"What the heck was that?" Topher wondered.
"I promised SURPRISES!" Chris laughed, causing more explosions.
"They keep hitting moguls! We've gotta go around them though!" Moth said. "We're too light!"
"If they can do it, so can we!" Dave laughed.
"Dave! NO!"
Blais and his helpers rammed straight into the first mogul, the skis half bent from the crash. The team rolled into a giant snowball, popping their heads up.
"Ugh, come on. We can do this!" Moth tried to get out.
"You know Dave, I thought you'd be in tears by now. Why aren't you?" Blais questioned.
"Well, after Moth.,,you know, I moved on from it. I was able to right everything I did wrong."
"So, you're sane now?" Moth laughed.
"Yeah, pretty much."
Blais suddenly popped out of the ice ball.
"What the-how'd you get out?" Dave asked him.
"Having one arm makes it really easy to get out of tight spots."
"Listen, Blais. You've gotta get moving. Sammy's MILES ahead of you!" Moth told him.
"But the butter pit! He'll never make it!" Dave cried.
"Yes, I will."
And with little difficulty, Blais ran for the butter pit, where Sammy was.
"Here we go! Sammy and helpers Topher and Amy just gotta cross this gigantic pit of tasty dairy to make it to the other side."
"I'm sorry, there is NO way I'm doing that!" Amy complained. "I'm gonna go cheer with those other LOSERS for Blais!"
"Fine, be my guest. I don't even want you here anyway, baldy." Sammy laughed.
Amy glared for a minute, then sat down next to the screen that showed Scarlett.
"So, how's prison?"
"Shut up and go away." was the bitter response from Scarlett.
Topher piggybacked Sammy through the thick butter pit, as Blais finally arrived at the pit.
"Ok, Blais. You can do this. You've gotten out of stickier situations...and a few sticky relationships. Like that chick from Newfoundland! Or..." He gulped. "Cora..."
Suddenly, Sugar popped out of the butter pit, startling him.
"Sugar! What are you DOING?"
"Oh, please. This is just like Christmas! Butter under the tree, but I once got a packet of marmalade, and...not pretty."
"Yeah, well, um, listen. My helpers are stuck. Could you maybe, I don't me across?"
"Shoot. Yeah, of course I could. Hop on the Sugar Express, One-Arm!"
Blais hopped on Sugar's back, and she dove underneath the butter, catching up to Sammy almost instantly.
Blais: Am I grateful for the help? Of course! Do I plan on splitting the cash with Sugar! Of course NOT! She's fat and ugly. HOW she made it to the final 3 last time is!
End Confessional
Topher's constant complaints about his looks was getting to Sammy a little.
"The butter just sort of...isn't that great of a cream. Hey, babe?"
"Yeah, yeah. We're almost there."
"Hey, fellow finalist! How you doing?" Blais laughed.
"Good! You?"
"Are you...are you riding on Sugar's back?"
"My helpers got a little...stuck. Not my first choice, but..."
A hatch opened up, and the crocodiles started swarming the finalists and helpers.
Underneath the butter, Sugar was fighting off the crocodiles. She suddenly felt funny.
"Uh-oh. Too much butter..."
She burped a loud burp, frying one of them into an explosion, propelling the finalists, Sugar, and Topher onto the other side.
They sat up, dazed as Chris flew in from a helicopter to face them.
"You know something, guys? This is supposed to be a BRAND NEW season, but instead, it's just like a rewritten version of the original! And I DON'T LIKE IT!
So, because I'm BORED, Sammy and Blais, you two will have 10 minutes to finish this challenge! If ya don't, your four helpers get to split the million dollars!"
The finalists gasped as Chris handed a controller each to the helpers.
"Do we HAVE to do this?" Dave asked.
"Not if you don't want to win a quarter of a million bucks!" Chris responded.
Topher: I don't want to hurt Sammy...but I DO want to make sure Blais loses...I don't know what to do...
Moth: The way I see it, I'll play along with Chris for now. Generate a few small explosions, a fallen tree or two...what is WRONG with me?!?
Dave: I went down this path once. It didn't go so well.
Amy: This is gonna be FUN...
End Confessional
Sammy and Blais ran as Amy started cooking up hell for them. All around the island, explosions were happening, bushes were popping up as obstacles, and of course...
"ROCKET TREES? Just what I wanted: to lose my other arm!" Blais sighed.
Amy was going full Fortnite sweat, Moth was matching her pace, and Dave and Topher were occasionally pushing a button.
"Come ON! You two have to TRY in order for us to WIN!" Amy complained, fully focused on the task at hand. "And if you don't, you don't DESERVE the money!"
The other contestants watched from the helicopter, as the island started malfunctioning. The rocket trees Amy was setting off were rocking the helicopter violently.
"This is CRAZY!" Sky commented.
"Just a few more minutes, and it'll be over, mate!" Jasmine reassured her.
Indeed, Sammy and Blais only had 3 minutes remaining in the challenge.
"I'm gonna make it!" Sammy noticed the finish line.
"Not before me! If I can win this, maybe me and Cora still have a shot!" Blais chuckled.
Moth put down her controller at that, as did Topher. Dave took a second, then threw his down on the ground, shattering it into a million pieces.
"Hey, wait! WHAT are you doing? We can still win!"
"Amy, it's over. Can't you just be happy for them?" Topher asked.
"Well, thats bad news for them!"
"What do you mean?"
Suddenly, a giant mountain erupted underneath the two finalists. They stared at the place they just were.
"Aw, s***!" Blais's voice echoed throughout the mountain.
The others gasped, as Chris appeared on the helicopter.
"One minute remaining! I repeat, ONE MINUTE REMAINING!"
The two finalists stared at each other.
"Well...I guess that's it then, huh?" Sammy said, sitting down. "Guess our friends'll get the money. Good for them."
Topher, Dave, and Moth smiled at that.
"Yeah, well, at least someone's happy." Blais sighed, sitting down next to her,
"What do you mean?"
"Sammy..,I lost everything. I lost my girlfriend, my apartment, my arm. I'm done here." He stood up. "What do you say? You wanna grab a coffee?"
From the bottom of the mountain, Amy growled. "No. No, no, no, no! This is my chance."
"Chance for what, Amy? We won!" Dave exclaimed.
"No! Until my sister is OUT OF MY LIFE!"
"Um...what's happening?" Blais screamed, as the mountain shook.
"I'm not sure!" Sammy yelled back.
The mountain dissolved around them, and they looked at each other in mid air before falling, sending the finalists to be buried in an avalanche.
"SAMMY!" Topher screamed.
"10...9...8...7...6...5....4...3...2...1...GAME OVER!" Chris blasted an air horn, ending the challenge. "You four helpers just won a MILLION DOLLARS!"
"Are they ok?" Dave wondered.
"Who CARES? We won!" Amy celebrated.
"Yes, yes. REVENGE is sweet...hold on a moment, what have we here?"
The ex-contestants and helpers watched as a hand burst from the snowy ground. And that hand was...SAMMY'S!
"NO WAY!" Everyone screamed in unison.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Amy screamed as Topher ran for the wreckage. Helping Sammy to her feet, he kissed her.
"What happened?"
"You won. Babe, you WON!"
The two smiled with glee at that.
"Hey, congrats!" Moth and Dave shook Sammy's hand, then sanitized his own.
Suddenly, Blais also burst out of the snow.
"D-Did I win?"
He turned to see Chris with a suitcase containing the prize money, and Topher and Sammy kissing.
Blais groaned, Moth helping him up.
Sammy now stood in the helicopter with the case, Topher beside her.
"We still getting that coffee, right?" Blais asked.
"Well, we'll see ya around."
"You're not coming back with us?" Jasmine asked.
"That's our ride over there." Moth pointed to another helicopter, a boy piloting it. A girl sat in the passenger seat, and another boy hanging on for dear life by a rope.
"I LOVE this JOB!" The boy laughed, and without a word, Blais and Moth jumped into the helicopter, and were gone.
Chris laughed.
"Well, that's our season 7! BUT! That is NOT the end of Total Drama! More is coming, so stick around to see...TOTAL DRAMA...REBOOT OF THE ISLAND!
Until then, I'm Chris McLean-"
"And Topher. And Topher!" Topher chuckled.
"You know what, kid? Do the end. You deserve it."
"Really? Well, then, just keep your eyes peeled for some more...TOTAL DRAMA!"
"Not bad, kid. Hey, are we...forgetting someone?"
Sammy smirked. "I don't think so..."
Back on the island, Amy sat on the log, crying.
"Well, at least things can only go up from here."
She turned around to see a robot crocodile.

Alternate Ending: Blais wins.
"Well...I guess that's it then, huh?" Sammy said, sitting down. "Guess our friends'll get the money. Good for them."
Topher, Dave, and Moth smiled at that.
"Yeah, well, at least someone's happy." Blais sighed, sitting down next to her,
"What do you mean?"
"Sammy..,I lost everything. I lost my girlfriend, my apartment, my arm. I'm done here." He stood up. "What do you say? You wanna grab a coffee?"
From the bottom of the mountain, Amy growled. "No. No, no, no, no! This is my chance."
"Chance for what, Amy? We won!" Dave exclaimed.
"No! Until my sister is OUT OF MY LIFE!"
"Um...what's happening?" Blais screamed, as the mountain shook.
"I'm not sure!" Sammy yelled back.
The mountain dissolved around them, and they looked at each other in mid air before falling, sending the finalists to be buried in an avalanche.
"SAMMY!" Topher screamed.
"10...9...8...7...6...5....4...3...2...1...GAME OVER!" Chris blasted an air horn, ending the challenge. "You four helpers just won a MILLION DOLLARS!"
"Are they ok?" Dave wondered.
"Who CARES? We won!" Amy celebrated.
"Yes, yes. REVENGE is sweet...hold on a moment, what have we here?"
The ex-contestants and helpers watched as a hand burst from the snowy ground. And that hand was...BLAIS'S!
"NO WAY!" Everyone screamed in unison.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Amy screamed as Moth and Dave saved Blais from the ruins.
"You won, dude!" Dave chuckled.
"I won? I WON? Me, ONE-ARM? This is...AWESOME!"
"Hey, congrats!" Topher shook his hand, and freed Sammy.
"D-Did I win?" Sammy asked deliriously.
She turned to see Blais be handed the suitcase by Chris.
Blais now stood in the helicopter with the case, Moth beside him.
"We still getting that coffee, right?" Sammy asked.
"Well, we'll see ya around." Moth said.
"You're not coming back with us?" Jasmine asked.
"That's our ride over there." Moth pointed to another helicopter, a boy piloting it. A girl sat in the passenger seat, and another boy hanging on for dear life by a rope.
"I LOVE this JOB!" The boy laughed, and without a word, Blais and Moth jumped into the helicopter with the case, and were gone.
Chris laughed.
"Well, that's our season 7! BUT! That is NOT the end of Total Drama! More is coming, so stick around to see...TOTAL DRAMA...REBOOT OF THE ISLAND!
Until then, I'm Chris McLean-"
"And Topher. And Topher!" Topher chuckled.
"You know what, kid? Do the end. You deserve it."
"Really? Well, then, just keep your eyes peeled for some more...TOTAL DRAMA!"
"Not bad, kid. Hey, are we...forgetting someone?"
Sammy smirked. "I don't think so..."
Back on the island, Amy sat on the log, crying.
"Well, at least things can only go up from here."
She turned around to see a robot crocodile.

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