Chaapter 4: Truth or Scare

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Chapter 4: Truth or Scare
Last time on Total Drama, Pahkitew Island 2, we burst a few bubbles with a game of Doom Balloons. Moth went loco on Max and Scarlett, after Max's evilness was pissing her off, Beardo was quite crafty, and Amy tried to blame Samey for the Gophers first loss. It wasn't until after a seemingly random Manchineel fruit did Samey eliminate Amy instead. Yeah, I'm watching you, Blais! Man, he and Moth are crazy! And lastly, we had a bit of unexpected kissing from Samey and Topher.
Will someone get unfairly kicked off today? No clue, but anythings possible, here on...TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!
(Opening Scene)
Samey woke up suddenly, It was about the crack of dawn. She stepped onto the balcony to find Topher. He turned around to face her, smiling.
"Hey. Um... I just wanted to, clear things up from last night-"
Samey was cut off as Topher pulled her into a kiss, from the top of the treehouse, Jasmine watched the two, smiling.
Jasmine: Aw, I guess Samey and that Pretty-Boy Topher are together? Adorable!
Blais: Wow, that escalated quickly! And all because she poisoned Amy.
End Confessional
Chuckling, he noticed his team foraging, and soon, he joined the 5 of them for a bit of breakfast.
"And where have you been?" Scarlett asked him.
"Nowhere of interest."
Meanwhile, Moth and the Bass were in their cave, feasting on a few berries Shawn had found.
They all went to their challenge, but Moth stayed back a minute. Smirking, she reached behind a rock, pulling out the Chris Head.
Suddenly, she heard a slight gasp behind her. Whirling around, she found Ella.
"Moth, you found-you kept-"
Moth shushed her. "I'll give you it, if you don't say a word."
Ella agreed, taking it, and the two ladies left for the challenge.
The 13 contestants sat on a wooden log, one per team. In the middle, stood Chris with two remotes, and a large scoreboard.
"Contestants, it's time for a trust building challenge! Let's see which of you can or can't handle the...SHOCK of lying!"
"What do you mean, shock? And um, what are these metal collars you're putting on us?" Dave asked, Chef affixing a collar to every contestant.
Chris pushed a remote, and the Gophers were electrocuted.
"Better them than us." Sky whispered.
"Get a Halo, you'll tell us something either embarrassing, or REVEALING! Get a Demon Face, you'll have to do a HORRIFIC challenge!
"How will you know if we're telling the truth?"
"This lie detector!" Chris pulled out a device. "If it beeps, you're lying!"
The wheel spun, landing on Beardo.
"Beardo has gotten a Truth! Beardo, why do you constantly make noises?"
His team stared at the boy, who sighed.
"I got really bad social anxiety, y'all. Not so good at making friends, use the noises to express myself."
"That was true! And pathetic!" Chris said. "Bass win a point!"
"Next up...Amy! Doing-another Truth!" Samey waited, tense.
"Who do you HATE the most on the planet?
Amy shook. Her team stared at her.
"Times ticking!"
"Ok,ok! The person I hate most is...Amy!"
Nobody said anything.
"You hate yourself? Deep." Rodney said.
"Normally, hating yourself is self-evil than EVIL!" Max muttered. "I pity you."
"Guys, I can explain!" Topher said.
"Topher, no, I can-"
"The truth is, Samey is-not your fault, Amy. You can't blame yourself for her shortcomings."
"Ok, that's adorable, and you weren't lying. Tie game!" Chris announced.
"Ok, I got nothing to hide!"
"Doing a Scare! Dave, all you have to do is-"
Dave looked nervous.
"Dave, for a Scare, you must-lick Chef's toes!"
Dave looked repulsed, as did Chef, but he went along with it.
Dave bent down on the ground.
"I just-can't." He gagged, and puked, getting zapped in the process.
"Rodney, a Truth! If you had to save one teammate, who would it be?"
"Uh, I, um..." He took too long, so the Gophers were shocked.
"Max, another Truth: Do you enjoy babysitting?"
"Absolutely NOT!"
The Gophers team was shocked once again, as Topher stood up,
"Not questioning the hosting skills, but Max and Rodney lied, not us!"
"Don't care. Rodney, again, who is the most ATTRACTIVE girl on this island."
"Um..I-I, ah!" as the Gophers were shocked yet again.
"Ok, Bass: Sky, for a Scare: Eat a live tarantula!"
The tarantula was brought out. Without hesitation, she gulped it down.
"Bass in the lead by 1!"
"Moth, another Scare!"
"Bring it on!"
"Break your sunglasses!"
"Easy!" Dave told her. "They're just sunglasses."
Moth glared at him. Blais gasped.
"Dave, I wouldn't..."
"Oh, come on. Is is THAT big of a deal?" he asked.
"THAT'S IT! COME HERE, YOU GERMAPHOBIC, SON OF A-" Sky and Shawn held Moth back from him. Moth shook for a moment, then put her hand to her face, shakily attempting to take her sunglasses off, revealing grey eyes. Without a word, Blais immediately stood up to help her.
"See you on the other side."
And with one hand, she crushed her sunglasses, dropping the pieces to the ground.
"Bass are now at a 3-1 lead!"
"Ella, a Truth: Do you currently have an immunity idol?"
The Bass team were electrocuted, as Blais gasped.
"Ok,teams, I'm going to make this interesting! Two people from every team go head to head: one Truth, one Scare in the Lightning Round!"
For the Bass, we have...Ella and Moth! And for the Gophers, we have...Rodney and Blais!"
"Not AGAIN!" Max complained.
"Hey, let's show some support!" Jasmine coached.
"Decide who does the Truth, and who does the Scare!" Chris laughed.
"Not another Truth question, PLEASE!" Rodney begged Blais.
Moth asked to face Blais, and Ella agreed.
"Rodney and Ella, you two need to untie these bags to find the other teams's shock remotes. You two can begin...NOW!"
Rodney and Ella began untying the ropes.
"My fingers are too big!" Rodney complained, Blais facepalmed.
Blais: I could've done that, and then we'd have a tiebreaker! But no! Rodney just HAD to guilt me. And now we're BOTH in trouble.
End Confessional
"I undid mine easily enough. Do you need help?" Ella asked him.
"Ella, you have the remote. Push the button, and you can get a point!"
"Oh, but I can't! It's just too mean! Who could do such a-"
Ella was cut off as Moth snatched the remote and pushed it, shocking the Gophers.
"And lastly, Moth and Blais, a Truth: What are your real names?"
"Our what?"
"Your real names. 'Cause, lets face it, theres no way your real names are Blais and Moth."
"We choose not to answer that." Both of them said at the same time.
"Ok, your choice. In that case, THE KILLER BASS WIN!"
As they cheered, the Gophers shot dirty looks at Rodney and Blais.
The Gophers were walking to elimination, having casted their votes, when Moth pulled Blais behind a bush.
"The statue Ella has is fake."
"I know. And the only reason the lie detector didn't go off, is because everyone thinks it's real."
"Two down, one to go."
Blais took his seat, as Chris laughed.
"Screaming Gophers, second time in a row. You've all cast the votes, and the following players are safe...
Jasmine, Scarlett, Amy, Topher, and Max. That leaves Blais and Rodney.
You both failed the tiebreakers, but without further ado, the last marshmallow goes to...."
The two boys stared at the marshmallow...

Blais chuckled, as Rodney sighed.
"I'm not shocked I'm leaving. I screwed up. But-"
He was cut off as Chef picked him up and took him to the Slingshot of Shame. Rodney said nothing, as Chris fired him off.
"Farm boy was one of our weakest links." Jasmine said. Scarlett and Samey agreed.
"What is his deal? Like, it's just creepy. The way he falls in love with every woman he lay's eyes on." Topher said.
"We shouldn't worry about that. What we should be worrying about is our next challenge." Blais intervened.
"I hear you, mate."
The Gophers went to bed, but Max stopped Blais.
"My EVILLL, and your traps, will prove to be quite the force. You have proven yourself to be un-useless, and are worthy of being my new SIDEKICK!"
Max went off to bed, but Blais waited. He noticed a cameraperson, beckoning him closer.
"SIDEKICK?!? That little twerp just made Blais angry. And nobody likes Blais ANGRY!"
He went off to bed, as Chris chuckled.
"I really have no idea what Blais's deal is, but at least. the woman can sleep easier tonight! Ha! But at least Rodney won't be missed! On TOTAL DRAMA PAHKITEW ISLAND 2!

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